

¥25.9 (9.6折) ?
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  • ISBN:9787300193540
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:177
  • 出版时间:2014-08-01
  • 条形码:9787300193540 ; 978-7-300-19354-0






unit 1 human birth
 part ⅰ fertilization and fetal development
 part ⅱ in-vitro fertilization and cloning
 part ⅲ abortion  partⅳ further thinking
unit 2 genes and genetics
 part ⅰ introduction to genes and genetics
 part ⅱ hereditary cancer risks
 part ⅲ genetic engineering  partⅳ further thinking
unit 3 children’s health
 part ⅰ children health crisis
 part ⅱ children’s diet
 part ⅲ hazards to children in family environment
 part ⅳ further thinking
unit 4 women’s health care
 part ⅰ maintenance of women’s health
 part ⅱ threatening diseases to women
 part ⅲ care for disease—endangered women
 part ⅳ further thinking
unit 5 viruses and bacteria
 part ⅰ introduction to viruses and bacteria
 part ⅱ facing diseases brought by viruses and bacteria
 part ⅲ new discoveries in viruses and treatment partⅳ further thinking
unit 6 transplant
 part ⅰ history of transplant
 part ⅱ cases of transplant
 part ⅲ organ donation
 part ⅳ further thinking
unit 7 nutrition
 part ⅰ how much should we take in?
 part ⅱ nutritious or not?
 part ⅲ healthy eating
 part ⅳ further thinking
unit 8 environment and diseases
 part ⅰ facing environmental changes
 part ⅱ pollution and illnesses
 part ⅲ where should we live?
 part ⅳ further thinking
unit 9 psychological problems
 part ⅰ mental health situation
 part ⅱ depression
 part ⅲ treatment
 part ⅳ further thinking
unit 10 emergency treatment
 part ⅰ introduction to emergency medical services (ems)
 part ⅱ emergency de partments in hospitals
 part ⅲ first-aid for patients (what should non-professionals do)
 part ⅳ further thinking
unit 11 health maintenance
 part ⅰ how to live to be 100+?
 part ⅱ mind, psychology and harmony
 part ⅲ traditional chinese medicine (tcm) partⅳ further thinking
unit 12 aging
 part ⅰ research facts about aging
 part ⅱ common diseases in the elderly
 part ⅲ care for the elderly
 part ⅳ further thinking
unit 13 medicare in the united states
 part ⅰ introduction to medicare
 part ⅱ problems in present medicare
 part ⅲ medicare reform
 part ⅳ further thinking
unit 14 circle of life
 part ⅰ live longer and life span
 part ⅱ hospice care and mercy killing
 part ⅲ life extension and cryonics
 part ⅳ further thinking



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