- ISBN:9787565909535
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:454
- 出版时间:2015-01-01
- 条形码:9787565909535 ; 978-7-5659-0953-5
本书是美国医师执照考试(usmle)的品牌丛书,本书融病理学知识精要、临床关联和usmle题目为一体,既有利于知识学习,又有助于通过usmle及医学相关的考试,被众多通过usmle的考生推荐为必读参考书,并被世界多所著名医学院校选定为教学用书。该系列书具有以下特点: (1) 提供每门学科*核心的知识,帮助你掌握学科知识的精华;(2)大量的图表,使知识可视化呈现,易于理解和记忆;(3)“临床关联”,帮助你把基础和临床知识融会贯通;(4)每章后附有usmle题目,并有详细解析,帮助你通过usmle等各种考试。
本书是美国医师执照考试(USMLE)的品牌丛书,本书融病理学知识精要、临床关联和USMLE题目为一体,既有利于知识学习,又有助于通过USMLE及医学相关的考试,被众多通过USMLE的考生推荐为必读参考书,并被世界多所著名医学院校选定为教学用书。该系列书具有以下特点:(1) 提供每门学科*核心的知识,帮助你掌握学科知识的精华;(2)大量的图表,使知识可视化呈现,易于理解和记忆;(3)“临床关联”,帮助你把基础和临床知识融会贯通;(4)每章后附有USMLE题目,并有详细解析,帮助你通过USMLE等各种考试。
1. cellular reaction to injury
i. adaptation to environmental stress
ii. hypoxic cell injury
iii. free radical injury
iv. chemical cell injury
v. necrosis
vi. apoptosis
vii. reversible cellular changes and accumulations
viii. disorders characterized by abnormalities of protein folding
review test
2. inflammation
i. introduction
ii. acute inflammation
iii. chronic inflammation
iv. tissue repair
review test
3. hemodynamic dysfunction
i. hemorrhage
ii. hyperemia
iii. infarction
iv. thrombosis
v. embolism
vi. edema
vii. shock
review test
4. genetic disorders
i. chromosomal disorders
ii. modes of inheritance of monogenic disorders
iii. mendelian disorders
iv. balanced polymorphism
v. polygenic and multifactorial disorders
vi. disorders of sexual differentiation
review test
5. immune dysfunction
i. cells of the immune system
ii. cytokines
iii. complement system
iv. human leukocyte antigen system
v. innate versus acquired immunity
vi. mechanisms of immune injury
vii. transplantation immunology
viii. immunodeficiency diseases
ix. autoimmunity
x. connective tissue (collagen) diseases
xi. amyloidosis
review test
6. neoplasia
i. general considerations
ii. classification and nomenclature of tumors
iii. properties of neoplasms
iv. carcinogenesis and etiology
v. other neoplastic disorders with known dna defects
vi. grading and staging
review test
7. environmental pathology
i. physical injury
ii. chemical abuse
iii. environmental chemical injuries
iv. adverse effects of therapeutic drugs
review test
8. nutritional disorders
i. malnutrition
ii. vitamins
iii. obesity
review test
9. vascular system
i. arterial disorders
ii. venous disorders
iii. tumors of blood vessels
iv. vasculitis syndromes (vasculitides)
v. functionalvasculardisorders
vi. hypertension
review test
10. the heart
i. lschemic heart disease (ihd)
ii. rheumatic fever
iii. other forms of endocarditis
iv. valvular heart disease
v. congenital heart disease
vi. diseases of the myocardium
vii. diseases of the pericardium
viii. tumors of the heart
ix. congestive heart failure
x. hypertrophy of the heart
review test
11. anemia
i. generalconcepts
ii. acute posthemorrhagic anemia
iii. iron deficiency anemia
iv. megaloblastic anemias
v. anemia of chronic disease
vi. aplastic anemia
vii. myelophthisic anemia
viii. hemolytic anemias
review test
12. neoplastic and proliferative disorders
of the hematopoietic and lymphoid systems
i. leukemia
ii. myeloproliferative diseases
iii. non-neoplastic lymphoid proliferations
iv. plasma cell disorders
v. lymphoid neoplasms
review test
13. hemorrhagic disorders
i. disorders of primary hemostasis
ii. disorders of secondary hemostasis
iii. combined primary and secondary hemostatic defects
review test
14. respiratory system
i. disorders of the upper respiratory tract
ii. tumors of the upper respiratory tract
iii. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd)
iv. restrictive pulmonary disease
v. pulmonaryvascular disease
vi. pulmonary infection
vii. miscellaneous disorders of the lungs
viii. cancers of the lung
