

1星价 ¥693.0 (7.0折)
2星价¥693.0 定价¥990.0
  • ISBN:9787100093033
  • 装帧:字典纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:2239
  • 出版时间:2013-03-01
  • 条形码:9787100093033 ; 978-7-100-09303-3


  《克拉克和林塞尔论侵权法(第20版)》在侵权法领域是一部权威著作。它为侵权法的各个方面提供了*权威有效的指导,并且被从业者和法官广泛的参考和引用。《clerk 和 lindsell论侵权法》一书涵盖了侵权问题的各个方面,包括过失、诽谤、妨扰和非法侵入和法定的侵权行为等。《克拉克和林塞尔论侵权法(第20版)》分别逐章研究了普通法规则和法定的以及个人的和商业的侵权行为,就普遍规则提出了独特的见解,并且通过详细的案例分析展示了这些规则在不同的情况下如何适用。在救济方法上给出了详细的指导,比如赔偿和njunctions,还探究了可能用到的抗辩和论证。《克拉克和林塞尔论侵权法(第20版)》还包含了相关的人权问题。并且该书分析了联邦法律,使得该书与普通法密切相关。定期发行的增补版使你能够及时获得全面更新。


PrefaceTable of CasesTable of StatutesTable of Statutory InstrumentsTable of Civil Procedure RulesTable of Rules of the Supreme CourtTable of European Secondary LegislationTable of International Treaties and Conventions 1. PRINCIPLES OF LiABILTYY IN TORT M. A. Jones 1. The nature of tort liability 2. The functions and development of tort liability 3. The framework of tort liability 2. CAUSATION IN TORT:GENERAL PRINCIPLES M. A. Jones 1. Introduction 2. Factual causation 3. Loss of a chance 4. Causation in law 5. Remoteness of damage 3. GENERAL DEFENCES M. A. Jones 1. Introduction 2. Claimant's wrongdoing (ex turpi causa) 3. Contributory negligence 4. Consent and assumption of risk 5. Exclusion of liability 6. Miscellaneous defences4. JOINT LIABILITY AND CONTRIBUTION J. Murphy 1. Introduction 2. Joint and several torts 3. Contribution 4. Apportionment 5. Indemnity5. CAPACITY AND PARTIES J. Murphy 1. Introduction 2. The Crown 3. Postal services 4. Foreign states and ambassadors 5. Visiting forces 6. Bankrupts 7. Children 8. Persons of unsound mind 9. Husband and wife 10. Assignees 11. Corporations 12. Unincorporated associations and trade unions 13. Partners 14. Joint claimants 15. Judicial acts 16. Statutory protection of justices 17. Ministerial acts 18. Constables6. VICARIOUS LIABILITY J. Murphy 1. Introduction 2. Liability for employees 3. Liability of the employer 4. Independent contractors 5. Loan of chattel 6. Principal and agent 7. Ratification of torts 8. Limitations on liability7. FOREIGN TORTS J. Murphy 1. Introduction 2. Jurisdiction 3. Choice of law …… 8.NEGLIGENCE9.BREACH OF STATUTORY DuTY10.PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY11.PRODUCT LIABILITY AND CONSUMER PROTECTION12.OCCUPIERS,LIABILrrv AND DEFECTIVE PREMISES13.EMPLOYERS,LIABILITY14.PUBLIC SERVICE LIABILITY15.TRESPASS TO THE PERSON16.MALICIOUS PROSECUTION17.WRONGFUL INTERFERENCE WITH GOODS18.DECEIT19.TRESPASS TO LAN-O AND DISPOSSESSION20.NUISANCE AND RYLANDS V FLETCHER21.ANIMALS22.DEFAMATION23.MALICIOUS FALSEHOOD24.ECONOMIC TORTS25.STATUTORY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS26.PASSING OFF27.BREACH OF CON~DENCE AND PRIVACY28.DAMAGES29.INJUNCTIONS30.SELF—HELP31.DISCHARGE OF TORTS32.LIMITATION

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