

1星价 ¥42.1 (4.3折)
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  • ISBN:9787510461095
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:235
  • 出版时间:2017-01-01
  • 条形码:9787510461095 ; 978-7-5104-6109-5




中国 Vs. 欧盟 纵览国际局势 聚焦中欧关系发展的*进展 多角度、多视角剖析中欧局势及密切联系 从北京到布鲁塞尔 中欧发展的过去、现在与未来 在错综复杂的国际局势中,中欧关系面临何种机遇和挑战? 且听资深记者详述中欧关系的发展之路 1:独特视角叙述中欧关系现状 2:深度论述中欧关系发展 3:资深记者见证诸多国内国际重大事件


Contents Preface Silk Road Initiative Fit into EU Recovery Goals ‘Landslide’ EU Vote Result Is Less than It May Appear Back to Normal, But Still Much to Do Taking a Page from Europe’s Book Real Partnership with EU Just Starts Unfolding Czechs Help Build Common Prosperity Uneasy Times as Belgium Mourns the Dead After Terror Attacks Opportunities for All as China Pursues Eco-friendly Growth Aging Population Not Necessarily a Burden Chinese Kids Abroad Need Chinese Schools Brussels Streets Show the Dual View of China Spring Festival Diplomacy Counters Critics’ Claims Davos Doubters Won over by China Swiss Offer Lessons in Soft Power New Year’s Wish: Greener China and Safer Europe Climate Talks’ Legacy Must Not Go Silent Green Plans Need Coal Mine Closures EU Can Gain by Granting Market Economy Status Rich Countries Should Honor Climate Vows Paris Success Would Boost Global Confidence This Father’s Hopes for Son’s Safety in His City Currency Inclusion Makes System Fairer A Green Transformation over Six Years Plans for Next Five Years Can Draw on UK Visit Warning to EU Exposes Bias Against China EU Should Help Build More Bridges with China EU Must Pressure US into Taking in Syrian Refugees Western Leaders Missed Rare Chance to Build Peace Will Japan Ever Have Courage to Own up to Its Past? Tsipras Faces a Tough Task to Trigger Growth Time for EU and China to Act on a Free-Trade Deal Principals on Front Line of Climate Change Education Property Market Needs Sound Policy Foundations Many Benefits of a Grand Plan for Affordable Housing From Russia, with Peace, Progress and Purpose Will Greece Ever Seize Its China Opportunities? EU Should Fulfil Role of True Strategic Partner Time for Real Change, Not to Shortchange French Support for Silk Road Initiatives EU Controls on Dual-Use Tech Exports Too Tight Western Politics Distorts Image of China China’s New Road Began in Small Village West Has Spurned Putin’s Peace Gesture Let Words of Conflict Be Put to Rest Deepen Ties Through Nation-Province Pairing Belgium’s Mixed Signals to China A Loose Grasp of a Changing World EU Cannot Afford to Miss out on Bank Egypt’s Capital Idea Is Bold and Innovative Rude Shock, and No Breakfast, on a High-Speed Train The 100-Minute Countdown to an Apocalypse A Road by Any Other Name Stolen at Knifepoint: a Sense of Safety PM’s Choice: New Ideas or Political Death Greece’s Path Is Neither Left nor Right A Time to Act, a Time to Stick Together Election at Risk of Becoming a Greek Tragedy Silk Road Initiatives Not Simply About Trade Tusk Should Prioritize Building Bridge with China New Jobs Rising from China’s Smog The Gap Between EU Ambitions and Reality West Needs to Recognize China’s Green Leadership Juncker Follows in Footsteps of His Hero EU Needs Change of Approach to Be Green Leader Weighing the Van Rompuy Years of EU Courtesy, Not Confrontation, Best for Europe China Needs More Creative Input in Education Let Everyone Feel the Joy of Paid Vacation Beijing Expectant Over Change at EU Helm Voters of the EU Send out a Wake-Up Call An Outline That Can Make a Big Difference Time to Nip Trouble in the Bud Cameron Scores Big in Media Sphere Disappointing Outcome to Climate Talks Finding a Hotel Room in Davos Challenges Me Spending a Pretty Penny Can Be Confusing



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