review test
15. gastrointestinal tract
i. diseases of the mouth and jaw
ii. diseases of the salivary glands
iii. diseases of the esophagus
iv. diseases of the stomach
v. diseases of the small intestine
vi. diseases of the colon
vii. diseases of the appendix
review test
16. liver, gallbladder, and exocrine pancreas
i. diseases of the liver
ii. diseases of the gallbladder
iii. diseases of the exocrine pancreas
review test
17. kidney and urinary tract
i. congenital anomalies of the urinary tract
ii. glomerular diseases
iii. urinary tract obstruction
iv. infection of the urinary tract and kidney
v. tubular and interstitial disorders of the kidney
vi. diffuse cortical necrosis
vii. nephrocalcinosis
viii. urolithiasis
ix. cystic diseases of the kidney
x. renal failure
xi. nonrenal causes of azotemia
xii. tumors of the kidney, urinary tract, and bladder
review test
18. male reproductive system
i. diseases of the penis
ii. diseases of the testes
iii. diseases of the prostate
review test
19. female reproductive system and breast
i. vulva and vagina
ii. uterine cervix
iii. uterine corpus
iv. fallopian tubes
v. ovaries
vi. disorders of pregnancy
vii. breast
review test
20. endocrine system
i. pituitary
ii. thyroid gland
iii. parathyroid glands
iv. adrenal glands
v. endocrine pancreas
vi. multiple endocrine neoplasia (men) syndromes
review test
21. skin
i. terminology relating to skin diseases
ii. inflammatory and vesicular lesions
iii. disorders of pigmentation
iv. disorders of viral origin
v. miscellaneous skin disorders
vi. skin malignancies
review test
22. musculoskeletal system
i. diseases of skeletal muscle
ii. diseases of bone
iii. diseases of joints
iv. soft tissue tumors
review test
23. nervous system
i. congenitaldisorders
ii. cerebrovascular disease
iii. head injuries
iv. infections
v. demyelinating diseases
vi. degenerative diseases
vii. tumors
viii. ocular disorders
review test
24. interpretation of diagnostic tests: laboratory statistics
i. general considerations
ii. sensitivity and specificity
iii. positive and negative predictive values
iv. variation
review test
comprehensive examination
1. cellular reaction to injury
i. adaptation to environmental stress
ii. hypoxic cell injury
iii. free radical injury
iv. chemical cell injury
v. necrosis
vi. apoptosis
vii. reversible cellular changes and accumulations
viii. disorders characterized by abnormalities of protein folding
review test
2. inflammation
i. introduction
ii. acute inflammation
iii. chronic inflammation
iv. tissue repair
review test
3. hemodynamic dysfunction
i. hemorrhage
ii. hyperemia
iii. infarction
iv. thrombosis
v. embolism
vi. edema
vii. shock
review test
4. genetic disorders
i. chromosomal disorders
ii. modes of inheritance of monogenic disorders
iii. mendelian disorders
iv. balanced polymorphism
v. polygenic and multifactorial disorders
vi. disorders of sexual differentiation
review test
5. immune dysfunction
i. cells of the immune system
ii. cytokines
iii. complement system
iv. human leukocyte antigen system
v. innate versus acquired immunity
vi. mechanisms of immune injury
vii. transplantation immunology
viii. immunodeficiency diseases
ix. autoimmunity
x. connective tissue (collagen) diseases
xi. amyloidosis
review test
6. neoplasia
i. general considerations
ii. classification and nomenclature of tumors
iii. properties of neoplasms
iv. carcinogenesis and etiology
v. other neoplastic disorders with known dna defects
vi. grading and staging
review test
7. environmental pathology
i. physical injury
ii. chemical abuse
iii. environmental chemical injuries
iv. adverse effects of therapeutic drugs
review test
8. nutritional disorders
i. malnutrition
