

1星价 ¥175.6 (7.7折)
2星价¥175.6 定价¥228.0
  • ISBN:9787550845527
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26×26cm
  • 页数:133页
  • 出版时间:2024-06-01
  • 条形码:9787550845527 ; 978-7-5508-4552-7




作品图录 Catalog of Works 别州民图 Farewell to My People 迎宾图 The Reception 飞天 Flying Apsaras 九歌图 Nine Songs 东君(《九歌图》局部)God of the Sun 持花菩萨 The Lotus- bearing Bodhisattva 供养人 The Pilgrim 敦煌壁画(一)Series Mural of Dunhuang(1) 敦煌壁画(二)Series Mural of Dunhuang(2) 敦煌壁画(三)Series Mural of Dunhuang(3) 抚琴飞天 Apsaras on the Strings 柑颂 Ode to the Tangerine 招宝进财 Wish of Wealth and Fortune 年年有余 Wish of Prosperity in the New Year 巫山神女(一)The Nymph on Wushan Mountain(1) 巫山神女(二)The Nymph on Wushan Mountain(2) 长寿图 The Divine of Longevity 南海观音 Avalokitesvara 八仙图 The Eight Immortals 皆大欢喜 Maitreya 少数民族(一)Impression of the Ethnic Minorities(1) 少数民族(二)Impression of the Ethnic Minorities(2) 少数民族(三)Impression of the Ethnic Minorities(3) 少数民族(四)Impression of the Ethnic Minorities(4) 少数民族(五)Impression of the Ethnic Minorities(5) 少数民族(六)Impression of the Ethnic Minorities(6) 少数民族(七)Impression of the Ethnic Minorities(7) 熊猫翠竹 The Panda and the Verdant Bamboo 熊猫戏竹(一)Series of Panda in Bamboo Woods(1) 熊猫戏竹(二)Series of Panda in Bamboo Woods(2) 熊猫戏竹(三)Series of Panda in Bamboo Woods(3) 熊猫戏竹(四)Series of Panda in Bamboo Woods(4) 亚运会(一)Series of the Asian Games(1) 亚运会(二)Series of the Asian Games(2) 小猫(一)Series of Kitten(1) 小猫(二)Series of Kitten(2) 小猫(三)Series of Kitten(3) 小猫(四)Series of Kitten(4) 巧虎 Qiaohu 狮子 The Lion 自由女神 Statue of Liberty 世贸大厦 World Trade Center 延边少女 The Maid in Yanbian 新疆舞女 The Dancer of Xinjiang 白鹿影城外墙壁画 The mural on the marque e of Wenzhou Bailu Cinema 迎客松 The Guest- greeting Pine 山水 The Mountain and the Water 万寿长青图 The Pine and the Red- crowned Crane 松鹤迎宾 Greetings from the Canes and the Pines 桂林象鼻山 The Elephant Trunk Hill of Guilin 温州玉兔电风扇厂外墙壁画 The mural on the outer wall of Wenzhou Yutu Electric Fan Factory 温州市空调器总厂外墙壁画 The mural on the outer wall of Wenzhou Air Conditioner Factory 幼儿园壁饰 The mural on the outer wall of kindergarten 山水画 Landscape Painting 虎啸 The Roar of Tiger 雁荡风光 Yandang Mountains 鸳鸯戏水 The Mandarin Ducks 梦中小鹿 The Deer in the Dream 小鸭戏水 The Duck 小虎 The Tiger Cub 小狐狸 The Fox Cub 猴子兄弟 The Monkey Brothers 小松鼠 The Squirrel 小狗 The Pup 兔子 The Hares 春趣 The Panda 小毛驴 The Burro 雏鹭 Young Egret 对鸟 The Coupled Birds 春风吹又生 The Rising Grass When Vernal Breezes Blow 玉梅 The Plum Blossom 梅 The Plum Blossom 小猫 The Kitten 虎头 The Tiger Head 斑马 The Zebra 菊花盛开时 When the Chrysanthemums Blossom 山水 The Mountain and the Water 江心寺 The Jiangxin Temple 神仙鱼(一)Series of the Anglefish(1) 神仙鱼(二)Series of the Anglefish(2) 神仙鱼(三)Series of the Anglefish(3) 神仙鱼(四)Series of the Anglefish(4) 神仙鱼(五)Series of the Anglefish(5) 神仙鱼(六)Series of the Anglefish(6) 鸡(一)The Chicken(1) 鹿 The Deer 鼠 The Mouse 牛 The Cattle 虎 The Tiger 兔 The Hares 龙 The Dragon 蛇 The Snake 马 The Pony 羊 The Goat 猴 The Monkey 鸡(二)The Chicken(2) 狗 The Dog 猪 The Pig 同心 Heart to Heart 飞云江大桥金字 The golden characters of the Feiyunjiang Bridge 骑着大象走四方 Travel on an Elephant 凤凰 The Phoenix 文献资料 Literature and Documents 后记 Epilogue



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