  • ISBN:9787544670456
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:17cm
  • 页数:305页
  • 出版时间:2022-11-01
  • 条形码:9787544670456 ; 978-7-5446-7045-6




【目录】 字母表 土耳其语语音 Ders 1 Merhaba! / Hello! / 你好! Ders 2 Tan??t???m?za memnun oldum! / Nice to meet you! / 很高兴认识你! Ders 3 Ailem / My family / 我的家庭 Ders 4 Ne kadar / How many / 多少 Ders 5 D?? g?rünü? / Appearance / 外表 Ders 6 Evim / My apartment / 我的家 Ders 7 Formu doldurma / Filling out a form / 填表 Ders 8 ?? / Work / 工作 Ders 9 Günlük hayat / Daily life / 日常生活 Ders 10 Okulda / At school / 在学校 Ders 11 Bo? zamanlar / Spare time / 业余时间 Ders 12 Saat ka?? / What time is it? / 现在几点了? Ders 13 Telefonda konu?ma / Speaking on the phone / 打电话 Ders 14 Davet etme / Making invitation / 邀请 Ders 15 Yol/Y?n sorma / Asking for directions / 问路 Ders 16 Yemek sipari? etme / Ordering a meal / 点餐 Ders 17 Misafirlik / Visit / 做客 Ders 18 Plan / Plan / 计划 Ders 19 Otelde / In a hotel / 在酒店 Ders 20 D?viz bozdurma / Foreign currency exchange / 兑换外币 Ders 21 Al??veri? / Shopping / 购物 Ders 22 Ula??m / Transport / 交通 Ders 23 Arkada?larla bulu?ma / Meeting with friends / 和朋友见面 Ders 24 Bayram / Festival / 节日 Ders 25 Hava ve mevsim / Weather and season / 天气和季节 Ders 26 Doktor muayenehanesinde / At the doctor's / 看医生 Ders 27 Spor yapma / Doing sports / 做运动 Ders 28 Yiyecek ve i?ecek / Food and drink / 饮食 Ders 29 Yolculuk / Trip / 旅行 Ders 30 Acil durum / Emergency / 紧急情况 总词汇表

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