ii. vitamins
iii. obesity
review test
9. vascular system
i. arterial disorders
ii. venous disorders
iii. tumors of blood vessels
iv. vasculitis syndromes (vasculitides)
v. functionalvasculardisorders
vi. hypertension
review test
10. the heart
i. lschemic heart disease (ihd)
ii. rheumatic fever
iii. other forms of endocarditis
iv. valvular heart disease
v. congenital heart disease
vi. diseases of the myocardium
vii. diseases of the pericardium
viii. tumors of the heart
ix. congestive heart failure
x. hypertrophy of the heart
review test
11. anemia
i. generalconcepts
ii. acute posthemorrhagic anemia
iii. iron deficiency anemia
iv. megaloblastic anemias
v. anemia of chronic disease
vi. aplastic anemia
vii. myelophthisic anemia
viii. hemolytic anemias
review test
12. neoplastic and proliferative disorders
of the hematopoietic and lymphoid systems
i. leukemia
ii. myeloproliferative diseases
iii. non-neoplastic lymphoid proliferations
iv. plasma cell disorders
v. lymphoid neoplasms
review test
13. hemorrhagic disorders
i. disorders of primary hemostasis
ii. disorders of secondary hemostasis
iii. combined primary and secondary hemostatic defects
review test
14. respiratory system
i. disorders of the upper respiratory tract
ii. tumors of the upper respiratory tract
iii. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd)
iv. restrictive pulmonary disease
v. pulmonaryvascular disease
vi. pulmonary infection
vii. miscellaneous disorders of the lungs
viii. cancers of the lung
review test
15. gastrointestinal tract
i. diseases of the mouth and jaw
ii. diseases of the salivary glands
iii. diseases of the esophagus
iv. diseases of the stomach
v. diseases of the small intestine
vi. diseases of the colon
vii. diseases of the appendix
review test
16. liver, gallbladder, and exocrine pancreas
i. diseases of the liver
ii. diseases of the gallbladder
iii. diseases of the exocrine pancreas
review test
17. kidney and urinary tract
i. congenital anomalies of the urinary tract
ii. glomerular diseases
iii. urinary tract obstruction
iv. infection of the urinary tract and kidney
v. tubular and interstitial disorders of the kidney
vi. diffuse cortical necrosis
vii. nephrocalcinosis
viii. urolithiasis
ix. cystic diseases of the kidney
x. renal failure
xi. nonrenal causes of azotemia
xii. tumors of the kidney, urinary tract, and bladder
review test
18. male reproductive system
i. diseases of the penis
ii. diseases of the testes
iii. diseases of the prostate
review test
19. female reproductive system and breast
i. vulva and vagina
ii. uterine cervix
iii. uterine corpus
iv. fallopian tubes
v. ovaries
vi. disorders of pregnancy
vii. breast
review test
20. endocrine system
i. pituitary
ii. thyroid gland
iii. parathyroid glands
iv. adrenal glands
v. endocrine pancreas
vi. multiple endocrine neoplasia (men) syndromes
review test
21. skin
i. terminology relating to skin diseases
ii. inflammatory and vesicular lesions
iii. disorders of pigmentation
iv. disorders of viral origin
v. miscellaneous skin disorders
vi. skin malignancies
review test
22. musculoskeletal system
i. diseases of skeletal muscle
ii. diseases of bone
iii. diseases of joints
iv. soft tissue tumors
review test
23. nervous system
i. congenitaldisorders
ii. cerebrovascular disease
iii. head injuries
iv. infections
v. demyelinating diseases
vi. degenerative diseases
vii. tumors
viii. ocular disorders
review test
24. interpretation of diagnostic tests: laboratory statistics
i. general considerations
ii. sensitivity and specificity
iii. positive and negative predictive values
iv. variation
review test
comprehensive examination
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