  • ISBN:9787307187368
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:367页
  • 出版时间:2016-09-01
  • 条形码:9787307187368 ; 978-7-307-18736-8






SECTION I FOUNDING AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF XIANGYA 1 Yale University and Yale-China Association 2 Thurston's Surveyin China 3 Taking Root in Hunan 4 Dr. Edward HumeArriving in Changsha 5 Dr. EdwardHume OpeningYaliHospital 6 Early Days of Yali Hospital 7 First Inpatients andFirst Surgery 8 Removing aTumor 9 False Alarm ofMedical Dispute 10 The Emergency Door 11 A Difficult Delivery 12 Infertility Treatment 13 Treatment of Smallpox 14 Numerous Letters of Thanks 15 Unexpected Rivals 16 The Fortuneteller and Astrologer 17 Superstitious Citizens 18 The Trouble Maker 19 Nina Gage Founding the Nursing School 20 First Conference of the Chinese Nursing Association - 21 Finding a Chinese Equivalent for the Word "Nurse" 22 Dr. Yan Joining the Yali Hospital 23 Dr. Yan Stopping the Plague 24 Dr. Yan Curing Tan Yankai of Lobar Pneumonia 25 Dr. Yan Preventing and Curing Ancylostostomiasis 26 Dr. Yan Founding the Red Cross Hospital and the Renshu Nursing SchoolSECTION II CHINA-US COLLABORATION TO START HUNAN-YALE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 27 Coinage oftheName "Xiangya" 28 Twists and Turns in the China-US Cooperation 29 Chaozong Street, Starting Point for Xiangya 30 Dr. Yan Initiating the Chinese MedicalAssociation and the Hunan Medical Association 31 Teaching of Anthropotomy 32 Xiangya's Relief Efforts during the Liling Battle 33 Relocating and Renaming of the Hospital and Nursing School 34 Mao Zedong as Chief Editor of New Hunan 35 Construction and Relocation of the College 36 Mourning TanYankaiSECTION III REHABILITATION OF XIANGYASECTION IV RELOCATION TO GUIYANG AND CHONGQINGSECTION V XIANGYA RETURNING TO CHANGSHA AFTER VICTORY OVER JAPANSECTION VI BEFORE THE DAYBREAKSECTION VII NEW XIANGYASECTION VIII SKETCHES OF HISTORICAL DOCUMENTSPOSTSCRIPT

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