  • ISBN:9787510005589
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:422
  • 出版时间:2010-04-01
  • 条形码:9787510005589 ; 978-7-5100-0558-9


玻色化已经成为研究现代多体问题的一个非常重要的方法。本书详细说明了玻色化技术及其在强关联系统中的应用。本书内容分为四个部分。**部分全面介绍玻色化技术,内容包括一维费米子,高斯模型,共形场论中Hilbert空间的结构,两维玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚,非阿贝尔玻色化,Ising模型和WZNW模型。第二部分介绍了玻色化技术在实际模型中的应用,包括Tomonaga-Luttinger液体,一维自旋液体和交换作用交替分布的自旋1/2 Heisenberg模型。第三部分着重介绍了量子杂质问题,内容包括势散射,透射边缘问题,Tomonaga-Luttinger液体中的杂质和多通道近藤问题。


technical aspects of bosonization、a simple case of bose-fermi equivalence: jordan-wigner、transformation、one-dimensional fermion states near the fermi points、chiral anomaly、anomalous commutators、ganssian model. lagrangian formulation、bosonization、interaction with an electromagnetic field; gauge invariance、conformal symmetry and finite size effects、gaussian model in the hamiltonian formulation、virasoro algebra、ward identities等等。


part ⅰ: technical aspects of bosonization
 a simple case of bose-fermi equivalence: jordan-wigner transformation
 one-dimensional fermion tates near the fermi points
 chiral anomaly
 anomalous commutators
 ganssian model. lagrangian formulation
 interaction with an electromagnetic field; gauge invariance
 conformal symmetry and finite size effects
 gaussian model in the hamiltonian formulation
 virasoro algebra
 ward identities
 subalgebra sl(2)
 structure of hilhert space in conformal theories
 differential equations for correlation functions
 dotsenko——fateev bosonization scheme for the minimal models
 current (kac-moody) algebras; the first assault
 sugawara hamiltonian for wess-zumino-novikov-witten model
 knizhnik-zamolodchikov (kz) equations
 relevant and irrelevant fields
 bose-einstein condensation in two dimensions; beresinskii-
 kesterlitz-thouless transition
 the sine-gordon model
 the renormalization group analysis
 exact solution of the sine-gordon model
 spin s-1/2 heisenberg-lsing chain
 explicit expression for the dynamical magnetic susceptibility
 ising model
 more about the wznw model
 special cases
 1.1 su1(2) wznw model as a gaussian model
 1.2 su2(2) wznw model and the ising model
 1.3 su4(2) as a theory of two bosonic fields
 1.4 sui0(2) as a theory of three bosonic fields
 deformation of the wznw model and coset constructions
 non-abelian bosznization
 wznw model in the lagrangian formulation
 derivation of the lagrangian
 calculation of a nontrivial determinant
part ⅱ: application of the bosonization technique to physical
part ⅲ singleimpurityproblems


《玻色化和强关联系统》主要内容包括:Technical aspects of bosonization、A simple case of Bose-Fermi equivalence: Jordan-Wigner、Transformation、One-dimensional fermion States near the Fermi points、Chiral anomaly、Anomalous commutators、Ganssian model. Lagrangian formulation、Bosonization、Interaction with an electromagnetic field; gauge invariance、Conformal symmetry and finite size effects、Gaussian model in the Hamiltonian formulation、Virasoro algebra、Ward identities等等。

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