  • ISBN:9787112194520
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:22cm
  • 页数:95
  • 出版时间:2016-01-01
  • 条形码:9787112194520 ; 978-7-112-19452-0




Fu Qingyuan、Wang Liping编著的《承德外八庙(英文版)(精)》避暑山庄周围的喇嘛教寺庙群是依照西藏、新疆喇嘛教寺庙的形式修建的,以供边疆少数民族的贵族朝觐皇帝时礼佛之用。共12座,其中的8座由清政府直接管理,故被称为“外八庙”。庙宇按照建筑风格分为藏式、汉式和汉藏结合式三种,它们融和了汉、藏等民族建筑艺的精华,气势宏伟,*具皇家风范。这些风格各异的寺庙是当时清政府利用宗教作为笼络手段来团结蒙古、新疆、西藏等地区少数民族而修建的。它们多利用向阳山坡层层修建,主要殿堂耸立突出、雄伟壮观。


1 Architectural ConceptFeng Shui and ArchitectureRites and ArchitectureSymbolism and ArchitectureDragon Culture and Architecture2 Architectural ElementRoof Gates and DoorsWindow Ridge OrnamentsDougongsStylobatesTraditional Chinese FurnitureGlazed Tiles on BuildingsBaofu Colored Patterns in Southern China3 Imperial ArchitecturePalace Museum in BeijingImperial Palace of the Qing Dynasty in Shenyang4 Ritual ArchitectureThe Temple of Heaven in BeijingDaiTemple of Mount TaiBeizhen Temple at Mount Lv Temple of Lord Guan in DongshanThe Confucian TempleLongmu Ancestral TempleTemple of Lord Guan in XiezhouTemple of the South Sea God in GuangzhouHuizhou's Ancestral Temples5 Religious ArchitectureBuddhist Temples at Mount PutuoThree Major Taoist Temples at JianglingWudang Taoist Palaces and AbbeysThe Temples of Mount JiuhuaTianlongshan GrottoesYungang GrottoesTemple of Tibetan Buddhism in Tongren of QinghaiThe Eight Outlying Temples of ChengdeOld Chongfu Temple in ShuozhouDatong Huayan TempleBuddhist Temples in JinyangNorth Alp Mount Hengshan and Xuankong TempleJinci Temple in TaiyuanBuddhist Temples and Pagodas of Dai People in Yunnan ProvinceBuddhist Pagodas and TashaQutan Temple in Qinghai ProvinceBuddhist and Taoist Temples in QianshanTibetan Buddhist Dagobas and Architectural DecorationKalyuan Temple in QuanzhouGuangzhou Guangxiao TempleFoguangTemple of Mount WutaiXiantongTemple of Mount Wutal 6 Ancient Cities and TownsAncient Chinese CitiesGanzhou: City of Song HeritageAncient City of PingyaoAncient City of FenghuangAncient City of ChangshuAncient City of QuanzhouArchitecture of YuezhongPenglai Water CityCastles to Fight Against Foreign Pirates of the Ming DynastyZhaojia CastleZhouzhuangGulangyu IsletNianbadu - Ancient Town of Southwestern Zhejiang7 Ancient VillagesXinye Village in Zhejiang ProvinceCaishijiBuildings in Dong VillagesVernacular Villages in HuizhouDangjia Village in HanchengTangmoVillage - Village of Waterside StreetDonghuali Walking Street in FoshanA Military Village - Zhangbi VillageLuoshui Village - Realm of Matriarchy on the Shore of Lugu Lake8 Folk ArchitectureQuadrgles in BeijingFolk Architecture in SuzhouVernacular Dwellings of Yixian CountyWeiwu House in South JiangxiFolk Architecture of the Bai People in DaliNaxi Civilian Residences in LijiangThe Shikumen DwellingsFolk Architecture in Kashgar Most Elaborate Structure of Fujian Tulou - Eryi Lou in Hua'an9 Burial StructuresThe Ming TombsEastern Tombs of the Qing DynastyThree Tombs of the Qing Dynasty Outside the Shanhai Pass10 GardensImperial GardensChengde Mountain ResortScholars! GardensGardens in Lingnan AreaGardening and RockeriesMaster of the Nets GardenMo's Manor in Pinghu11 Academy of Classical Learning and GuildhallsThe Architecture of Classical CollegesYuelu Academy of Classical LearningThree Major Academies of Classical Learning in JiangxiThe Chen Clan AcademyXillng Society of Seal ArtsThe Architecture of Guildhalls12 OthersTowers and PavilionsPagodaAncient Pagodas in AnhuiThe Wooden Pagoda in Yingxian CountyChinese PavilionsBridges in FujianStone Bridges in ShaoxingMemorial Archways

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