

1星价 ¥22.0 (7.3折)
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  • ISBN:7119031686
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:156页
  • 出版时间:2002-01-01
  • 条形码:9787119031682 ; 978-7-119-03168-2


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONSection 1 Definition of Hand Acupuncture TherapySection 2 Origin and Development of Hand AcupunctureTherapyCHAPTER 2 THEORIES OF HAND ACUPUNCTURE THERAPYSection 1 Hand and Theory of Jiu Gong and Ba GuaI. What is Ba Gua?II. Invention of Jiu Gong and Ba GuaIII. Distribution of Jiu Gong and Ba Gua on the PalmIV. Correlation Between Ba Gua on the Palm and DiseasesSection 2 The Hand and the Theory of Zangfu and JingluoI. Links Between the Hand and the 12 MeridiansII. Links Between the Hand and the 12 Meridianal MusclesIII. Links Between the Hand and the 12 Meridianal Skin RegionsSection 3 The Hand and the Holographic Embryo System for Local AcupunctureI. The Biological Holographic Principle and the Holographic EmbryoII. The Hand and the Human Holographic Embryo System for Local AcupunctureCHAPTER 3 LOCATION, NAME AND INDICATIONS OF HAND ACUPUNCTURE POINTSSection 1 Hand Acupuncture Points of the Three Hand Yin andThree Hand Yang MeridiansSection 2 Specific and Extra Meridianal Hand Acupuncture PointsSection 3 Points and Areas of Hand Holographic EmbryoSystem for Local AcupunctureCHAPTER 4 HAND OBSERVATION DIAGNOSISSection 1 Observation Diagnosis on the PalmI. Shape of the PalmII. Thickness of the PalmIII. Veins on the PalmIV. Color of the PalmSection 2 Hand Diagnosis by Observation of Holographic AreasI. Analysis of the Five Colors and Their IndicationsII. Changes of Color and Appearance in Holographic Areas on the Hand and Differential Diagnosis of SyndromsIII. RemarksCHAPTER 5 HAND ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY INTRODUCTIONSection 1 Therapeutic Methods Applied to Acupuncture Points on the HandI.AcupunctureII. Bleeding TherapyIII. MoxibustionIV. Aqua-acupunctureV. ElectroacupunctureVI. Photo-acupunctureVII. MassageVIII. Magnetic TherapySection 2 Hand Acupuncture Therapy Indications and ContraindicationsI. Indications of Hand Acupuncture TherapyII. Contraindications of Hand Acupuncture TherapySection 3 Principles for Selection of Acupuncture Points andHolographic AreasI. According to the Involved OrgansII. According to the Theories of Zangfu and Jingluo in Traditional Chinese MedicineIII. According to Specific Functions of Acupuncture PointsIV. According to Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese MedicineSection 4 Treatment of Fainting Caused by Needling in HandAcupuncture TherapyI. Causes of Fainting During NeedlingII. Manifestations of Fainting During NeedlingIII. Treatment of FaintingIV. Prevention of Fainting During NeedlingCHAFFER 6 CLINICAL APPLICATION OF HAND ACUPUNCTURE THERAPYSection 1 Common Diseases of Internal MedicineI. Diseases of the Respiratory System1. Bronchitis2. Bronchial asthma3. Pneumonia4. Bronchiectasis5. Pulmonary emphysemaII. Diseases of the Cardiovascular System1. Hypertensive disease2. Hypotensive disease3. Coronary heart disease4. Heart neurosis5. Cardiac arrhythmia6. Myocarditis7. Chronic rheumatic heart diseaseIII. Diseases of the Digestive System1. Gastritis2. Peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum3. Acute enteritis4. Chronic colitis5. Constipation6. Chronic cholecystitis7. Hiccups8. Acid reflux9. Ptosis of stomach10. Cholelithiasis (gallstone)IV. Diseases of the Endocrine System1. Diabetes mellitus2. Menopausal syndromeV. Diseases of the Urogenital System1. Urinary tract infection2. Retention of urine3. Vesical stone4. Kidney and ureter stone5. Prostatitis6. Chronic glomerulonephritis (Bright's disease)7. Chronic pyelonephritisVI. Diseases of the Nervous System1. Neurasthenia2. Trigeminal neuralgia3. Vascular headache4. Sequelae of stroke5. Sequelae of brain injury6. Neuralgia sciatica7. Facial palsy8. Facial spasm9. Neuralgia of the greater occipital nerve10. Senile dementia11. Spasm of diaphragmatic musclesVII. Infectious Diseases1. Influenza2. German measles3. Whooping cough4. Pulmonary tuberculosis5. Viral hepatitis6. Bacillary dysentery……


《手针疗法》内容简介:This book describes in detail the principles of hand acupuncture therapy,the location of the hand acupuncturepoints,hand observation diagnosis and the clinical application of hand acupuncture therapy for some common diseases. This book,dealing with all important branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine,stresses the practical application of the subject.


插图:Through the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine over thou- sands of years, clinicians have discovered the following truths.(1) Many acupuncture points lie on the meridians passing through the hand. Massage, acupuncture or moxibustion can be applied to stimulate these points to cure diseases and relieve discomfort throughout the whole body.(2) As a miniature representation of the body, the hand through changes in skin color, creases and sensitive points - can reveal the condition of all the organs and tissues of the body. At the same time, stimulation applied at the sensitive points can cure diseases in their corresponding organs and tissues.At present, we can put a clear definition on the hand acupuncture therapy. It may be defined as a physiotherapy to prevent and treat diseases and relieve suffering by applying physical stimulation through acupuncture or massage on acupuncture points and areas on the hand. Before applying the treatment, the pathogenic factors should be determined, and a thorough diagnosis of the disease should be made by analyzing the information provided by the hand and the general pathological problems in the body.The basic theories of hand acupuncture therapy include:(1) The theory of Ba Gua (eight trigrams) on the palm(2) The Zangfu (internal organs) and Jingluo (meridians and collaterals) theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine(3) Modern biological theory of holographic embryo.Compared with other therapies, acupuncture is a widely accepted and convenient therapeutic method to stimulate acupuncture points and areas on the hand. Therefore, it is often used in clinical practice where the treatment is simply called "hand acupuncture therapy."


乔晋琳,Born in September 1963. Qiao Jinlin is an associate professor and associate chief physician at the Navy General Hospital of the PLA in Beijing where he also is director of the Department of Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy. He concurrently serves as an executive member and deputy secretary general of the Acupotomology Association of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association of China. He is also a member of the Army Acupuncture Committee and a director of the Army Physical Rehabilitation Committee. From 1989 to 1991, Qiao Jinlin participated in a group of acupuncture specialists to aid foreign countries.He has published 29 scientific research papers and other writings in his areas of expertise that include hologram-embryo acupuncture. traditional acupuncture, acupotomology, and physical rehabilitation therapies. His main writings include "A Clinical Analysis of Hologram-embryo Acupuncture," "Acupotomology in China and' Diagnosis and Treatment of Male Diseases Through Traditional Chinese Medicine."

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