  • ISBN:9787508529691
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:23cm
  • 页数:132
  • 出版时间:2015-03-01
  • 条形码:9787508529691 ; 978-7-5085-2969-1


图书主要介绍了厦门海底隧道的建设实现历程、创新的技术、融资模式、安全质量管理、工程具体组成、运营经验的积累等内容。涵盖的内容全面翔实,突出重点事件和人物,点面结合,图文并茂。通过本书,读者能够全面地了解中国**条海底隧道——翔安隧道的历史、建设、创新、意义,中国海底隧道建设未来的展望等。 the book primarily introduces the carrying out of construction for the project, the innovative technologies it used, its mode of financing, safety control management, specific components of the project, and the operational experience accumulatedduring the xiamen xiang’an tunnel’s construction. it includes detailed content and emphasizes key events and persons by integrating the key points from the construction, as well as using pictures and words. through this book, readers will fully understand the history, construction, innovation and significance of china’s first subsea tunnel – thexiang’an tunnel, and the outlook for china’s subsea tunnel construction in the future. 


海底是人类的未知领域之一,通过海底隧道连接交通,是一个创造性的梦想。翔安隧道这一宏伟的工程,不仅圆了厦门岛内外人民百年来穿越海底抵达彼岸的梦想,也将载入史册,成为具有里程碑意义的中国**条海底隧道。这是迄今为止世界上断面**的钻爆法公路海底隧道,充分展现了中国的海底隧道建设实力和科技创新成果,是中国综合国力的体现。图书历史性地呈现了这一中国的创造性工程的决策、建设、创新和经验成就等内容。 the seabed is almost unchartered territory for human beings, and it is a creative dream to allow transportation through seabed tunnels. the magnificent project of xiang’an tunnel realized the dream of people inside and outside xiamen island for over a century to pass through the seabed and reach the other shore. this milestone project will also be recorded in history as the first subsea tunnel in china. this subsea highway tunnel adopts the drilling and blasting method and it has the largest tunnel cross section for the world until now, fully reflecting the subsea tunnel construction strength, the innovative technological achievements and the comprehensive national strength of china. the book demonstrates the historical decision-making, construction, innovation, experience and achievement of this creative project of china.


徐景明,厦门日报记者 Xu Jingming, Xiamen Daily Reporter

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