  • ISBN:9787309164558
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:226
  • 出版时间:2023-08-01
  • 条形码:9787309164558 ; 978-7-309-16455-8


本书以人文思想为核心,以医学通识内容搭建知识体系和结构,注重英语学习和医学专业内容学习有机结合,重点突出主题学习的教学理念和教学方法,突出英语思辨能力的培养和人文素养的养成。 本教材体例安排力求新颖,内容丰富、形式多样,将医学人文知识与趣味性融为一体,实现听、说、读、写、译有机结合,激发学生学习医学英语知识的兴趣,进而实现提高学生医学英语表达能力的目标。 通过对各种医学语篇话题的学习,介绍医学文体语言的特点、汉英两种语言的对比和分析,使得学生掌握英汉翻译的基本理论、英汉词语、长句及各种文本的翻译技巧和英汉互译的能力。


Unit 1 Organ Transplant and Organ Donation Ⅰ.Info-storm Web News on Organ Transplant Ⅱ.Watching-in Organ Donation and Transplantation Ⅲ.Leading-in Defining Organ Transplant Ⅳ.Critical Reading Further Reading About Organ Transplant Ⅴ.Speaking-out Understanding Organ Donation Ⅵ.Pros/Cons Make an Informed Decision -- Know the Pros and Cons of Organ Donation Ⅶ.Outcome Sentence Analysis and Essay Writing Unit 2 Food Safety Ⅰ.Info-storm Web News on Food Safety Ⅱ.Watching-in Food Safety Ⅲ.Leading-in Defining Food Safety Ⅳ.Critical Reading Further Reading About Food Safety Ⅴ.Speaking-out Four Steps to Food Safety: Clean, Separate, Cook,Chill Ⅵ.Pros/Cons GM Foods: Yes or No Ⅶ.Outcome Sentence Analysis and Essay Writing Unit 3 First Aid Ⅰ.Info-storm Web News on First Aid Ⅱ.Watching-in Code Blue Ⅲ.Leading-in Defining First Aid Ⅳ.Critical Reading Further Reading About First Aid Ⅴ.Speaking-out Knowledge About First Aid Ⅵ.Pros/Cons First Aid Techniques Learned from Medical Show Help Ⅶ.Outcome Sentence Analysis and Essay Writing Unit 4 Aged Care Ⅰ.Infro-storm Web News on Elderly Care Ⅱ.Watching-in Healthcare System Ⅲ.Leading-in Defining Healthy Aging Ⅳ.Critical Reading Further Reading about Aged Care and Its Services Ⅴ.Speaking-out Review Your Perception About Aging Ⅵ.Pros/Cons Coping with \

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