- ISBN:9787111487906
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:其它
- 页数:232
- 出版时间:2015-02-01
- 条形码:9787111487906 ; 978-7-111-48790-6
本书涵盖了自动化专业各个发展方向,内容新颖、全面。主要内容涵盖了专业英语课文、专业英语词汇,包括了自动化专业介绍、本专业的学习目标要求以及主要学习内容、控制系统的构成、开环控制和闭环控制、系统稳定性的定义、劳斯稳定判据、根轨迹分析法、系统设计思路和步骤、电力、电路、电路基本定律、微控制器、pid控制、plc以及伺服系统等内容。同时,本书也对专业外语的词汇、语法、符号,阅读的方法,翻译的技巧,英文科技论文的构成和写作要点进行了详细介绍。*后,本书在每篇文章后都附有词汇表、难点分析和注解,可以更好地帮助读者理解和自学。 本书可作为自动化专业本科生及研究生专业英语课程的教材,也可供有关工程技术人员参考。
★本书每单元中有a/b两篇阅读,阅读内容紧密结合自动化专业课程的学习内容,每单元第三部分为与专业英语相关的词汇、语法、翻译以及写作等方面的特点的学习。 ★每单元都有相应的词汇和复杂句难句解释翻译。 ★专业知识内容主要涵盖从电路、电子技术、单片机、dsp、plc、控制理论以及pid控制算法等专业知识,内容安排按照学生对专业知识的学习和认识过程进行安排,符合学生认识事物的规律。
text a what is science
text b sub-disciplines of natural sciences
text c 专业英语概述
unit 2 why learn scientific english
text a major scientific discoveries and breakthrough inventions
text b importance of technology english
text c 专业英语的语法特点
unit 3 introduction of automation and its application
text a what is automation
text b applications of automation
text c 专业英语的词汇特点及分类
unit 4 introduction of automation speciality
text a education objective and scope of employment for automation
text b main courses for undergraduate programs of automation
text c 专业英语的构词法
unit 5 the history and principles of control theory
text a history of control theory
text b research subject and scope of control theory
text c 专业英语的词汇缩写
unit6 open-loop control and closed-loop control
text a basic control principles
text b basic elements of control systems
text c 专业英语中的数学运算和公式
unit 7 stability of linear feedback systems
text a definition of system stability
text b examples of system stability
text c 专业英语中的符号和数字
unit 8 routh-hurwitz stability method
text a routh-hurwitz criterion
text b four special cases in application of routh-hurwitz criterion
text c 专业英语翻译的标准和特点
unit 9 performance of feedback control systems
text a specifications of control systems
text b analysis of a second-order system
text c 翻译的过程
unit 10 root-locus method
text a what is root locus
text b magnitude requirement equation
text c 翻译过程中词性和成分的转换
unit 11 outline of control systems design
text a engineering design
text b control system design
text c 翻译过程中词语的增减和词序的变动
unit 12 steps of control system design
text a steps of control system designⅰ
text b steps of control system designⅱ
text c 否定式和被动式的处理
unit 13 charges and circuits
text a charge and electric current
text b electrical energy, e.m.f. and potential difference
text c 专业英语中电气名词的翻译
unit 14 electrons and electricity
text a electrons
text b how electricity is generated
text c 专业英语中数量词的翻译
unit 15 resistors & ohm's law
text a resistors
text b ohm's law
text c 专业英语中倍数增减及比较的翻译
unit 16 kirchhoff's circuit laws
text a kirchhoff’s current laws(kcl)
text b kirchhoff’s voltage law (kvl)
text c 数字、百分数的翻译
unit 17 microcontroller and microcomputer systems
text a 8051 microcontrollers
text b microcomputer systems
text c 科技论文的结构
unit 18 pid controller theory
text a pid algorithm
text b loop tuning of pid controller
text c 论文题目、作者以及关键词
unit 19 introduction of plc
text a history and development of plc
text b plc compared with other control systems
text c 摘要及其写作要点
unit20 what is dsp?
text a why digital?
text b some basic concepts of dsp
text c 科技论文正文的结构
unit 21 what and why of a machine servo
text a why use a servo?
text b types of servos
text c 科技论文写作i
unit 22 state-space equations
text a some concepts of control systems
text b how to develop state-space equations
text c 结论和致谢的写作
appendix a度量衡
appendix b单位换算
appendix c中英文课程对照
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