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2014-12-30 18:48:45
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  • ISBN:7303051724
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:380
  • 出版时间:2009-04-01
  • 条形码:9787303051724 ; 978-7-303-05172-4


Fuzzy Sets and Operations Research for Decision Support is a congratulatory volume of Key Selected Papers by Hans-Jurgen Zimmermann on the occasion of Professor Zimmermann's retirement. This edited-volume is designed as a natural continuation of the previous two dedicated volumes Operations Research (edited by B. Werners and R. Gabriel, Springer, 1994 to HansJiirgen Zimmermann for his 60th birthday) and Fuzzy Logic Foundations and Industrial Applications (edited by D. Ruan,Kluwer Academic, 1996 to Hans-Jurgen Zimmermann for 25 years of contribution to fuzzy logic theory and applications).The previous two volumes, captured the essence of Professor Zimmermann's enormous contributions to each of these areas,have proved to be great utility to anyone interested in Operations Research, Fuzzy Sets, and related applications.


    fuzzy sets and operations research for decision support is a congratulatory volume of key selected papers by hans-jurgen zimmermann on the occasion of professor zimmermann's retirement. this edited-volume is designed as a natural continuation of the previous two dedicated volumes operations research (edited by b. werners and r. gabriel, springer, 1994 to hansjiirgen zimmermann for his 60th birthday) and fuzzy logic foundations and industrial applications (edited by d. ruan,kluwer academic, 1996 to hans-jurgen zimmermann for 25 years of contribution to fuzzy logic theory and applications).the previous two volumes, captured the essence of professor zimmermann's enormous contributions to each of these areas,have proved to be great utility to anyone interested in operations research, fuzzy sets, and related applications.


part ⅰ:basic and historical considerations(foundations andhistory)
    cognitive sciences, decision technology, and fuzzysets
    latent connectives in human decision making
    a fresh perspective on uncertaintymodeling:uncertainty vs. uncertainty modeling
    computational intelligence and nuclearengineering
    some views (observations) on practicing successfuloperational research
part ⅱ:fuzzy sets for uncertainty modeling(methods andtools)
    applications of fuzzy set theory to mathematicalprogramming
    fuzzy reasoning for solving fuzzy mathematicalprogramming problems
    planning models for research and development
    fuzzy data analysis -- methods and industrialapplications
    comparison of fuzzy reasoning methods
part ⅲ:fuzzy sets for operations management(applications)
    advanced fuzzy logic control of a model car inextreme situations
    approximate reasoning in manufacturing
    media selection and other applications of fuzzylinear programming
    information management for concurrentengineering

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