

1星价 ¥9.6 (3.2折)
2星价¥9.3 定价¥30.0


  • ISBN:9787312036729
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:226
  • 出版时间:2015-04-01
  • 条形码:9787312036729 ; 978-7-312-03672-9


  《汽车专业英语》以汽车构造及汽车电子为主线,分为发动机、汽车底盘、汽车电子3个模块,为读者介绍汽车各总成的组成、结构以及工作原理。全书共20个单元,包括课文、词汇、注释、思考题、阅读材料等,并附有词汇表。《汽车专业英语》的编写顺序与汽车构造的顺序基本一致,这有助于读者阅读与学习。  《汽车专业英语》可作为高等工科院校汽车及相关专业的英语教材,也可供汽车工程及相关专业的管理人员和技术人员参考使用。


Unit 1 Overview of Engine
1.1 Engine Configurations
1.2 The Engine Assembly and Components
1.3 The Engine Systems
1.4 Engine Operation

Unit 2 Piston, Connecting Rod and Crankshaft
2.1 Crank Mechanism and Gas Force
2.2 Piston Assembly
2.3 Connecting Rod
2.4 Crankshaft
2.5 Cylinder Numbering and Firing Order
2.6 Flywheel
2.7 Torsional Vibration Balancer

Unit 3 Cooling System
3.1 Water-cooling System
3.2 Air-cooling System

Unit 4 Electronic Fuel Injection System
4.1 Pulse Fuel Injection System
4.2 Types of Pulse Fuel Injection System
4.3 Components of Pulse Fuel Injection System

Unit 5 Emission Control System
5.1 Emission Control
5.2 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
5.3 Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV)
5.4 Evaporation Control System (ECS)
5.5 Dual Flow Air Injection System

Unit 6 The Starting System
6.1 Components and Functions
6.2 Starter Drives

Unit 7 Clutch
7.1 The 'Flywheel
7.2 The Pressure Plate
7.3 The Clutch Plate
7.4 Power Flow Engagement

Unit 8 Automobile Transmission
Unit 9 Automobile Braking System
9.1 Working Principle
9.2 Friction Materials

Unit 10 Automobile Suspension System
10.1 Overview of Suspension
10.2 The Front Suspension
10.3 The Rear Suspension
10.4 Types of Spring
10.5 Shock Absorber

Unit 11 The Final Drive
Unit 12 Automobile Body
Unit 13 Layout of an Automobile
Unit 14 Air Conditioning System
14.1 Compressor
14.2 Condenser
14.3 Evaporator
14.4 Thermal Expansion Valve
14.5 Receiver-drier

Unit 15 Anti-theft System
Unit 16 SRS Air Bag
16.1 Air Bags
16.2 The Future of Air Bags

Unit 17 Cruise Control System
17.1 Functions of Cruise Control System
17.2 Parts of Cruise Control
17.3 Parts of Electronic Cruise Control

Unit 18 Electric Vehicle
18.1 The Controller
18.2 The Motor
18.3 The Batteries
18.4 The Charging System

Unit 19 Automobile Sensors
19.1 Temperature Sensor
19.2 Pressure Sensor
19.3 Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor
19.4 Position Sensor
19.5 Position/Speed Sensor
19.6 Knock Sensor
19.7 Oxygen & Air/Fuel Sensr

Unit 20 Vehicle Electronic System
20.1 ABS
20.2 ASR or TCS
20.3 EBD
20.4 ESP

Appendix Glossary

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