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  • ISBN:9787502494568
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:932
  • 出版时间:2023-10-01
  • 条形码:9787502494568 ; 978-7-5024-9456-8


本论文集共收录第十四届中国钢铁年会1054篇特邀报告和论文摘要、552篇论文全文,共813万字。全书内容涉及采矿、选矿、炼焦化学、炼铁、炼钢、连铸、电冶金与废钢铁、轧制与热处理、表面与涂镀、金属材料深加工、粉末冶金、钢铁材料数字化、汽车用钢、特殊钢、高温合金、低合金钢、电工钢、非晶合金、冶金能源、冶金环保与资源利用、冶金固废资源综合利用、冶金设备与工程技术、冶金自动化与智能化、冶金物流、冶金流程工程学等方面,全面反映了近两年来我国及世界钢铁行业科研、生产、管理等方面的近期新成果,是一本内容全面、新颖,具有较高学术水平的专业论文集。本书可供钢铁行业的科研人员、工程技术人员、管理人员、高校师生等学习参考。 本论文集以纸质图书和电子版方式出版。纸质图书为收录论文的摘要集(含特邀报告),电子版为收录论文的全文。


大会特邀报告 The Impact of Decarbonisation Efforts on the Global Steel Industry 日本制铁为实现碳中和所作的努力 POSCO's Green & Digital Challenges for Carbon Neutral 第十三届冶金青年科技奖获奖人特邀报告 优特钢长材转型的系统性研究 Systematic Rescarch on the Transformation of Long Product and Special Steel 高强高韧钛合金研发及钢钛联合技术趋势 The Development of High Strength and Toughness Titanium Alloy and Technical Tendency of Titanium-steel Uniting 双相不锈钢冲击韧性研究进展及工艺技术实践 Rescarch Progress and Technology Practice of Impact Toughness of Duplex Stainless Steel 高温合金疲劳-蠕变-环境交互作用下裂纹扩展机制的研究 The Mechanism of Crack Propagation for Superalloy under Fatigue-Creep-Environment Condition 连铸坯表面温度在线测量与智能控制技术 On-line Measurement and Intelligent Control Technology of Continuous Casting Slab Surface Temperature HB600级耐磨钢组织和硬度均匀性对耐磨性能的影响 Effect of Microstructure and Hardness Uniformity on the Wear Resistance Perfornance of HB600 Steel 钢铁行业(含氯类)新污染物生成与控制技术研究及CO2捕集矿化技术进展 Research on the Generation and Control Technology of New Pollutants in the Iron and Stcel Industry and the Progress of CO Capture and Mineralization Technology 攀西钛资源开发与利用研究进展 Research Progress on the Development and Utilization of Titanium Resources in Panxi 高精度冷连轧数字李生与信息物理系统(CPS)关键技术研发及应用 Development and Application of Key Technologies for Digital Twin and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) for High-precision Cold Tandem Rolling 基于无废城市建设的长流程钢厂固废管理模式与技术路径 Solid Waste Management Mode and Technical Path of Long-process Steel Plant Based on the Concept of Zero-waste Construction 无底层绿 保涂层高磁感取向硅钢的开发与推广应用研究 Development and Application Promotion of Glassless High Permeability Gmain-oriented Silicon Steel with Green and Environmentally Friendly Coating Ni对低合金钢海洋大气腐蚀产物氧化还原行为影响 Effect of Ni on Oxidation and Reduction Behavior of Corrosion Product Formed on Low Alloy Steel in Marine Atmosphere'ss Cr和RE 元素对HRB400螺纹钢耐蚀性能的影响规律研究 Study on the Effect Pattern of Cr and RE Elements on the Corrosion Resistance of HRB400 Rebars 鞍钢钢铁产品数字化研发实践与展望 Anshan Iron and Steel Products Digital R&D Practice and Prospects 钢液初始凝固坯壳捕渣机理及夹渣缺陷控制研究 Mechanism and Controlling of the Slag Capture in the Initial Solidification Shell during the Continuous Casting Process 分层供热低碳富氢烧结技术的研发与应用 Research and Application of Stratified Heat Supply for Homogencous and Low Carbon Sintering 金属材料的微生物腐蚀机理与防治 Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Metals: Mechanism and Mitigation 镍铁渣增值利用研究进展 Research Advances in Value-added Utilization of Ferronickel Slag 抽锭电渣重熔关键技术、装备的研发及推广应用 Rescarch and Application on Technology and Equipment of Electroslag Remelting Withdrawal Process 地下铁矿山高阶段嗣后胶结充填理论与应用研究 Application and Theory Study on the High-stage Subsequent Cemented Filling in Underground Iron Mine 分会场特邀报告 金属矿山智能化膏体充填开采——以谦比希铜矿为例

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