

1星价 ¥45.0 (5.6折)
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  • ISBN:9787511716538
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:327
  • 出版时间:2013-06-01
  • 条形码:9787511716538 ; 978-7-5117-1653-8




《变化的世界与发展的中国:"当代世界多边对话会"文集(英文)》主要内容包括:China Center for Contemporary World Studies(CCCWS)was founded in l994,and reorganized in 2010.Itsmain fields of research include international situation,political party politics,political system in foreigncountries,China's foreign strategies,socialist theories,social and political trends of thoughts and comparativestudies in development modes.It actively conducts exchanges and academic discussions with foreign politicalparty think tanks and research institutes.


ContentsMessage of Felicitations on the Convention of “The ContemporaryWorld Multilateral Dialogue” /Dai BingguoA Developing China Walks Together with the World /Wang JiaruiSincere Dialogue for Conducive Cooperation /Yu HongjunSession 1:International Structure, Global Governance and the Role of the Emerging CountriesGlobal Good Governance and the Role of China /Yu KepingManaging an Increasingly Interdependent but NonConvergent Global Political Economy: The Role of Emerging Countries / Donald C. HellmannA Multipolarized World and Challenges in an Era of Transition /Cui LiruAfrica and China Relations in the Context of a Changing International System /Chris AldenThe Re-Globalization Tide Is Coming /Zhang YuyanResuming World Growth through Domestic Reforms and Cooperation between US, EU and China / Pierre DefraigneAdapting the Doctrine of Noninterference in Internal Affairs to the New Requirements of the Times / Wang YizhouGlobal Operating Class Entered on the History Scene /Mikhail DelyaginGlobal Governance, Global Crisis—The Role of China and Emerging Countries / Dragana Mitrovic'East Asia's Transformation of Economic Development Mode and Its Significance / Zhang Yunling, Yang Hong enEgypt and the Arab Spring /Abdel Raouf ElreedyThe Challenges Facing Israel in an Unstable Middle East / David HorovitzThe Crisis of Ideology as a Factor of the “Arab Spring” 2011 /Aliaksandr Filipau1Addressing the Financial Crisis amid Regional and Global Changes—the Hungarian Way / Kristóf Szalay BobrovniczkyGeopolitics of the Anglo-Saxon Neocolonialist Water, Energy and Food Wars Against Peace and Harmony of the Humanity / Zoran Petrovic' Piroc'anacU.S.-Chinese Relations in the 21st Century:Energy Security as a Source of Confrontation / Ergin IsmayilSession 2: Security and Development in the Asian Pacific RegionSecurity and Development in the Asian-Pacific Region(APR): An Indian Perspective /Rajiv BhatiaWhen the Balance of History Swings to the Asia-Pacific Region /Ji PingNavigating Sino-Japan Relations in a Time of Uncertainty /Stephanie KleineAhlbrandtThe Main Security Challenges Faced by the Asia-Pacific Region and the Countermeasures /Jin XinBelarusChina Relations in the Changing World /Alexander BazanovCooperation among China, Russia and North Korea in Tumen River Area /Zhu XianpingChinas Political Transition and America's Political Status Quo: A Recipe for Strategic Miscalculation /Kerry GershaneckEnergy Security for Transportation Fuel / Carice WitteSession 3: The Eighteenth CPC National Congress and China's Development Road: Opportunities and ChallengesPeaceful Development Is the Only Right Road for Chin's Rise /Xia LipingChina, Threat or Opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean: Strategic Perspectives about the Relationship /Milton Reyes HerreraSocial Structure Changes in the Era of Networ k/ Liu ShaojieChina—Flag of Socialism /Eusebio GirondaTaking Peaceful Development Road Must Properly Handle the Universal Values / Liu JianfeiXi Jinping: the Challenge of Innovation and Continuity / Alberto G. ForchielliNew Environment and New Approaches of Chin's Foreign Strategies / Jiang LingfeiSocialism and China's Development/ RoadZahari ZaharievNew Aspirations: Towards a Political Collectivebased Social Management Kostas / Gouliamos & Yiannos KatsouridesModernization of China and Russia: Comparative Experience for a Problem of Controllability and Safety of Growth / Nikovskaia Larissa IgorevnaAppendixTaishan Declaration and SpeechesTaishan DeclarationAddress at the Signing Ceremony of Taishan Declaration /Zhou JingAddress at the Signing Ceremony of Taishan Declaration /Jin XinList of Foreign and Chinese Participants of the Dialogue



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