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  • ISBN:9787302624899
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:366页
  • 出版时间:2023-03-01
  • 条形码:9787302624899 ; 978-7-302-62489-9


随着国家推进“一带一路”建设,社会对大学生英语能力和跨文化交际能力的要求越来越高。了解西方社会与文化、开拓国际视野、去除文化交流障碍已成为英语学习者的基本需求。鉴于此,《英国社会与文化》以任务教学法和产出导向法为理论指导,倡导研究型学习,旨在深度解读英国独特的文明画卷和文化符号。 《英国社会与文化》依托学习者密切关注的英国社会文化内容,在扩大阅读输入、提高文本难度的同时,侧重于口语和写作的输出,组织学习者进行语言交际活动,既训练了语言技能,也丰富了跨文化知识,可谓一箭双雕、事半功倍。此外,教材还将价值塑造、知识传授和能力培养融为一体,可有效拓宽学习的广度和深度。


本书是《英国社会与文化》慕课的配套教材, 分10个章节, 重点介绍了文学巨匠和鸿篇巨著、重要历史人物和事件、交往的礼仪、广播报纸和电视、地理知识和旅游景点、体育运动和流行影视、君主立宪制、国民习惯和性格特征、独特的教育体系和知名学府、女性运动和伟大的女领导人等经典的社会文化现象, 着眼于中西文化差异, 旨在加深学习者对英国的风俗习惯、国民性格、生活方式、思维模式、价值观念、标准取向和民族发展史的认知和理解, 培养其对英国经典文学作品的阅读素养和鉴赏能力, 增强其英语综合运用能力、自主学习能力、批判性思维能力、国际视野以及跨文化交际意识。


Chapter 1 Literature-LiteraryGiants and Their Masterpieces Unit 1 Shakespeare, The Greatest Dramatist: Appreciation of His Comedies and Tragedies Text Ⅰ Why Study Shakespeare? Text Ⅱ On Shakespeare Unit 2 Great Authors and Their Novels of the Victorian Period Text Ⅰ Gender Roles in the 19th Century Text Ⅱ Charles Dickens' Gift of Giving Unit 3 Notable Poets of RomanticismmByron, Shelley and Keats Text Ⅰ Famous Last Words Text Ⅱ The Later Romantics: Shelley, Keats, and Byron Chapter2 History-Figures and Events of Significance Unit 1 King Arthur and William of Normandy: Early History of Britain and the French Influence Text Ⅰ King Arthur Text Ⅱ The Emergence of the British State Unit 2 King John and King Charles h Is King's Right Divine? Text Ⅰ King John Text Ⅱ Charles l Unit 3 Spanish Armada and the Two World Wars: The Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets Text Ⅰ Rivalry Between Britain and France Text Ⅱ The Battle of Britain Chapter 3 Communication-Etiquette Here and There Unit 1 English Weather-Speak: How to Talk About the Weather with the English Text Ⅰ Is the British Weather Unique in the World? Text Ⅱ Rules of English Weather-Speak Unit 2 Greetings and Goodbyes: How to Greet and Say Goodbye Text Ⅰ A Short Primer on British Social Etiquette Text Ⅱ English Etiquette Unit 3 English Pubs-How to Engage in Non-verbal and Verbal Communication Text Ⅰ Seven Differences Between American and British Pubs Text Ⅱ What Is Britain Without the Pub? Chapter 4 British Media-Broadcasting, Newspapers and Television Unit 1 The Broadcasting History of BBC Text Ⅰ The Growth of Alternative Media Text Ⅱ Swashbuckling Sounds: The History of Pirate Radio Stations Unit 2 Britain's Big Three: Quality or Popular Papers Text Ⅰ A History of the Broadsheet Newspaper Text Ⅱ The Era of the Press Barons Unit 3 Television: An Idiotic Thing? Text Ⅰ The Age of Show Business Text Ⅱ The Medium Is the Message Chapter 5 A Country of Countries-Geography and Tourist Attractions Unit 1 Geographical Divisions of United Kingdom Text Ⅰ The Differences Among the UK, Britain, Great Britain and England Text Ⅱ People and Language Unit 2 Historical Heritage and Landscape Text Ⅰ Stonehenge-Era Pig Roasts United Ancient Britain, Scientists Say Text Ⅱ The White Cliffs of Dover-Things to See and Do Unit 3 A Tour to Major Cities: Landmarks and Spectaculars Text Ⅰ Six of London's Best Small Museums and Why You Should Visit Them Now Text Ⅱ How to Experience Belfast's Cultural Scene like a Local Chapter 6 Entertainment-Sports, Movies and TV Series Unit 1 Sports: Widespread Participation Text Ⅰ Sports in the UK Text Ⅱ Association Football or Soccer Unit 2 What's So Fascinating of British Films? Text Ⅰ The Highest-Grossing British Films of All Time Text Ⅱ British Film History Unit 3 Charms of Popular TV Series-Sherlock, Downton Abbey and Doctor Who Text Ⅰ Best Films and TV Shows Based on the British Royal Family Text Ⅱ Do You Love British TV Series? Showmax Got You Covered Unit 4 One City, Three Olympic Games Text Ⅰ London Olympic Games Then and Now: 1908 Text Ⅱ Legacies of Past Olympic Games Chapter 7 Politics-Constitutional Monarchy Unit 1 Constitution and Monarch: How to Justify Britain's Support for Monarchy Text Ⅰ Elizabeth II Text Ⅱ Harry's Departure Could Do Britain's Royal Family a Favor Unit 2 General Election: Who Would Become the Winner of First-Past-the-Post Text Ⅰ How Winston Churchill Lost the 1945 British General Election Text Ⅱ Some Arguments Surrounding the Debate over FPTP vs. PR Unit 3 Separation of Powers: Would Early Election Do Wonders for Theresa May Text Ⅰ



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