Processing of Advanced Ceramics-先进陶瓷工艺

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  • ISBN:9787502467364
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:212
  • 出版时间:2014-10-01
  • 条形码:9787502467364 ; 978-7-5024-6736-4


the objective to editor this book is to offer a textbook for the students who are majoring the inorganic non-metallic materials science and engineering in the chinese domestic universities. the compiler reads some original english books concerning to ceramic science and engineering, and tries to choice one, but find no one is very suitable, because the content of every book is too abundant.this book presents a brief introduction to the advanced ceramic processing and includes four chapters: advanced ceramics and applications, powder processing, shape forming and sintering.it is the compiler’ wish that “processing of advanced ceramics” will promote the understanding of the technology and processing of advanced ceramics for the students who are studying the inorganic non-metal materials science and engineering, and for engineers and researchers who are working in the field of advanced ceramics.




chapter 1 advanced ceramics and their applications1.1 definition1.2 ceramics classification1.3 progress of advanced ceramics1.4 basic properties of advanced ceramics1.4.1 oxide ceramics1.4.2 non-oxide ceramics1.5 applications of advanced ceramicschapter 2 powder processing2.1 raw materials2.1.1 oxides2.1.2 raw material selection2.2 preparation of powders2.2.1 mechanical methods to prepare powders2.2.2 powder synthesis by chemical methods2.2.3 powders by vapor-phase reactions2.3 characterizing powders2.3.1 characterizing powders by microscropy2.3.2 characterizing powders by light scattering2.3.3 characterizing powders by x-ray diffraction2.3.4 characterizing powders by surface area2.3.5 determining particle composition and puritychapter 3 forming3.1 additives3.1.1 solvents3.1.2 dispersants3.1.3 binder3.1.4 plasticizers3.1.5 other additives3.2 forming of advanced ceramics3.2.1 pressing3.2.2 casting3.3 plastic forming methods3.3.1 extrusion3.3.2 injection3.3.3 roll formingchapter 4 sintering4.1 kiln and furnace4.1.1 classification of ceramic furnaces4.1.2 batch kilns4.1.3 continuous kiln4.1.4 heat elements4.1.5 refractories4.1.6 furniture and crucibles4.1.7 measuring temperature4.2 sintering of advanced ceramics4.2.1 solid-state sintering and liquid-sintering4.2.2 pressureless sintering4.2.3 hot pressing sintering4.2.4 gas pressing sintering4.2.5 reaction sintering4.2.6 spark plasma sintering4.2.7 microwave sintering4.2.8 compare of sintering methods4.3 control of sintering4.3.1 firing curve4.3. 2 atmosphere4.3. 3 sintering problemsreferences




出生于1956年,1982年本科毕业,博士2003.6,1976年参加工作, 1978.2-1982.1华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院无机非金属材料(陶瓷)专业学习,1982.1-1996.8在国家建材局山东工业陶瓷研究设计院工作,1996年9月调入山东大学材料科学与工程学院任教。1990.11-1992.11作为国家公派访问学者在意大利热那亚大学工程学院工程材料中心进修无机非金属材料科学。2001.11-2002.7意大利特伦托大学访问学者;2002.11 -2003.1意大利特伦托大学合作研究。2009.11-2010.5美国佐治亚理工大学高级访问学者。主编《结构陶瓷材料及其应用》(化学工业出版社,2005)。获奖:1.铁铝金属间化合物/氧化铝陶瓷复合材料及其应用,国家科学技术发明二等奖,第2完成人,2001年;2.钛酸钾晶须制备新工艺及其应用技术研究,山东省科学技术发明二等奖,第1完成人,2009年;3.稀土激活超长余辉发光材料及制品研究与应用山东省科学技术进步二等奖,**完成人,2001年。4.FeAl金属间化合物/氧化铝陶瓷复合材料研究山东省省委、省政府 科技重奖成果(三等奖),第二完成人,2000年。4.FeAl金属间化合物/氧化铝陶瓷复合材料研究 山东省科学技术进步一等奖,第二完成人,1999年。

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