

1星价 ¥75.8 (7.9折)
2星价¥75.8 定价¥96.0
  • ISBN:9787112141142
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:199
  • 出版时间:2012-06-01
  • 条形码:9787112141142 ; 978-7-112-14114-2


The sophistication of ancient Chinese architecture gives it a specialplace within the architecture of the world. There are magnificentimperial palaces, solemn and breathtaking imperial tombs,mysterious sacrificial and ancestral altars and temples as well asa variety of vernacular dwellings of natural simplicity. Religiousbuildings are dotted about the country, with a riotous profusionof Buddhist, Taoist and Islamic temples or mosques. On top of allthis, city walls and fortifications, civic buildings for miscellaneouspurposes are rich in variety and form impressive landmarks.The exceptional series offers wide coverage of themes pertainingto all aspects of Chinese architecture and is unrivaled both for itsextensiveness and accuracy as well as for the presentation of thematerial.


Map of Vernacular Dwellings Cave Dwelling Areas and Surrounding Historic Sites and Scenic Spots Editor's Note Preface 1 Preface 2General IntroductionThe History of Vernacular Dwellings-Their History, Source and DevelopmentI Vernacular Dwellings of the Pre-Qin Period II Vernacular Dwellings of the Qin, Han and Two Jin Dynasties III Vernacular Dwellings of the Tang and Song Periods IV Vernacular Dwellings of the Ming and Qing PeriodsBuilding Forms of Vernacular Dwellings-Residences Implying Public Awareness, the Style Conforming with Local Conditions I Classification of LayoutsII A Combination of Forms TIT The Layout of Towns and Villages The Artistic Characteristics of Vernacular Dwellings-Rusticity Hiding Preeminence, Simplicity Containing Inspiration I The Appropriate Employment of Space and Compactness, Emptiness andDenseness Complementing Each Other II A Solid External Appearance and a Tranquil Interior, Artistic Concepts Playing a Primary RoleIII Simple and Elegant Techniques Employed to Communicate Between Interior and Exterior IV A Richness of Decoration, Beauty not Characterized by Convention V The Poetic, Pictorial and Musical Essence of Vernacular DwellingsNotes on the PhotographsNorth ChinaMiddle Gate of a Residence in Lishi Lane, Dongcheng District, BeijingArm-Corridors of a Residence in Lishi Lane, Dongcheng District, Beijing……


王其钧,Born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, in 1954, Wang Qijunbegan his professional studies at the Department of FineArts, Nanjing Art College, later obtained his master'sdegree from the Department ofArchitecture, ChongqingCollege ofArchitectural Engineering. He used to be aneditor with the China Architecture & Building Press, buthas, since graduating from Nanjing Art College, alsobeen a painter, many ofhis works for which he has beenawarded a number of prizes been shown at exhibitionsboth on a national and provincial level. A number of hispaintings have appeared in Fine Arts and other journals.His monograph, Chinese Vernacular Dwellings,examines the type, layout, structure, workmanship andaesthetics of these buildings. Drawings in traditionalstyle accompany the text. The author has later onwritten another book on the subject, Chinese TraditionalDomestic Architecture, and recently had a number ofpapers published in the following journals: Architects,Architectural Journal, Fine Arts and Studies on FineA rts, among others.

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