见证中国:从改革开放到新时代(英文 平装)

包邮见证中国:从改革开放到新时代(英文 平装)

1星价 ¥57.0 (7.1折)
2星价¥57.0 定价¥80.0
  • ISBN:9787119131993
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:234
  • 出版时间:2022-12-01
  • 条形码:9787119131993 ; 978-7-119-13199-3


“见证中国”,是作者阿德里亚诺?马达罗半个世纪以来所做的一项*重要的工作。216次的中国之行,半个世纪经历的分享,从一个意大利人的视角出发,实地考察、思考和实践.带领读者跨越时空,深入中国内部,体验*真实的中国,表达真切的中国感受。 Witnessing China has been the most important job for the author Adriano Madaro in the past half century, during which he made a total of 216 trips to the country. He shares what he sees as an Italian, without Western bias, arrogance, or a condescending tone. Through field visits, reflection and practice, the author takes readers into the real China, and shares with them what he genuinely feels about the country and its people.


Chapter One From the Ancient Silk Road to the Belt and Road Initiative
Seeing is believing
Legend of the Silk Road
From Italy to China
Belt and Road—A rediscovery of the ancient Silk Road
Chapter Two Dawn of Reform and Opening up: China in Progress
A dream fulfilled
The first encounter with Beijing, my new "hometown
My closest friend in Beijing
The story of Beijing roast duck
Italian-style street in Tianjin
Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge
Happy encounter on "Shanghai Express
Shanghai, its past and present
Xi'an, long-lasting peace and stability
Kunming, joyous all the way
Cheering for Italian football team in Guangzhou
Inner Mongolia, home on the grasslands
Lhasa in Tibet connected to Heaven
Xinjiang, paradise on the border
Chapter Three A Brand-new China
Listening to rock & roll in Beijing
Reform and opening up–the unique Chinese development model
“The pain of transformation
Hangzhou—pink lotus blossoms take from sunshine a new dye
Shaoxing–I'm back home
Yangzhou–the footprints of the Venetians
Shenyang–demolish & establish
Changchun–the glory of reform
Hunchun–the future of economic development
Hainan–the paradise-like free port
Chapter Four The Chinese Dream of National Rejuvenation
The Chinese dream
Vibrant Shanghai
The answer of Shenzhen
The success and prospect of reform and opening up
The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics
The Belt and Road—the “New Silk Road”
China's pledge to the world
Chinese in the new era
Defend the blue sky and defeat the epidemic
Defend the territorial integrity
Chinese speed in the development of Internet
World-leading technology


阿德里亚诺·马达罗(Adriano Madaro)意大利汉学家、记者、作家、摄影师,世界著名中国问题专家。他今年78岁,1976年**次到访中国,是中国改革开放前夕**个以私人记者身份来华采访的西方人士,至今已来华200多次,足迹遍及中国各地,被称为“现代马可·波罗”,也被中国读者亲昵地称为“老马”。他拍摄了中国各地的彩色照片4万余幅,出版多部关于中国历史、文化方面的著作。

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