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  • ISBN:9787513540339
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:116
  • 出版时间:2017-06-23
  • 条形码:9787513540339 ; 978-7-5135-4033-9


  《新编大学英语(长篇阅读3 第3版)》通过有针对性的系统训练,帮助学生掌握重要阅读技能,培养良好阅读习惯,提高阅读效率。  书中分为两大部分:  长篇阅读常用技能:系统介绍长篇阅读九项常用技能,内容深入浅出,易于掌握。  长篇阅读综合技能训练:  ·选篇主题与主教材呼应,在题材、长度、难易递进方面充分体现长篇阅读的特点。  ·练习形式丰富多样,既注重寻读、略读、猜诃晤意、写摘要等长篇阅读基本技能训练,又与大学英语四六级考试长篇阅读题型相结合。


Unit 1 Personality
Passage Ⅰ PersonalityType and Relationship Success
Passage Ⅱ What Makes a Good Teacher?
Passage Ⅲ Your Personality Color

Unit 2 Myths and Legends
Passage Ⅰ The Lady of the Lake——A Welsh Legend
Passage Ⅱ Jason's Adventure: A Greek Myth
Passage Ⅲ Fox in Fables and Folklore

Unit 3 Social Problems
Passage Ⅰ Teens and the Internet: How Much IsToo Much?
Passage Ⅱ Eating Disorders in the Young
Passage Ⅲ Three News Stories Concerning Social Problems

Unit 4 Career Planning
Passage Ⅰ A New Grad's Job-Seeking Story
Passage Ⅱ How to Shine at a Job Interview
Passage Ⅲ Getting My First Job Was a Pain in the Butt!

Unit 5 Language
Passage Ⅰ Can You Understand English?
Passage Ⅱ What's the Language of the Future?
Passage Ⅲ How to Read in a Foreign Language

Unit 6 Man and Animals
Passage Ⅰ The Cleverest Animals
Passage Ⅱ Useful Companions
Passage Ⅲ Vitamin P: How Pets Keep You Healthy and Add Years to Your Life

Unit 7 The Joy of Travel
Passage Ⅰ Guide to World-Famous Sights
Passage Ⅱ Education Out of School
Passage Ⅲ The Silk Road

Unit 8 Natureand Nurture
Passage Ⅰ Genes and Our Health
Passage Ⅱ Genes and Behavior: A Twin Legacy
Passage Ⅲ Twins in School, Together or Apart?

Unit 9 Msic
Passage Ⅰ Don't Scowl, Beethoven, You're Loved
Passage Ⅱ Music and Its Effects
Passage Ⅲ Different Types of Music

Unit 10 Reflections on Life
Passage Ⅰ Life Lessons I Have Learned from People All over the World
Passage Ⅱ My View on Reflections on Life
Passage Ⅲ Daddy Tucked the Blanket


  D) In the early decades of the 20th century, H. G. Wells imagined what would become known as World English in his prophetic (预言的) novel 7he World Set Free. That term for the concept of English as an international language, a global second language, an intellectual and commeraal lubricant, even an instrument of foreign policy on the part of the major English-speaking nations, grew commononly in the 1960s.  E) As English continues to spread, it seems like a steamroller (压路机), squashing whatever gets in its way True, it is often used alongside local languages and does not instantly replace them. Yet its presence shifts the cultural emphases in the lives of those who adopt it, altering their aspirations and expectations. English seems, increasingly, more important. It is possible to imagine it merely coexisting with other languages, but easy to see that coexistence turning into transcendence. AsEnglish impinges (侵犯) on the spaces occupied by other languages, linguists are increasingly fmding that they need to behave like environmentalists: Instead of being scholars they have to become activists.  F) Today it is English, rather than any created alternative, that is the world's auxiliary tongue. There are more people who use English as a second language than its native speakers. Estimates of the numbers vary, but even the most guarded view is that English has 500 million second languagespeakers. Far more of the world's citizens are eagerly jumping on board than trying to resist its progress.  G) Yet, there are challenges to the position of English as the dominant world language in the 21st century. The main ones seem likely to come from Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. Both have more  first language users than English. There is an argument that the revitalization (新生) of minoritylanguages is good for English, because it weakens the large rivals of English and thus removes obstacles to the spread of the language. So, for instance, the resurgence (复苏) of Catalan, Basque and Galiaan weakens Castilian Spanish, which is the standard literary and offiaal form of Spanish, making it a less powerful rival to English. Apologists for English invert this argument, claiming that the advance of English is good for minority languages. The inversion is spurious (具有欺骗性的).  H) The main challenges to English may come from within. There is a long history of people's usingthe language for anti-English ends-of creative artists and political figures asserting in Englishtheir distance from Englishness or Britishness or Americanness. For instance, many writers whose first language has not been English have infused their English writing with foreign flavors; tlus has enabled them to parade(展示) their heritage while working in a medium that has made it possible for them to reach a wide audience.  I) At the same time, native speakers of English tend to assume that their ability in tlus potent languagemakes it unimportant to learn other languages. The reality is different. British companies often nuss out on export opportunities because of a lack of relevant language skills. Moreover, there is a chance that a command of English will within 20 or 30 years be regarded as a basic skill for business, and native speakers of the language will no longer enjoy any competitive advantage.  ……

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