

¥27.9 (7.8折) ?
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  • ISBN:9787560664873
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:122页
  • 出版时间:2022-12-01
  • 条形码:9787560664873 ; 978-7-5606-6487-3


This book gives a systematical and comprehensive introduction to the knowledge related to Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining processing and programming basics, the principles of CNC operation, and the mechanical structure of CNC machine tool. The book consists of five modules, including technology foundations, programming, operation, preparation and inspection, and maintenance of machining center. The book offers a rich collection of selected cases which combine practicality and fun, focuses on “case-scenario instruction and project-driven learning” and cultivation of application ability. This series of textbooks can be used by colleges and universities, vocational colleges, open university, and various training schools in their programs like mechanical design and manufacturing, CNC technology, moldule design and manufacturing, and mechatronics.


Module 1 Technology Foundations of Machining Center 1 Task 1 Introduction of CNC Machining Center 1 Task 2 Reading and Plotting of Production Part Drawings 8 Task 3 Basic Techniques Analysis of Machining Center 13 Task 4 Instruction on Measuring Tools in Machining Center 29 Task 5 Basic Mold Fixtures and its Usage Methods 43 Task 6 Installation and Adjustment of Basic Cutting Tools in Machining Center 49 Module 2 Basic Programming in Machining Center 54 Task 1 Geometric Coordinate System of the Machine Tool in Machining Center 54 Task 2 Basic Manual Programming in Machining Center 60 Module 3 Basic Operation of Machining Center 77 Task 1 Use of the Operation Panel of Machining Center 77 Task 2 Basic Operation Requirement of Machining Center 81 Task 3 Inputting and Editing of CNC Machining Program 87 Task 4 Tool Setting of Machining Center 92 Task 5 Debugging and Operation of CNC Machining Program 103 Module 4 Basic Preparation and Inspection of Machining Center 106 Task 1 Preparation on Operation 106 Task 2 Dimensional Accuracy Control in Plain Milling 111 Module 5 Basic Maintenance of Machining Center 119 Task 1 Maintenance Routine of Machining Center 119 Task 2 Maintenance System of Machining Center 121

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