

1星价 ¥44.2 (4.8折)
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  • ISBN:7506259354
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:25cm
  • 页数:1册
  • 出版时间:2003-01-01
  • 条形码:9787506259354 ; 978-7-5062-5935-4



AcknowledgmentsAbbreviations. Chapter 1. SpectrophotometryPhotometric Analysis. The Effect of Solvent 1-5Laws of Radiant Energy Absorption. Lambert's Law 1-6: Beer's Law 1-6; Beer Lambert's Law 1-8,Interrelationship Between Absorbance and Transmittance 1-8Colour and Colorimeters. The Blank. Instrumentation. Sources of Radiant Energy 1-9; Means of Spectral isolation 1-11;Adjustable Diaphragm 1-15; Cuvettes 1-15; Radiant Energy Detectors 1-16; Readout Systems 1-21; A Typical Single Beam Speetrophotometer 1-21; Double Beam lnstruments 1-22; A Typical Double Beam up\" Period 1-25; Optimum Spectral Band Width 1-25; Stray Light 1-27;Correction for BackRround Absorption 1-30Checking Instrument Performance. Wavelength Alignment 1-33: Wavelength Repeatability 1-34; Spectral BandWidth 1-34; StrayLight 135:Pbotometric Aecuracy and Linearity 1-35Exercises. Exercise 1-1: Photometric Accuracy and Linearity. Exercise 1-2: Spectral Band Width. Exercise 1-3: Spectral Characteristics of a Filter. Exercise 1-4: Wavelength Check. Exercise 1-5: Spectral Band Width and Resolution. Exercise 1-6: Cuvette Cut-Off Wavelengths. Exercise 1-7: The Absorption Spectrum of Benzene. Exercise 1-8: The Absorption Spectra of NAD and NADH,Exercise 1-9: Stray Light. Exercise 1-10: Derivative Spectra. Exercise 1-11: The Determination of Serum Calcium. Exercise 1-12: The Determination of Carbon Monoxide in Blood. Exercise 1-13: The Determination of Plasma Salicylate. Exercise 1-14: The Determination of Plasma Paracetamol. References: Chapter 2. FluorimetryFluorescence,Factors Affecting Fluorescence Intensity : Concentration 2-3, Solvent 2 4,Buffers 2-5, pH and lonisation 2-5, Temperature 2-6, Photo-decomposition 2-6, Quenching 2-6 instrumentation,Light Sources 2 8; Sample Containers 2-9; Detectors 2-9; Sensitivity 2-9; An Example of a Spectrofluorimeter 2 10ExercisesExercise 2-1 : The Effect of Concentration on Fluorescence Intensity. Exercise 2-2 : ]he Effect of Solvent on Fluorescence Intensity. Exercise 2-3 : The Effect of pH on Fluorescence Intensity. Exercise 2-4 : The Effect of Temperature on Fluorescence Intensity. Exercise 2-5 : The Effect of Quenching on Fluorescence intensity. Exercise 2-6 : The Emission Spectrum of NADtt. Exercise 2 7 : The Determination of Thiamine in Urine. Exercise 2-8 : The Determination of Serum Magnesium. Exercise 2 9 : The Determination of Phenylalanine in Plasma. Exercise 2 10 : The Determination of Blood Porphyrins. ReferencesChapter 3.Enzymology. Enzymes. Catalysis 3-1; Classiflcation and Nomenclature 3-2; EnzymeDnits 3 3:Modes of Action 3-4; The Active Site 3-4: Substrate Specificity 3-4; pH3-5; Temperature 3-5; Enzyme Kinetics 3-6; Enzyme Inhibitlon 3-9: Allosteric Enzymes 3-12; Isoenzymes 3-13Clinical Enzymology. The Diagnostic Use of lsoenzymes 3-17Enzymes as Reagents. Exercises. Exercise 3-1: The Polarimetric Determhlatlon of tnvertase. Exercise 3-2: The Effect of Temperature on lnvertase Activity. Exercise 3-3: The Effect of pH on Invertase Activity. Exercise 3-4: The Effect of Substrate on Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity,Exercise 3-5: The Effect of Substrate Concentration on Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity. Exercise 3-6: The Effect of an Inhibitor on Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity. Exercise 3-7: The Determination of Prostatic Acid Phosphatase in Plasma. Exercise 3-8: The Determination of Plasma Lactate Dehydrogenase and its lsoenzymes,Exercise 3 9: The Fluorimetric Determination of Alkaline Fhosphatase in Plasma. …… Chapter4. Atomic Emission and AbsorptinChapter5. Ion Selective Electrodes. Chapter6. Oxygen and Carbon Dixide Electrodes. Chapter7. Chromatography. Chapter8. Thin Layer Chromatography and Extraction Techniques. Chapter9. Gas Chromatography. Chapter10. High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Chapter11. Electophoresis. Chapter12. Molecular Diagnostics. Chapter13. Immunological and Radioisotope Techniques. Chapter14. Coulometry,Osmometry and Refractometry. Appendices. Index.

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