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  • ISBN:9787514342079
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:263
  • 出版时间:2016-01-01
  • 条形码:9787514342079 ; 978-7-5143-4207-9




1、  看国学,学英语,一套漫画书就能搞定!本套图书囊括了蔡志忠漫画中国思想、漫画中国传统经典著作的经典,采用中英文对照的全新编辑方式,英文紧随中文之后,在每一页上立即实现对照,并用大开本印刷,非常方便中英文的交互学习。对于中国读者,国学、英文、漫画,看一本书就有三大收获!
  2、  而在中国国际影响力不断提升的今天,对于想了解中国文化的外国朋友,通过这套入门级的中国思想、传统经典著作的漫画读本,通过没有语言文化隔阂的漫画、和地道的英语来了解中国,甚至对照着学习汉语,也大有益处。
  3、  蔡志忠漫画是博大精深的中国思想的一个现代的图像载体,2013年7月,蔡志忠诸子百家漫画系列拍摄水墨动画,其中260则故事编入中小学教材,持续影响着一代代中国读者。这部书除了能从国学基础上有利于中小学生的成长,更能从英汉双语的交互学习方式上适合现代中小学生的阅读。
  4、  迄今蔡志忠漫画作品在全球近50个国家销售超过40000000套,蔡志忠是世界上*有影响力的漫画家之一。这套书被评价为中国传统哲学与文学的漫画再创作。


