

1星价 ¥13.8 (8.6折)
2星价¥13.8 定价¥16.0
  • ISBN:9787513516709
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:140
  • 出版时间:2012-02-01
  • 条形码:9787513516709 ; 978-7-5135-1670-9


《剑桥初级英语词汇练习》 l 使用方便:词汇复习便于学习者使用,为学习者树立掌握词汇的信心; l 编排精心:100个精心设置的习题单元提供大量有趣味的练习类型; l 评分系统:标示明确,学习者可充分检验学习进度与效果; l 习题答案:全面解析;既可用于自学,也可用于课堂。   同时推荐《剑桥初级英语词汇》


    剑桥“英语在用”(english in use)丛书是一套享誉全球的英语学习用书,自出版以来,全球销量已逾千万册。丛书专为非英语国家的学习者编写,结构明晰、形式简约、重点突出、注重实用。鉴于剑桥“英语在用”丛书在学习者中的良好口碑,外语教学与研究出版社新引进了这套丛书的词汇、语法系列的修订新版,以及短语、习语等系列。希望读者朋友们通过这套高品质的学习用书,真正提高自己的英语水平。     《剑桥初级英语词汇练习》针对初、中级水平学习者,既可以单独使用,也可以和《剑桥初级英语词汇》搭配使用。在测试英语词汇的同时,本书还加强了练习的趣味性,每道习题都有助于巩固学生的长期记忆,学生在看到自己快速进步的同时,也会增强掌握英语词汇的自信。


AcknowledgementsIntroduction 引言Learning 学习Tests l-3 Learning and revising vocabulary学习和复习词汇Test 4 English language words描述语言的专门词汇Test 5 Classroom language 课堂用语Word formation 构词法Test 6 Prefixes前缀Test 7 Noun suffixes 名词后缀Test 8 Adjective suffixes 形容词后缀Test 9 Nouns and verbs with the same form 名词与动词同形Test 10 Compound nouns 复合名词Test 11 Compound adjectives 复合形容词Phrase building 短语构成Test 12 Collocation (word partners) 搭配(单词组合)Test 13 Idioms and fixed expressions 习语与固定表达Test 14 Verb or adjective+preposition 动词或形容词+介词Test 15 Preposition+noun 介词+名词Test 16 Apologies, excuses and thanks 道歉、辩解、致谢Test 17 Requests,invitations and suggestions 请求、邀请、建议Test 18 0pinions, agreeing and disagreeing 观点、同意、不同意Test 19 Likes, preferences and interests 喜爱、偏好、兴趣Test 20 Frequently asked questions 经常被问及的问题Test 21 Common responses 常见回应Test 22 Greetings, farewells and special expressions 问候、道别、特殊表达Test 23 Phrasal verbs (1): form and meaning 短语动词1:形式与含义Test 24 Phrasal verbs (2): grammar and style 短语动词2:语法与表达法Test 25 Have and have got have与have gotTest 26 Make, do and take make, do与takeTest 27 Give, keep, break, see give, keep, break与seeTest 28 Leave, catcb and let leave, catch与letTest 29 Get: uses and expressions get:运用与表达Test 30 Go: uses and expressions go;运用与表达Test 31 The senses 感觉官能Test 32 Partitives:a bag of…,a bit of…表分词:a bag of…,a bit of…Parts of speech (special problems) 词性(特殊问题)Test 33 Uncountable nouns and plural nouns 不可数名词与复数名词Test 34 Verbs+-ing form or infinitive 动词+-ing形式或不定式Test 35 Verb patterns 动词搭配形式Test 36 Adjectives形容词Test 37 Prepositions: place 介词:方位Test 38 Adverbs: frequency and degree副词:频率与程度Connecting and linklng 连接语Test 39 Time and sequence 时间与顺序Test 40 Addition and contrast 补充与对比Test 41 Similarities, differences, comparisons, exceptions 相似、不同、对比、例外Test 42 Reason, purpose, result, condition 理由、目的、结果、条件Topics主题The world around us我们周围的世界Test 43 The physical world 自然世界Test 44 Weather天气Test 45 Animals and insects 动物与昆虫Test 46 Countries, nationality and language 国家、国籍、语言People人Test 47 The body and whatit can do人体部位及其功能Test 48 Describing people's appearance 描述外貌Test 49 Describing character 描述性格Test 50 Human feelings and actions 情感与行为Test 51 Family and friends家庭与朋友Test 52 Ages and stages 年龄与阶段Daily life 日常生活Test 53 Daily routines 日常生活Test 54 The place where you live 住宅Test 55 Around the home (1) 家居1Test 56 Around the home (2) 家居2Test 57 Everyday problems 日常事故Test 58 Money金钱Test 59 Health: illness健康问题:疾病Test 60 Health: injuries健康问题:受伤Test 61 Clothes服饰Test 62 Shops and shopping 商店与购物Test 63 Food食物Test 64 Cooking and restaurants 烹饪与餐厅Test 65 City life城市生活Test 66 Life in the country 乡村生活……


作者:(英)斯图尔特·雷德曼(Stuart Redman) (英)鲁思·盖恩(Ruth Gairns)

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