

1星价 ¥28.0 (7.8折)
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  • ISBN:9787513008280
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:183
  • 出版时间:2011-11-01
  • 条形码:9787513008280 ; 978-7-5130-0828-0


彼特·纳斯等编著的《国际人类学与民族学联合会第十六届大会主旨发言名家讲座》简介:The IUAES is one of the member organizations of the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and also of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (ICPHS). The IUAES is also a member of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). Its aim is to enhance exchange and communication among scholars of all regions of the world, in a collective effort to expand human knowledge. In this way, it hopes to contribute to a better understanding of human society, and to a sustainable future based on harmony between nature and culture.


The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) was established on August 23, 1948, when it merged, in fact, with the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (ICAES), which was founded in 1934. The latter was the product of various Congresses of Anthropological Sciences, starting in 1865.The IUAES is one of the member organizations of the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and also of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (ICPHS). The IUAES is also a member of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). Its aim is to enhance exchange and communication among scholars of all regions of the world, in a collective effort to expand human knowledge. In this way, it hopes to contribute to a better understanding of human society, and to a sustainable future based on harmony between nature and culture. The IUAES once noted a draft statement on the future of world anthropology in “Current Anthropology” (1979): “The scope of anthropology in terms of areas of human interest includes such critical issues of the contemporary world as problems of environmental management, pressure for the progressive reduction of disparities and the restructuring of the world order, the future of the nation-state, ethnic pluralism and the future of national society, and the harmonization of the roles and functions of institutions with the basic and derived biological and psychic drives of man.” The IUAES itself consists of national and institutional organizations in more than 50 countries in all parts of the world, and also includes some hundreds of individual members. The research effort and involvement of the IUAES is principally arranged by its scientific commissions, of which, currently, there are twenty-seven, and each of which concentrates on some areas of anthropological interest. They included ethnic relations, aging and the aged, women, children, youth, migration, epidemiology and Aids, tourism, primatology, linguistics, and so on.


1.Introduction2.Quo Vadis Homo Sapientissime Transdisciplinary Perspectives of Human Ecology3.Human Evolution in China: Viewed from Multidisciplinary Records4.The Origins of the Japanese People5.Historical Foundation and Current Development of Anthropology and Ethnology in China6.Globalization: The Anthropological Perspective7.Global Economy and Constructed Social Imagination: Intersection of Aesthetics, Race, Gender and Caste in South Asia8.Remapping Anthropologys Peripheral Zones9.Symbols in Place: In Search of the Soul of the City10.The Chinese High-Tech Professionals in Silicon Valley: From Scholars to Entrepreneurs11.Citizenship and the Legitimacy of Governance: Why Anthropology12.Dispossession and Displacement to Protect Nature: The Mobile Harasiis Tribe Faces the 21st Century13.Contributors

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