包邮STEP BY STEP听透VOA语法突破-(中级)-附赠MP3光盘

- ISBN:9787515905884
- 装帧:一般轻型纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:32开
- 页数:288
- 出版时间:2014-01-01
- 条形码:9787515905884 ; 978-7-5159-0588-4
chapter 1 文化之窗
01 pope benedict says goodbye
教皇的*后演说 / 2
02 old proverbs still speak the truth
表述真理的老谚语 / 6
03 nicknames for new york city
纽约别名 / 10
04 a chip on your shoulder
肩上的碎屑 / 14
05 color culture
颜色文化 / 18
06 swan song
天鹅之歌 / 22
07 belittle
“轻视”一词的来历 / 26
chapter 2 灾难来袭
01 search for boston bombers
解析波士顿爆炸案犯 / 32
02 boston bombing suspect exhibited extremism at local mosque
波士顿爆炸案嫌疑犯在本地清真寺表现出极端主义 / 36
03 boston marathon bomber caught town celebrates
波士顿马拉松爆炸案犯被捕,全镇庆贺 / 40
04 boston mosque condemns terrorist bombers
波士顿清真寺谴责恐怖爆炸分子 / 44
05 burma urged to prosecute perpetrators of sectarian unrest
缅甸敦促起诉教派骚乱肇事者 / 48
06 hurricane sandy nearly destroyed saint camillus school
飓风桑迪几乎摧毁了圣卡米勒斯学校 / 52
07 tragedy at one school
校园惨案 / 56
08 superstorm sandy has exposed problems with new york’sinfrastructure
桑迪暴露纽约基础设施问题 / 60
09 aid workers seek to build “resilience” in sahel
援助组织试图培养萨赫勒地区人们的“韧劲” / 64
10 a farmer’s old-fashioned lessons for surviving a drought
学习农民的老派经验应对干旱 / 67
chapter 3 经济之声
01 focus on austerity
聚焦紧缩 / 72
02 obama: spending cuts are “dumb” unnecessary
奥巴马:自动减支原可避免 / 76
03 american wine producers target china
美国酒商剑指中国市场 / 80
04 imf lowers its outlook for world economy
国际货币基金组织下调世界经济预期 / 84
05 fao and oecd predict rising demand for food from china
粮农组织和经合组织预计中国粮食进口需求不断增长 / 88
06 campaigners are calling for the world’s richest countries to end tax havens
示威者呼吁全球*富有国家终结避税天堂 / 92
07 obama administration proposes federal budget
奥巴马政府提议联邦预算 / 96
08 afghan businesses look to expand
阿富汗企业寻求扩张 / 100
09 africa sees strong economic growth
非洲看到强劲的经济增长/ 104
10 chinese appetite for larger,luxury cars
中国人钟爱更大豪华轿车/ 108
chapter 4 教育之道
01 prisident obama visited manor new technology high school in texas
奥巴马总统参观德州马诺新科技高中 / 114
02 about one-third of us nurses struggle to find work
美国1/3的护士找工作难 / 118
03 online classes might revolutionize colleges
网上课程可能会彻底改变大学 / 122
04 us supreme court avoids ruling on affirmative action case
美国高等法院未对招生平权法案做*终裁决 / 126
05 bbc filming on north korea trip sparks anger
bbc摄制朝鲜之旅激起愤怒火花 / 130
06 hunger costs ethiopian economy billions of dollars
饥饿造成埃塞俄比亚每年损失数十亿美元 / 134
07 fight for linguistic heritage
保护语言文化遗产 / 138
08 vietnamese man hopes to raise the quality of education by building libraries
越南男子希望建立图书馆帮助提高教育质量 / 142
09 kurdish lessons now allowed in some turkish schools
土耳其一些学校开始允许开设库尔德语课程 / 146
10 number of international students attending american colleges and universities continues rising
美国高校留学生人数继续增长 / 150
chapter 5 娱乐天地
01 hollywood: state of the union expectations
好莱坞期待国情咨文 / 156
02 oscar-nominated film traces journey of ailing african youngsters
奥斯卡提名影片追溯非洲患病儿童之旅 / 160
03 war witch
奥斯卡*佳外语片提名:《战地巫师》 / 164
04 beat refinery attracts dj hopefuls
摇滚音乐精英学校吸引dj爱好者 / 168
05 every night is fright night at elegant theater
“优雅”剧院的每夜惊魂 / 172
06 taylor swift’s red among best sellers
泰勒?斯威夫特新专辑《红》再破销售记录 / 176
07 gary allan’s set you free focuses on hope
加里?阿兰的专辑《让你自由》:以希望为唱点 / 180
08 drive-in movies in us still draw crowds
汽车影院在美国仍然吸引了大批观众 / 184
09 “man of steel” caps superman’s 70-year evolution
“钢铁侠”超越了超人70年的发展 / 188
chapter 6 健康之路
01 memory decline may be earliest sign of alzheimer’s
记忆力减退可能是老年痴呆前兆 / 194
02 zambia launches program to vaccinate girls against hpv
赞比亚给女孩注射疫苗预防宫颈癌 / 198
03 researchers develop treatment for ptsd
研究人员开发出创伤后应激障碍症的疗法 / 202
04 pregnant women not gaining access to malaria prevention
研究发现孕妇未进行疟疾预防 / 206
05 scientists dispute study of genetically modified corn
科学家对转基因玉米导致肿瘤提出异议 / 210
06 a un warning about chemical dangers
联合国报告:来自化学品的风险加剧 / 214
07 fewer children under the age of five are dying
全球5岁以下儿童死亡率大幅下降 / 218
08 new medical tape reduces pain for newborns, older adults
新型医用胶布可以减少新生儿及老年患者的痛苦 / 222
chapter 7 社会生活
01 same-sex marriage faced a serious test
同性婚姻面临严峻考验 / 228
02 we look at conditions for women in south sudan
南苏丹女性生存状况 / 232
03 life not so sweet for nigerian sugar farmers
尼日利亚糖农的生活不太甜 / 236
04 being sick and getting hurt
生病与受伤 / 240
05 marriage and rights issues
婚姻和权利问题 / 244
06 getting a birth certificate in indonesia can be an administrative nightmare
在印尼,获取出生证明可能是一个行政噩梦 / 248
07 farmers facing theft switch to less edible crops
农民改种其他不易被偷的食物 / 252
08 world not prepared to deal with the fast growth of cities
全球尚未做好准备迎接城市的快速增长 / 256
09 future technology will change life
未来科技改变生活 / 260
10 india turns its attention to the “red planet”
印度“瞄准”火星 / 264
11 internet pioneers share $1.5 million queen elizabeth engineering prize
互联网先驱共享“伊丽莎白工程奖”150万美元奖金 / 268
12 us supreme court rules that human genes are not patentable
美国*高法院裁定不能申请人类基因专利 / 272
13 amazon launches its first shopping website in india
亚马逊在印度推出首个购物网站 / 276
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