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  • ISBN:9787517800408
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:464
  • 出版时间:2014-12-01
  • 条形码:9787517800408 ; 978-7-5178-0040-8






part 1  ancient greek and roman literature
  chapter 1  ancient greek literature
  chapter 2  greek mythology
  chapter 3  homer's epics
  chapter 4  ancient greek drama
  chapter 5  ancient roman literature
part 2  medieval literature in europe
  chapter 1  introduction
  chapter 2  dante alighieri and the divine comedy
part 3  renaissance literature in europe
  chapter 1  introduction
  chapter 2  giovanni boccaccio and the decameron
  chapter 3  miguel de cervantes saavedra and don quixote
  chapter 4  william shakespeare and hamlet
part 4  seventeenthcentury literature in europe
  chapter 1  introduction
  chapter 2  moliere and tartuffe
part 5  eighteenthcentury literature in europe
  chapter 1  introduction
  chapter 2  daniel defoe and robinson crusoe
  chapter 3  jeanjacques rousseau and julie, or new heloise, the confession
  chapter 4  johann wolfgang von goethe and faust, the sorrows of young werther
part 6  nineteenthcentury western literature (1)
  chapter 1  romanticism
  chapter 2  george gordon byron and childe harold's pilgrimage
  chapter 3  victor hugo and notredame de paris
  chapter 4  aleksandr sergeyevich pushkin and eugene onegin
part 7  nineteenthcentury western literature(2)
  chapter 1  realistic literature
  chapter 2  stendhal and the red and the black
  chapter 3  honore de balzac and old goriot
  chapter 4  charles dickens and great expectations
  chapter 5  the bronte sisters and their novels
  chapter 6  thomas hardy and tess of the d'urbervilles
  chapter 7  nikolai gogol and dead souls
  chapter 8  leo tolstoy and anna karenina
  chapter 9  naturalism and other literary trends
part 8  twentiethcentury western literature
  chapter 1  introduction
  chapter 2  d. h. lawrence and sons and lovers
  chapter 3  t. s. eliot and the waste land
  chapter 4  virginia woolf and mrs. dalloway
  chapter 5  franz kafka and the castle
  chapter 6  samuel beckett and waiting for godot
  chapter 7  joseph heller and catch22
  chapter 8  gabriel garcia marquez and one hundred years of solitude
  chapter 9  maksim gorky and mother
part 9  oriental literature
  chapter 1  introduction
  chapter 2  hebrew literature canon: the old testament
  chapter 3  kalidasa and shakuntala
  chapter 4  arabian nights
  chapter 5  murasaki shikibu and the tale of genji
  chapter 6  natsume soseki and i am a cat
  chapter 7  rabindranath tagore and giton]ali
  chapter 8  kawabata yasunari and snow country


高万隆,浙江工商大学人文与传播学院院长、比较文学与文化研究中心副主任、外国语言文学硕士生导师。主要从事外国文学研究和文学翻译及研究,曾在《外国文学评论》《外国文学研究》《文艺研究》《外国文学》《当代外国文学》和Journal of Special Translation等国内外学刊发表论文60余篇,出版专著《婚恋·女权·小说:哈代与劳伦斯小说的主题研究》《艾米莉·勃朗特研究》和Recastina Lin Shu等,出版译著《劳伦斯的生活》《牛津简明英国文学史》和《奥托蘭多城堡》等,编写和主编教材《东方文学简编》《外国文学史》和《翻译理论与实务》等。担任浙江省高校精品课程“英国文学史”主持人、浙江省翻译教学团队负责人。

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