

1星价 ¥63.4 (7.9折)
2星价¥63.4 定价¥80.0
  • ISBN:9787116099821
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:363
  • 出版时间:2017-03-01
  • 条形码:9787116099821 ; 978-7-116-09982-1


  The development, popularization and application of Digital Geological Mapping System are organized by China Geological Survey. It has been widely used in national geological survey since 2004. Now digital mapping system is still in research and development.  Digital regional geological mapping system is the software for whole process of regional geological mapping survey. The functions of this software include the navigation and positioning of BEIDOU and GPS, electronic compass measure, sketch compiling, the field data captured from geological route observation, practical measured profile, geochemical rock survey, geochemical soil survey, geochemical stream sediment survey and heavy placer survey,as well as making geological map, 3D geological map modeling and spatial geological map database establishing.  Base on the logical data layer model, the technology of data stream "pool", the inherited technology of data model in different work flow interoperable data and 3S technology, etc, the seamless integrative technology on digital regional geological mapping system from field data capture to geological map or 3D geological map display not only diminish the difficulty for the use of high technology, but also provide the useful tools to geologists. The precision and efficiency of this system have been greatly improved. The production expression has been enriched. The digital regional geological mapping system has been become as the most currency software in the geological survey in China with its application.


Introduction1 Overview2 Key technology of digital mappingPart ⅠRegional Geological Mapping System (RGMap)1 Overview1.1 System function1.2 Operational environment2 Program installation2.1 Installation of mobile assistant program2.2 Installation of digital mapping system2.3 Installation of digital mapping dictionary3 Preparation of field PRB map4 Collection of field path data4.1 Open the program4.2 Introduction of system shortcut buttons4.3 GPS operation4.3.1 Opening/closing GPS module4.3.2 GPS manual acquisition of data and centered display4.3.3 GPS automatic acquisition of data4.3.4 GPS objective navigation4.3.5 Setting of correction value of GPS error4.4 Free-hand map operation4.4.1 Opening of map4.4.2 Saving of map4.4.3 Closing of map4.4.4 Management of layer4.4.5 Resetting of map4.4.6 System settings4.4.7 Menu customization4.4.8 Browsing of map parameters4.4.9 Version of system4.4.10 Quit from system……

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