

1星价 ¥19.0 (7.6折)
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  • ISBN:9787030259943
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:134
  • 出版时间:2009-11-01
  • 条形码:9787030259943 ; 978-7-03-025994-3






introduction: medical functional experiments
section 1: common apparatus used in functional experiments
i. bl-420 biological data acquisition and analysis system
ii. 721 type spectrophotometer
iii. ld4-2 type low speed centrifuge
section 2: basic techniques of operation in animal experiments
i. commonly used surgical instruments and their usages
ii. species and selection of experimental animals
iii. experimental animal handling methods
iv. experimental animal numbering
v. anesthesia of experimental animals
vi. fixation of experimental animal
vii. the ways to execute the experimental animals
vs. surgical operation methods most in use in animal experiments
ix. physiological parameters of some experimental animals
x. compositions and uses of several kinds of physiological saline
section 3 : physiology experiments
experiment 1 recording of the electrical signal of toad's sciatic nerve
i. preparation of the sciatic nerve--gastrocnemius muscle sample
ii. generation of the action potential of nexve trunk
iii. conduction velocity determination of the action potential in the sciatic nerve
iv. refractory period determination of the action potential in the sciatic nerve
experiment 2 muscle contraction experiments with toad's sciatic nerve-gastrocnemius
muscle sample
i. influences of different stimulus intensity on the muscle contraction
ii. influences of different stimulation frequencies on the muscle contraction
experiment 3 premature contraction and compensatory pause of toad's
cardiac muscle
experiment 4 effects of chemical substances on the activity of the isolated toad heart
experiment 5 the human body experiments
i. measurement of the arterial blood pressure of the human body
ii. abo blood group system and its identification
iii. human ecg recordings
experiment 6 digestion experiment of rabbit
experiment 7 respiration experiment of rabbit
experiment 8 regulation of artery blood pressure
experiment 9 factors influencing urine formation
experiment l0 experiment of center nervous system
i. analysis of the reflex arc ~
ii. observation of decerebellar animals
iii. semi-crosscut and complete-crosscut of the mouse's spinal cord
section 4: pathophysiology experiments
experiment 1 hypoxia
i. the analysis of cause and condition in disease
ii. several types of hypoxia
experiment 2 the effect of the alternation of plasma osmotic pressure and capillary
permeability on the edema
experiment 3 disseminated intravascular coagulation (dic)
experiment 4 hemorrhagic shock in rabbit
experiment 5 experimental acute right heart failure
experiment 6 experimental pulmonary edema
experiment 7 the effects of ammonia on the patbogenesis of rabbit hepatic
experiment 8 acute renal failure
section 5: pharmacology experiments
experiment 1 effects of phenobarbital sodium and cblorampheniccol on hypnosis
induced by pentobarbital
experiment 2 organophosphates intoxication and detoxification
experiment 3 anticonvulsive effects of phenobarbital on convulsion induced
by nikethamide
experiment 4 observation of analgesic effects of dolantin by abdominal stretching(abdominal) method
experiment 5 effects of autonomic drugs on the isolated rabbit ileum
experiment 6 the diuretic effect of furosemide on rabbits




插图:Inbred strains can only be aquired after breeding for 20 generations continuously if starts from hybrids. After 20 generations, individual variance is very small as their genes have been purified. Inbreeding coefficient (F) is often used to represent swain purity. First generation of sibling inbreeding can reduce heterozygosis by 19%, which means homozygosis is increased by 19%. Inbreeding coefficient could reach 98.6% in theory within 20 generations However, more methods to examine the genetic homozygosis are needed to determine strain purity in addition to inbreeding coefficient. Inbred strains are used to be called 'pure strains'. There have been 250 inbred strains for albino mice till 1980. Development of inbred strains for experimental animals like albino rats and albino mice have greatly promoted biological and medical experimental research, especially tumor research.(2) Mutant strains: Mutant strains can be established by mutation of individual gene, introduction of certain gene or multiple backcross to keep the genetic features. These individuals have same genetic defect or pathosis, such as dwarf, atrichia, obesity, amyotrophy, caligo lentis and retina degeneration.Currently avaible mutant strains with certain diseases are listed: anaemia mouse, tumor mouse, leukaemia mouse, diabetic mouse, hypertension mouse and athymic mouse, etc.(3) F1 hybrid: The first generation offsprings of two inbred strains is called F1 hybrid. It has both the features of inbred strains and the hybrid ascendancy. F1 hybrid has merits like vigorous vitality, high reproductive rate, fast growth, strong body constitution and disease resistance. It has same experimental effects as inbred animals. F1 hybrid is also call systemic hybrid animals.(4) Closed population: It is the population relatively maintaining the same blood relationship developed by random breeding within one strain for mo

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