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  • ISBN:9787312037320
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:149
  • 出版时间:2015-08-01
  • 条形码:9787312037320 ; 978-7-312-03732-0


  由李玉萍、王永美主编的《商务英语听说(附光盘第1册安徽省高等学校十二五省级规划教材)》以中、美两家公司之间的商务活动流程为线索,选取典型的国际商务工作场景,以“行动导向、项目引领、任务驱动、案例教学”的现代职教理念为依据进行结构设计,有机结合语言学习过程中的训练、认知、巩固和运用环节,以达到帮助学生训练商务交际必要的职业能力的目的。本书为第1册,涉及商务活动的中前期内容,包括接待外商,公司介绍,询盘、报盘和还盘,接受与订单,付款与发货,包装与运输,商检与保险,签订合同8个主题。   本套教材可作为职业院校涉外专业学生的商务英语听说和口语教材,同时也可作为各类培训资料,还可作为广大英语爱好者和涉外商务人员的参考资料。   本套教材配有包含背景介绍、听力原文、练习答案的电子版辅导资料,ppt课件以及听力音频光盘等数字化资源,便于教师制作适用的教学课件、慕课或微课,开展翻转课堂教学。  


本套教材在对市场充分调研的基础上,由商务英语一线教师针对教学过程中发现的问题以及企业对英语听说能力的要求,结合我国高职学生的英语基础和水平以及学习商务英语听说的教学目标和要求组织编写的。教材本着“在英语中学习商务,在商务中应用英语”的原则,以中、美两家公司之间的商务活动的全过程为线索,展现典型的国际商务工作场景。本册从迎接、招待外商开始,历经询盘、下单、付款、交货、商检、保险等国际贸易磋商环节,直至签订合同。 教材分为八个单元,分别是:1、迎接外商 Meeting foreign business partners 2、招待外商 Entertaining business partners 3、询盘、报盘和还盘 Enquiry, offer and count-offer 4、接受和订单 Acceptance and order 5、付款与交货 Payment and delivery 6、包装与运输 Packing and shipping 7、商检与保险 Inspection and insurance 8、签订合同 Signing a contract。


prefaceunit 1 receiving business partners  objectives  brainstorming  situational conversations  conversation 1 meeting business partners at the airport  conversation 2 taking business partners to go through customs  conversation 3 settling business partners at the hotel  conversation 4 dining with business partners  passage  useful sentences  at the airport  at the customs  at the hotel  at the restaurant  practical training  business casesunit 2 introducing the company  objectives  brainstorming  situational conversations  conversation 1 making a company presentation  conversation 2 showing the visitor around the company  conversation 3 giving product introduction (1)  conversation 4 giving product introduction (2)  passage  useful sentences  company presentation  company description  product description  offering discount  practical training  business casesunit 3 inquiry, offer and counter—offer  situational conversations  conversation 1 asking for the price list  conversation 2 inquiring about a quotation  conversation 3 offering a price  conversation 4 making a counter—offer  passage  useful sentences  asking for the price list  inquiring about a quotation  offering a price  making a counter—offer  practical training  business casesunit 4 acceptance and orders  objectives  brainstorming  situational conversations  conversation 1 accepting an order  conversation 2 placing an order  conversation 3 changing an order  conversation 4 executing an order  passage  useful sentences  accepting an order  placing an order  changing an order  executing an order  practical training  business casesunit 5 payment and delivery  situational conversations  conversation 1 talking on the terms of payment  conversation 2 talking on the currency of payment  conversation 3 talking on the date of delivery  conversation 4 talking on the reasons to refuse the d/a or d/p  passage  useful sentences  talking on the terms of payment  talking on the currency of payment  talking on the date of delivery  talking on the reasons to refuse the d/a or d/p  practical training  business casesunit6 packing and shipping  objectives  brainstorming  situational conversations  conversation 1 discussing the engine’ packing  conversation 2 inspecting the packing  conversation 3 talking about the mode of shipment  conversation 4 talking about shipping time and suggesting partial shipment  passage  useful sentences  discussing packing of the goods  inspecting packing of the goods  talking about the ways of transport  talking about shipping time  practical training  business casesunit 7 inspection and insurance  objectives  brainstorming  situational conversations  conversation 1 visiting a plant  conversation 2 inspecting the plant  conversation 3 talking about the insurance  conversation 4 solving the disputes  passage  useful sentences  visiting the factory  inspecting the plant  talking about the insurance  solving the disputes  practical training  business casesunit8 signing a contract  objectives  brainstorming  situational conversations  conversation 1 discussing the contract clauses  conversation 2 amending the contract clauses  conversation 3 signing the contract  conversation 4 hoping to sign a sole  agency agreement  passage  useful sentences  discussing the contfact clauses  amending the contract clauses  signing the contract  looking forward to the future cooperation  practical training  business casesreferences

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