关尹子 kuan-yin-tzu关尹子的生平 life of kuan-yin-tzu..........................................1关尹子的生平 life of kuan-yin-tzu.............................................1 诸子百家谈关尹子 ancient philosophers on kuan-yin-tzu ............................9关尹子与老聃 kuan-yin-tzu and lao dan .....................................9 列子学射 lieh-tzu learning archery..............................................14 **章 宇宙就是道 chapter i ­e universe is the tao............................16 道是什么 what is the tao? .....................................................16圣人之道 鬼神不知ghosts and immortals are ignorant of the saint’s tao....................18道即是自然规律 ­e taois the law of nature ..............................................19道无人无我 ­e tao rules out human and self..........................................22道终不可得 ­e taois ultimately unattainable ...........................................24道不以勤成 ­e tao cannot be attained ­rough diligence........................25 吾道如海 our way is like the ocean ........................................28第二章 开天辟地 chapter ii ­e creation..............................................30 宇宙的规律 ­e laws of the universe...................................................30 万象气所生 from the qi spring all manifestations of nature......................32 宇宙天地是梦吗? is the universe or world a dream?................................34 圣人去识不去天地­e saint gets rid of the mind rather thanthe world ......................35元气的运行 ­operation of the primordial qi ............................................37第三章 得道的圣人 chapter iii ­e saint who attains thetao .................39 圣人治天下 ­ saint governs the world............................................39 圣人知古今大同­ saint is aware of the unity between the past and present............40圣人知无我 ­ saintknows ­ere is no self ................................................ 43人之善琴者 ­ose good at playing the qin........................................ 44 圣人所以异乎人 why the saint is di?erent from common people ............. 45 第四章 精神魂魄 chapter iv essence, spirit, soul andvigour ...............48 五行互生灭 ­e five elements promote and constrain each other ............ 48精是水 ­e spirit is water-y.............................................. 49 性者心未萌 intrinsic nature means the heart has no sprout.................... 53 鬼云为魂 hun consists of gui and yun......................................... 54 生死大事 life and death......................................................... 59 第五章 知心无物 chapter v knowing the mind is void..........................62 心蔽者鬼摄之one with a trammelled mind tends to bepossessed by a ghost ........... 62 无一心 commitment............................................................. 64 流者非舟 what flows is not the boat................................................ 66知心无物 knowingthe heart is empty of ­ings ........................................... 67无恃利害是非 do not be particular about gains andlosses, right andwrong ............. 67 心无方 ­e mind knows no bounds................................. 68 以心为师 make the heart yourteacher........................................ 69 事生于意 matters spring from ­oughts .....................................69 心感物 ­e heart perceives ­ings............................................... 70 心能无中示有 ­e heart can show being in non-being ................... 73 天下之理 ­e principles of the world....................................... 74 第六章 梦与觉醒 chapter vi dream and awakening...............................76 无我即是我他无别non-self means no distinction betweenself and others .............. 76 自不见我 i cannot see myself................................................... 79 身是小宇宙 ­e body is a small universe ............................... 80 万物皆有自己的小宇宙 all ­ings have ­eir respective universes .......... 81 土偶之成 clay figurines ....................................... 81 目自观目 eyes seeingeyes .............................................. 82五行互用 ­e five elements interact.......................................... 83 枯龟无我 ­e turtle shell has no self............................................. 84 心忆者犹忘饥 one who misses something forgets abouthunger ..............85 第七章 万法归一 chapter vii all ways converge intoone .....................87 道本至无 ­e tao is void ..............................................87 有即无 being is no-being .....................................................89象由心变 image is generated in the heart.................................90 圣人不存不变 ­e saint does not exist or change.......................................92 圣人任化所以无化­e saint can control change and ­usremain unchanged .........93 大海水一 sea water is an integral whole..................................94 圣人居常虑变 ­e saint is concerned about change in constancy ............94 万化不能厄我 changes cannot chain me ................................95 天下之理 ­e principles of the world.............................................96 第八章 心生万物 chapter viii from the heart springall ­ings ..............97 古之善揲蓍者 master fortune-tellers in ancient time.................................97 五行之变 changes of the five elements ..................................99生物反应 biological reactions.....................................................101 道物归一 ­e tao and all ­ings revert to one..........................................102 第九章 万物非我 chapter ix ­ings are not me...................................104 勿轻小事 do not slight trivial ­ings ................................104 智之极者故愚 one with the ultimate wisdom pretends to be foolish ......106 物非我 ­ings are not me ........................................107 圣人无所见 ­e saint sees nothing .....................................108 目之所见 what the eyes see.............................................109 善今者可以行古 ­ose good at the present can practice the past ............110 能忘道乃能有道 ­ose who forget the tao can attain the tao ...............111 不可卑人尊己 do not place yourself above others ...........................112在愚不在智 better foolish than wise........................................112 少言不遭忌 silence incurs no hatred......................................113 心疾无药医 no medicine can cure the faulty mind................................115 昔之论道者 past preachers of the tao........................................116 圣人的大言 ­e saint’s grand words........................................117 喻道者不言 ­ose who truly know do not speak .....................................117内不见我 外不见人 we do not see self within and otherswithout.............118 圣人言蒙蒙 ­e saint’s words are vague.............................119真中有真非 in truthlies truth and untruth ..............................................121鹖冠子 he guan zi鹖冠子 卷上he guan zi volume 1.......................................................125** 博选 chapterone: extensive selection ............................................126第二 着希 chapter two: recruiting talents and achieving fame ............132第三 夜行 chapter ­ree: walking in the dark........................................138第四 天则 chapter four: ­e laws of heaven..........................................142第五 环流 chapterfive: ­e circle of life ...............................................152第六 道端 chapter six: ­e root of governance.....................................163第七 近迭 chapterseven: achieving victory ............................................173鹖冠子 卷中 he guan zi volume 2............................................182第八 度万 chaptereight: surmising all ­ings .........................................183第九 王 chapter nine: ­e sword of the ruler.......................................190第十 泰鸿 chapter ten: ­e vastness of heaven......................................196第十一 泰录 chapter eleven: ­e records of vast heaven......................203鹖冠子 卷下 he guan zi volume 3.......................................................210第十二 世兵 chapter twelve: warfare of the world................................211第十三 备知 chapter ­irteen: comprehensive knowledge ....................218第十四 兵政 chapter fourteen: ­e military and politics.......................226第十五 学问 chapter fieen: learning and inquiry................................231第十六 世贤 chapter sixteen: virtuous ocials ....................................235第十七 天权  chapter seventeen: divine authority.................................240第十八 能天 chapter eighteen: conforming to heaven...........................250第十九 武灵王 chapter nineteen: king of wuling of zhao....................258 





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