

1星价 ¥78.5 (7.2折)
2星价¥78.5 定价¥109.0
  • ISBN:9787115380371
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:974
  • 出版时间:2015-04-01
  • 条形码:9787115380371 ; 978-7-115-38037-1


《java核心技术 卷i:基础知识(第9版 英文版)》是经典的java图书的*新版。这一版针对java se 7平台进行了全面更新。书中囊括了java的全部基础知识,提供了大量完整且具有实际意义的应用示例,详细介绍了java语言基础、面向对象编程、反射与代理、接口与内部类、事件监听器模型、使用swingui工具进行图形用户界面程序设计、打包应用程序、异常处理、登录与调试、泛型编程、集合框架、多线程等内容。   《java核心技术 卷i:基础知识(第9版 英文版)》适合想将java应用于实际项目的软件开发人员、高等院校教师和学生参考阅读。


java经典图书*新版,前一版曾获得第13届jolt生产效率大奖。   java平台的权威指南,新版做了全面更新,体现了java se 7的变化,将对java se 7新特性的完整描述融入对java基本概念的精辟阐述中。   本书专为做实际项目的程序员编写,是一本真实可信、不偏不倚且简单直接的java教程,书中使用了全面测试过的代码示例来阐述关键的java语言与库的特性,体现了*佳的编程实践。   两位作者均是业内权威人物,有丰富的写作和实战经验。


chapter 1: an introduction to java
1.1 java as a programming platform .
1.2 the java "white paper" buzzwords
1.2.1 simple
1.2.2 object-oriented
1.2.3 network-savvy
1.2.4 robust
1.2.5 secure
1.2.6 architecture-neutral .
1.2.7 portable .
1.2.8 interpreted
1.2.9 high-performance .
1.2.10 multithreaded
1.2.11 dynamic
1.3 java applets and the internet
1.4 a short history of java .
1.5 common misconceptions about java .

chapter 2: the java programming environment
2.1 installing the java development kit
2.1.1 downloading the jdk .
2.1.2 setting the executable path
2.1.3 installing the library source and documentation .
2.1.4 installing the core java program examples
2.1.5 navigating the java directories .
2.2 choosing a development environment
2.3 using the command-line tools .
2.3.1 troubleshooting hints
2.4 using an integrated development environment .
2.4.1 locating compilation errors .
2.5 running a graphical application .
2.6 building and running applets .

chapter 3: fundamental programming structures in java
3.1 a simple java program
3.3 data types
3.3.1 integer types
3.3.2 floating-point types .
3.3.3 the char type .
3.3.4 the boolean type .
3.4 variables .
3.4.1 initializing variables .
3.4.2 constants
3.5 operators
3.5.1 increment and decrement operators .
3.5.2 relational and boolean operators .
3.5.3 bitwise operators
3.5.4 mathematical functions and constants .
3.5.5 conversions between numeric types
3.5.6 casts .
3.5.7 parentheses and operator hierarchy .
3.5.8 enumerated types .
3.6 strings .
3.6.1 substrings .
3.6.2 concatenation
3.6.3 strings are immutable
3.6.4 testing strings for equality
3.6.5 empty and null strings
3.6.5 code points and code units
3.6.6 the string api
3.6.7 readingthe online api documentation .
3.6.8 building strings .
3.7 input and output
3.7.1 reading input .
3.7.2 formatting output
3.7.3 file input and output .
3.8 control flow
3.8.1 block scope .
3.8.2 conditional statements .
3.8.3 loops .
3.8.4 determinate loops
3.8.5 multiple selections-the switch statement
3.8.6 statements that break control flow
3.9 big numbers
3.10 arrays
3.10.1 the "for each" loop
3.10.2 array initializers and anonymous arrays
3.10.3 array copying .
3.10.4 command-line parameters .
3.10.5 array sorting
3.10.6 multidimensional arrays .
3.10.7 ragged arrays .

chapter 4: objects and classes
4.1 introduction to object-oriented programming
4.1.1 classes .
4.1.2 objects .
4.1.3 identifying classes
4.1.4 relationships between classes
4.2 using predefined classes .
4.2.1 objects and object variables .
4.2.2 the gregoriancalendar class of the java library .
4.2.3 mutator and accessor methods
4.3 defining your own classes .
4.3.1 an employee class
4.3.2 use of multiple source files
4.3.3 dissecting the employee class .
4.3.4 first steps with constructors .
4.3.5 implicit and explicit parameters .
4.3.6 benefits of encapsulation .
4.3.7 class-based access privileges .
4.3.8 private methods .
4.3.9 final instance fields
4.4 static fields and methods
4.4.1 static fields .
4.4.2 static constants
4.4.3 static methods
4.4.4 factory methods
4.4.5 the main method
4.5 method parameters .
4.6 object construction
4.6.1 overloading
4.6.2 default field initialization .
4.6.3 the constructor with no arguments
4.6.4 explicit field initialization .
4.6.5 parameter names
4.6.6 calling another constructor .
4.6.7 initialization blocks .
4.6.8 object destruction and the finalizeme



Cay S. Horstmann 是Scala for the Impatient的作者,还与人合著了Core JavaServer Faces。他是圣何塞州立大学计算机科学专业的教授,还是一名Java Champion,并经常在很多开发者大会上演讲。   Gary Cornell 在编程方面拥有20多年的写作和教育经验。他是Apress的创始人之一,编写了很多与开发相关的畅销书,是Jolt大奖的获奖者之一,还荣获过Visual Basic Magazine的读者选择奖。

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