

1星价 ¥37.0 (8.2折)
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  • ISBN:9787111247333
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其它
  • 页数:565 页
  • 出版时间:2009-01-01
  • 条形码:9787111247333 ; 978-7-111-24733-3


The Worlds of Database Systems1.1The Evolution of Database Systems1.1.1Early Database Management Systems1.1.2Relational Database Systems1.1.3Smaller and Smaller Systems1.1.4Bigger and Bigger Systems1.1.5Information Integration1.2Overview of a Database Management System1.2.1Data-Definition Language Commands 1.2.2Overview of Query Processing1.2.3Storage and Buffer Management1.2.4Transaction Processing1.2.5The Query Processor1.3Outline of Database-System Studies1.4References for Chapter 1IRelational Database Modeling2The Relational Model of Data2.1An Overview of Data Models2.1.1What is a Data Model?2.1.2Important Data Models2.1.3The Relational Model in Brief2.1.4The Semistructured Model in Brief2.1.5Other Data Models2.1.6Comparison of Modeling Approaches2.2Basics of the Relational Model2.2.1Attributes2.2.2Schemas2.2.3Tuples2.2.4Domains2.2.5Equivalent Representations of a Relation2.2.6Relation Instances2.2.7Keys of Relations2.2.8An Example Database Schema2.2.9Exercises for Section 2.22.3Defining a Relation Schema in SQL2.3.1Relations in SQL2.3.2Data Types2.3.3Simple Table Declarations2.3.4Modifying Relation Schemas2.3.5Default Values2.3.6Declaring Keys2.3.7Exercises for Section 2.32.4An Algebraic Query Language2.4.1Why Do We Need a Special Query Language?2.4.2 What is an Algebra?2.4.3Overview of Relational Algebra2.4.4Set Operations on Relations2.4.5Projection2.4.6Selection2.4.7Cartesian Product2.4.8Natural Joins2.4.9Theta-Joins2.4.10 Combining Operations to Form Queries2.4.11 Naming and Renaming2.4.12 Relationships Among Operations2.4.13 A Linear Notation for Algebraic Expressions2.4.14 Exercises for Section 2.42.5Constraints on Relations2.5.1Relational Algebra as a Constraint Language2.5.2Referential Integrity Constraints2.5.3Key Constraints2.5.4Additional Constraint Examples2.5.5Exercises for Section 2.52.6Summary of Chapter 22.7References for Chapter 2Design Theory for Relational Databases3.1Functional Dependencies3.1.1Definition of Functional Dependency3.1.2Keys of Relations3.1.3Superkeys3.1.4Exercises for Section 3.13.2Rules About Functional Dependencies3.2.1Reasoning About Functional Dependencies 3.2.2The Splitting/Combining Rule3.2.3 nivial Functional Dependencies3.2.4 Computing the Closure of Attributes3.2.5 Why the Closure Algorithm Works3.2.6 The Transitive Rule3.2.7 Closing Sets ofFunctional Dependencies3.2.8 Projecting Functional Dependencies3.2.9 Exercises for Section 3.23.3 Design of Relational Database Schema3.3.1Anomalies3.3.2 Decomposing Relations3.3.3 Boyce-Codd Normal Form3.3.4 Decomposition into BCNF3.3.5 Exercises for Section 3.33.4 Decomposition:The Good,Bad,and Ugly3.4.1Recovering Information from a Decomposition3.4.2 The Chase Test for Lossless Join3.4.3Why the Chase works3.4.4 Dependency Preservation3.4.5 Exercises for Section 3.43.5 Third Normal Form3.5.1 Definition of Third Normal Form3.5.2The Synthesis Algorithm for 3NF Schemas3.5.3 Why the 3NF Synthesis Algorithm Works3.5.4 Exercises for Section 3.53.6 Multivalued Dependencies3.6.1Attribute Independence and Its Consequent Redundancy3.6.2 Definition ofMultivalued Dependencies3.6.3Reasoning About Multivalued Dependencies3.6.4 F0urth Normal Form3.6.5 Decomposition into Fourth Normal Form3.6.6Relationships Among Normal Forms3.6.7 Exercises for Section 3.63.7 An Algorithm for Discovering MVD'S3.7.1 The Closure and the Chase3.7.2Extending the Chase to MVD's3.7.3Why the Chase W10rks for MVD'S3.7.4 Projecting MVD'S3.7.5 Exercises for Section 3.73.8 Summary of Chapter 33.9 References for Chapter 34 High-Level Database M0dels5 Algebraic and Logical Query Languages6 The Database Language SQL7 Constraints and Triggers 8 Views and Indexes9 SQL in a Server Environment 10 Advanced Topics in Relational DatabasesⅢ Modeling and Programming for semistructured Data


《数据库系统基础教程》由美国斯坦福大学知名计算机科学家Jeffrey Ullman和Jennifer Widom合作编写。书中介绍了核心DBMS概念、理论和模型,描述了如何使用抽象语言和SQL查询与更新DBMS。在介绍了SQL扩展内容(包括嵌入式SQL程序设计和对象关系特征)后,又介绍了使用XML的系统。设计语言包括XML模式,查询语言包括XPath和XQuery。本书特色全面改版的组织结构。UML数据库模型的新内容。包括3NF综合算法在内的操作依赖新算法的引入。更多的3NF,包括3NF综合算法。扩展的SQL触发讨论。新增的索引选择和物化视图。新增的三层体系结构。新增的PHP。新增的OLAP和SQL立方体操作符介绍。扩展的XML内容,包括XML模式、XPath、XQuery和XSLT。


4.6.3Using Null Values to Combine RelationsThere is one more approach to representing information ab out a hier ar chy ofentity sets.If we axe allowed to use NULL(the null value aS in SQL)as avalue in t uples,we can h andle a hier archy of entity sets with a single relationThis relation has all the att rib utes b elonging to any entity set of the hierarchy.An entity is then represented by a single tup le.This tuple has NuLL in eachattribute that is not defined for that entity.Example 4.33:If we applied this approach to the diagram of Fig.4.3 1,wewould create a single relation whose schema iS:Movie(title,year,length,genre,weapon)Those movies t hat are not mur der mysteries would have NULL in the weapon comp onent of their tuple.It would also be necessary to have a relation Voicesto connect those movies that are cartoons to t he starts performing the voices,as in Example.


作者: Jeffrey D. Ullman

Jeffrey D. Ullman 斯坦福大学计算机科学系Stanford W. Ascherman教授,数据库技术专家。他独立或与人合作出版了15本著作,发表了170多篇技术论文。他的研究兴趣包括数据库理论、数据库集成、数据挖掘和利用信息基础设施进行教育。他是美国国家工程院成员,曾获得Knuth奖、SIGMOD贡献奖、Karlstrom杰出教育家奖和Edgar F. Codd发明奖。

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