

1星价 ¥336.0 (7.0折)
2星价¥336.0 定价¥480.0
  • ISBN:9787560863030
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:737
  • 出版时间:2016-05-01
  • 条形码:9787560863030 ; 978-7-5608-6303-0


  第六届亚太地区结构安全与可靠度大会(APSSRA)于2016年5月28-30日在同济大学召开。APSSRA是国际土木工程统计与概率应用大会(ICASP)及国际结构安全与可靠大会(ICOSSAR)之间的区域性会议,本次会议是该系列会议在大陆地区首次召开,设立34个分组会议。  《第六届亚太地区结构可靠度与应用研究国际研讨会论文集(英文版)》是此次会议收录的论文中遴选出的精彩文集,论文主题是“未来结构安全与可靠度的理论、方法及工具”。《第六届亚太地区结构可靠度与应用研究国际研讨会论文集(英文版)》适合从事相关领域的技术科研人员参考使用。


About the Suzanne Lacasse Lecture
About the Wilson H.Tang Best Paper Award

Suzanne Lacasse Lecture
Observations on Probabilistic Slope Stability Analysis

Reliability-Based Maintenance of Complex Structures for Life-Cycle Performance
Do We have Compatible Concepts of Epistemic Uncertainty ?
Uncertainty Quantification for Complex Interacting Systems
Some Considerations and Examples for Robust Geoteelmical Design
Challenges in Managing the Risk Posed by Extreme Events
Uncertainty Propagation on Multiple Scales: from Stochastic Geometry to Macroscopic Structural Behavior
Prompt Assessment of Multi-hazard Landslide Risks

Invited Lecture
Life-Cycle Performance-Based Assessment and Management of Civil Infrastructure Considering Reliability, Redundancy, Risk, Sustainability, and Utility

General Sessions
1.Bayesian methods
Bayesian Approaches for Site-specific Model Selection and Probabilistic Characterization of Young's Modulus of Rock
System Identification of a Wind Turbine Tower with a Modified Bayesian Method
Updating Predictions of Time-Dependent Tunnel Convergences Based on Bayesian Approach
Uncertainty Quantification of WIM Monitoring Data by Mixture Distribution Models
Bayesian Updating the Resistance Estimate of Existing Aging Bridges with Service Load History
Multi-source Information Based Slope Safety Evaluation by Using Bayesian Networks
2.Earthquake Engineering
Robust Design Optimization of Structures under Stochastic Earthquake Incorporating Parameter Uncertainty
Seismic Fragility Analysis of Buildings with Sliding Base Foundation
Generation of Seismic Hazard Curve and Synthetic Ground Motion for North Eastern Region of India for Performance Based Seismic Risk Assessment
Reliability Estimation of RC Bridges Subjected to Tsunami Caused by the Anticipated Nankai Trough Earthquake
3.Geotechnical engineering
Reliability of Deep Excavations Depending on Soil Parameter Variations
A Method to Calculate Resistance Factors for LRFD of Driven Piles
Reliability Indices of Equivalent Geotechnical Performance Functions
Optimized Excavation Planning of Underground Pipelines Based on Inaccurate In-line Inspection Data
Dongliang Lu and Smitha Kodum
Probabilistie Assessment of Turmeling Induced Ground Settlements and Damages to Adjacent Buildings
Study on Appropriate Parameters of Grouting Circle for TBM Tunnel under High Water Pressure in Water-Enhanced Region
The Field Application of Inclinometers for Deformation Sensing in metro Shield Tunnel
4.Reliability methods
A Note on the State-space Separation of the Generalized Density Evolution Equation
Sample Size Effect on the Probability Distribution Fitting Accuracy of Random Variable by Using Normal Diffusion Estimation Method-Compared with Normal

Numerical Integration Method for Estimating Failure Probability
Practical Probabilistic Algorithm Illustrated for Stability of the Liziping Tunnel, China: Difference Approximation-Based SORM
Special Sessions
Author Index

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