  • ISBN:9787300218632
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:274
  • 出版时间:2015-09-01
  • 条形码:9787300218632 ; 978-7-300-21863-2




lesson 1  my familylesson 2  i'm from the greatest man's hometownlesson 3  we like playing basketballlesson 4  my grandma and grandpalesson 5  my fatherlesson 6  my fatherlesson 7  let's be friends in junior highlesson 8  a new starlesson 9 a special girllesson 10  father's love on the photoslesson 11  my homelesson 12  photoslesson 13  new homelesson 14  the country mouse and the city mouselesson 15  strange houseslesson 16  traveling houseslesson 17  lakes and streamslesson 18  the gardenlesson 19  dad's first day at worklesson 20 my new schoollesson 21  the bell rings at midnight lesson 22  game night lesson 23  troop 13 tries too hardlesson 24  india's holi festivallesson 25  the cuddly koalalesson 26  magic manlesson 27  never go down alonelesson 28  a mother's letter to the worldlesson 29  a pleasant talelesson 30  susan's secretlesson 31  singing samlesson 32  how susan made friendslesson 33  our lucky moneylesson 34  christmas in beijinglesson 35  yard sale daylesson 36  performing on tryout daylesson 37  lemonade standlesson 38  in a supermarketlesson 39  in a jewelry storelesson 40  making a bargainlesson 41  the best drink--waterlesson 42  let's have noodleslesson 43  my family's eating habitslesson 44  table mannerslesson 45  chinese lantern festival food workshop for kidslesson 46  child health daylesson 47  how to be a healthy kidlesson 48  sugar addictionlesson 49  how to be safe in the neighborhoodlesson 50  riding rules……



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