作品 2012-2013:中国建筑设计研究院作品选

包邮作品 2012-2013:中国建筑设计研究院作品选

1星价 ¥62.2 (3.5折)
2星价¥62.2 定价¥180.0


  • ISBN:9787112165667
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:30cm
  • 页数:263
  • 出版时间:2014-04-01
  • 条形码:9787112165667 ; 978-7-112-16566-7






重庆国泰艺术中心chongqing guotai arts center绩溪博物馆jixi museum中信金陵酒店citic jinling hotel承德行宫大酒店chengde imperial palace hotel中信泰富朱家角锦江酒店citic pacific zhujiajiao jin jiang hotel清远狮子湖喜来登度假酒店sheraton qingyuan lion lake resort益田影人花园酒店cineaste garden hotel中华人民共和国驻南非大使馆the embassy of the people's republic of china in the republic of south africa中国驻开普敦总领事馆the consulate general of the people's republic of china in cape town新城大厦二期xincheng building,phase ii南昌联发广场nanchang lianfa plaza江西艺术中心jiangxi arts center昆山市文化艺术中心kunshan cultural arts center德州大剧院dezhou grand theater青海艺术中心qinghai arts center大沽口炮台遗址博物馆dagukou fort ruins museum蓬莱古船博物馆penglai ancient ship museum中国杭帮菜博物馆chinese hangzhou cuisine museum濮阳市城乡规划展览馆puyang planning exhibition hall宁波国际贸易展览中心2号馆ningbo i nternationai trade & exhibition center no.2 pavilion青海科技馆qinghai science & technology museum鄂尔多斯机场新航站楼new terminal of erdos airport大同机场新航站楼datong ai rport new terminal苏州火车站站房the building of suzhou railway station苏州i市吴江中学suzhou wujiang middle school南京艺术学院改扩建项目renovation of nanjing arts institute campus北京外国语大学图书馆新馆new library of beijing foreign studies university北京华文学院新校区new campus of beijing chinese language andculture college德阳市奥林匹克后备人才学校deyang oivmpic sports school鄂尔多斯东胜图书馆erdos dongsheng library万州体育中心wa nzhou sports center昌吉体育馆changji stadium北工大软件园二期e地块bpu software park ii-plot e中国科学院电子学研究所怀柔园区huai rou pa rk of electronics in stitute,chjnese academy of sciences绿色建筑材料国家重点实验室state key laboratory of green building materials巴彦淖尔市临河区行政中心administrative service center of linhe district bayan nur city巴彦淖尔市政务服务审批中心administrative approval service center of bayannu r city镇江新区金融大厦financial building of zhe~iang new district宁波市交通运输委员会办公楼office bui jdi ng of transpo rt committee ofningbo municipality宁波市工商局办公楼office buiiding of ningbo administration forindustry & commerce玉树康巴风情商街yushu khamba style commercial street常州方圆·云山诗意changzhou fineland·orient residentiai area四合上院sihe up cou rtyard重庆线外soho及会所the forward-soho & club,chongqing北京风景beuing scenery远洋一方二期poetry of river,phase ii万科·蓝山vanke beijing hills中海·苏黎世家china overseas zurich ga rden太湖湾云顶天海度假村taihuwan yunding tianhai village兰州鸿运润园集成示范住宅integration demonstrative residence of hongyun run garden,lanzhou复地朗香别墅四期forte ronchamps villa,phase iv南京苏宁睿城nanjing suning smart city大同市妇女儿童医院datong women's & children's hospital大同市中医院datong chinese medicine hospital山西省肿瘤医院放疗医技综合楼comprehensive building of shanxi provincial tumor hospital欧美同学会改扩建extension of western returned scholarsassociation威克多制衣中心vicutu garments manufacturing center中间建筑a、f区a/f plots of the inside-out八达岭太阳能热发电站吸热塔thermal absorbtion tower of badaling solar thermal power station

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