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  • ISBN:9787030352392
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:356
  • 出版时间:2017-10-01
  • 条形码:9787030352392 ; 978-7-03-035239-2




Preface Part I Gene Cloning Chapter 1 Introduction to Gene Cloning 1.1 Brief Overview 1.2 Historical Events 1.3 Significance and Alertness Chapter 2 Gene and Genome 2.1 Discovery of Hereditary Factor 2.2 Basic Knowledge of Gene 2.3 Sequence Signals Involved with Gene Expression 2.4 About Genomic and Metagenomic Studies Chapter 3 Basic Techniques for Experiments with DNA 3.1 Enzymatic Tools for Gene Manipulation 3.2 Oligo-nucleotide Tools 3.3 DNA Purification 3.4 Electrophoresis 3.5 In Vitro Synthesis of DNA 3.6 DNA Sequencing 3.7 Macromolecular Hybridization and Blotting 3.8 PGR Techniques Chapter 4 Cloning Procedure 4.1 Basic Procedure of Cloning 4.2 Selection of Gloning Vectors 4.3 Preparation of Donor DNA 4.4 Joining of Donor and Vector by Ligation 4.5 Selection of Host Gells * 4.6 Introduction of Recombinant DNA into Host Gells 4.7 Selection, Screening and Sub-cloning \" 4.8 Derivative Technology Based on Cloning Chapter 5 Application andlmpacts 5.1 Initiation of Recombinant DNA Industry 5.2 GeneraIAspects of Application 5.3 Gontribution and Impact Part II Cell Engineering Chapter 6 Introduction on Cell Engineering 6.1 Brief Overview 6.2 Essentials of CeII Engineering 6.3 Progress Glues Chapter 7 Cell Fusion and Hybridization 7.1 General Aspects 7.2 Protoplast Technique 7.3 Basic Methods of Cell Fusion 7.4 Fusant Screening 7.5 Application of Cell Fusion Chapter 8 Plant Tissue and Cell Culture 8.1 Plant Tissue Culture System 8.2 Gene Transfer to Plants 8.3 Artificial Seeds and Virus-free Plants Chapter 9 Animal Tissue and Cell Culture 9.1 Establishment of Animal Tissue Culture System 9.2 Gene Transfer to AnimaICell 9.3 AnimaIHybrids and Hybridoma 9.4 Approaches of Stem Cell Research Chapter 10 Application Examples from Cell Engineering 10.1 Bioproducts from Gell Engineering 10.2 Breeding of New Agronomic Varieties 10.3 Transgenic Animals as Models for Medical Research Part III Enzyme Technology Chapter 11 Fundamental Nature of Enzyme 11.1 Definition, Basic Nature and Glassification of Enzyme 11.2 Determination of Enzyme Activities 11.3 Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity 11.4 Resources of Enzyme 11.5 Uses of Enzyme Chapter 12 Enzyme Biosynthesis and Products 12.1 Bio-resources of Enzyme 12.2 About Enzyme Synthesis …… Part IV Industrial Fermentation Appendix

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