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1星价 ¥15.4 (5.5折)
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  • ISBN:7561352891
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16
  • 页数:229页
  • 出版时间:2011-01-01
  • 条形码:9787561352892 ; 978-7-5613-5289-2






目录 Chapter I The Festival De Cannes **章 戛纳国际电影节 1. Cannes International Film Festival--Venice's Folly, Cannes' Triumph 戛纳国际电影节——威尼斯的拙举,戛纳的成功/1 2. Awards of 2010 Cannes Film Festival 2010 2010戛纳电影节获奖影片/10 3. 2010 Golden Palm: Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives 2010年“金棕榈奖”获奖电影:《能召回前世的布米叔叔》/10 4. Lectures on Cinematography 1: What is Montage in the making of films? 电影知识讲座1:什么是电影制作中的蒙太奇?/14 Chapter II Venice International Film Festival 第二章 威尼斯国际电影节 1. Venice International Film Festival-Art for Art's Sake 威尼斯国际电影节——为艺术而艺术/17 2. Awards of 2009 Venice Film Festival 2009威尼斯电影节获奖影片/20 3.2009 Golden Lion Winner: Lebanon 2009年“金狮奖”获奖电影:《黎巴嫩》/21 4.Lectures on Cinematography 2: What is 35mm film and IMAX film? 电影知识讲座2:35mm 电影胶片与IMAX电影/24 Chapter III Berlin International Film Festival 第三章 柏林国际电影节 1. Berlin International Film Festival-A Byproduct of the Cold War 柏林国际电影节——冷战下的产物/29 2. Awards of 2010 Berlin Film Festival 2010柏林电影节获奖影片/38 3. 2010 Golden Bear: Honey 2010年“金熊奖”获奖电影:《蜂蜜》/38 4. Lectures on Cinematography 3: What is long shot in cinematography? 电影知识讲座3:电影中的长镜头是什么?/42 Chapter IV Oscar Film Festival 第四章 奥斯卡电影节 1. History of the Academy Awards 学院奖的历史 / 47 2. The Oscar Statuette 奥斯卡小雕像 / 49 3. Awards of 2010 Oscar Film Festival 2010年奥斯卡获奖影片 / 52 4. 2010 Best Picture: The Hurt Locker 2010年“*佳影片”获奖电影:《拆弹部队》 / 53 5. Lectures on Cinematography 4: A Review of Well-known Chinese Directors Who Won Awards at International Film Festivals (Including Oversea Chinese Director) 电影知识讲座4:曾摘得国际电影节奖项的中国名导盘点(包括华裔导演) / 55 Chapter V The Tony Awards 第五章 托尼奖 1. Stories Behind the Tony Awards 托尼奖背后的故事 / 61 2. Who is "Tony" “托尼”其人 / 65 3. Winners of 2010 Tony Awards 2010年托尼奖得主 / 75 Chapter VI The Emmy Awards 第六章 艾美奖 1. Syd Cassyd's Dream and the Birth of Emmy 希德?卡希德的梦想与艾美奖的诞生 / 85 2. Winners of 2009 Emmy Awards 2009年艾美奖得主 / 91 3. Special Issues of Emmy Awards 艾美奖特辑 / 93 Chapter VII Grammy Music Festival 第七章 格莱美音乐节 1. The Origin of Grammy Awards 格莱美奖的起源 / 105 2. Singers who won "Album of the Year" successively for two years 连续两年获得“年度*佳专辑”的歌手 / 111 3. Singers who won "Record of the Year" successively for two years 连续两年获得“年度*佳唱片”的歌手: / 124 4. Artist who for most times won the "Best Vocal Performance, Male" 获得“年度*佳男歌手”奖次数*多的艺人 / 150 5. Artist who for most times won the "Best Vocal Performance, Female" 获得“年度*佳女歌手”奖次数*多的艺人 / 157 6. Band who won the "Best Pop Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal"for two times and within the longest time span 两次获得“年度*佳乐队或组合主唱”奖时间跨度*大的乐队 / 163 7. Artist who most successively won the "Best Rock Vocal Performance, Male" 连续获得“年度*佳摇滚男歌手”奖次数*多的艺人 / 175 8. Singers who for most times won the "Best Rock Vocal Performance, Female" 获得“年度*佳摇滚女歌手”次数*多的女歌手 / 178 9. Artist who for most times won the "Best R&B Song" 获得“年度*佳R&B歌曲”奖次数*多的艺人 / 201 10. Artist who for most times won the "Best R&B Vocal Performance, Female" 获得“年度*佳R&B女歌手”奖次数*多的艺人 / 207 11. Artist who for most times won the "Best Country Vocal Performance, Male" 获得“年度*佳乡村男歌手”奖次数*多的艺人 / 214 12. Artist who for most times won the "Best New Age Album" 获得“年度*佳新世纪唱片”奖次数*多的艺人 / 221 13. Artist whose Grammy awards received ranks first 获得格莱美奖次数*多的艺人 / 226





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