

1星价 ¥101.1 (7.9折)
2星价¥101.1 定价¥128.0
  • ISBN:9787030389480
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:328
  • 出版时间:2014-01-01
  • 条形码:9787030389480 ; 978-7-03-038948-0






导论 introduction
**部分 中国土地政策、法律、制度篇 part one china?s land policies,laws and institutions
1 中国集体土地制度的反思与变革 reflections on china?s collective land institutional reform
2 农村土地“集体所有”的困惑与消解——重新解读宪法第10条 the paradox of the “collective ownership” of china?s rural land and its resolution:reinterpreting article 10 of the 1982 constitution
3 中国农地征用补偿程序的缺陷与完善 improvements to the current procedures of farmland acquisition and compensation in china
4 如何实现征地制度改革的系统性突破——兼论对,土地管理法,修改草案的建议 how to systematically break through the institutions of land acquisition: recommendations on the revision of the land management law
5 放开集体建设用地入市是征地制度改革的题中应有之意 opening the collective construction land market for the reform of land acquisition institutions
6 我国城市化进程中的农民权利及其保障 safeguarding farmers? rights in china?s urbanisation process
第二部分 地方实践、创新篇 part two local practice and innovation
7 关于我国集体土地征收的地方性创新实践——以失地农民的参与为视角 innovative local practices of collective land acquisition through farmer participation
8 对中国农地流转新模式的实证研究——基于沿海和内地四个农村的实地调查 an empirical study of rural land transfers in china:a household survey in four villages
9 政府指导与市场竞价——中国农村土地流转的两种经验模式及其比较 government guiding and market bargaining:two contrasting empirical models of rural land transfers in china
10 耕地占补平衡制度的实施困境、现状与动力——基于对两城实践的调查 the dilemma for balancing farmland demand and supply:a survey on two cities
11 公共协商在土地征用和治理中的应用 the role of public consultation in land acquisition and governance
12 公众参与在土地征用与治理中的实践——以铜陵“三月三”商城为例 practicing public participation in land acquisition and governance:the case of “sanyuesan shopping centre” in tongling
13 “中国农地征用与治理: 参与式学习与实践”项目征地过程公众参与手册 “farmland acquisition and governance in china:participatory learning and experimentation”:a manual on public participation in land acquisition processes
第三部分 国际经验篇 part three international experiences
14 公共参与作为有效治理的工具 participation as a tool for effective governance
15 中日韩土地征收程序比较研究 comparative studies of land acquisition procedures in china,japan and korea
16 越南法律对农地征收的规定及其局限性 the limitations of vietnamese law on compulsory acquisition of agricultural land
17 土地和农业改革的另一种方式:一个土地所有权顾问在乌兹别克斯坦的 经验之谈 a different approach to land and agricultural reform:experiences of a land tenure consultant in uzbekistan
18 蓝城项目:土地征收在荷兰的实践 land acquisition in blauwestad: a dutch experience

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