- ISBN:9787119115283
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:136
- 出版时间:2018-07-01
- 条形码:9787119115283 ; 978-7-119-11528-3
一是共识增多。“一带一路”的“朋友圈”不仅数量增多,而且越来越活跃。目前,已经有100多个国家和国际组织表达了合作意愿,40多个国家同中国签署了共建“一带一路”合作协议。 二是互联互通网络逐渐成形。以中巴经济走廊等“六廊六路多国多港”建设为标志,基础设施、贸易、金融、人文等领域取得了一批重要早期收获。中欧班列贯通欧亚,匈塞铁路、雅万高铁开工建设,中老、中泰等泛亚铁路网建设也迈开重要步伐。 三是产能合作全面推进。中国同近20个国家开展了机制化产能合作,一大批重点项目已经落地生根。 “融”是路径、方式。“融”侧重文明层面的文明互鉴,通心工程、人文格局、文化条件、重义轻利等是关键要素。 “融”展现“一带一路”的精神实质,凸显“一带一路”不仅要提供经济红利,更要创造国际社会良好的人文生态。“通”有形可见,易于感知与衡量;相比之下,以“民心”“人心”为发力重点的“融”则无形不可见,但影响恰恰是根本深远的。在“融”的过程中,需要强调“一带一路”是通心工程,要打造一个相互欣赏、相互理解、相互尊重的人文格局。 “融”强调开放性聚合,而不是生硬地追求趋同、排他性或搞小圈子。“一带一路”是新时期中国对外开放战略的灵魂,也是统筹国内国际两个大局的总抓手。“融”追求亲近,不是西方话语所恪守的等级分明的“门槛”,或非此即彼的“同化”,更不是“大鱼吃小鱼”的“征服”,而是要“各美其美、美人之美、美美与共、天下大同”。 “荣”是愿景、目标。“荣”强调全球治理层面的公共产品,即物质性公共产品、理念性公共产品、制度性公共产品。“一带一路”关注全球的可持续发展问题,不仅要满足国际社会对中国作为负责任大国的预期,更要增强全球民众对光明前景的信心。
Logic and Charms of the BRI
BRI: From Eastern Wisdom to Global Public Product
The Eight Dimensions of the BRI
Mutual Benefit Sets the Tone for the BRI
The Practice: Openness and Sharing of Benefit
BRI Creates a New Open World
BRI Creates New Model of Globalization
BRI Offers New Possibilities for Chinese Diplomacy
BRI: Treating Pain Spots of Development and Scaling Cultural Heights
The Way: Cooperation and Innovation
The Silk Road+ Mechanism and Its Significance
BRI: An Alliance for Innovation
Technical lnnovation Highlights BRI Cooperation
Bright Prospects for China-US Cooperation under the BRI Framework
BRI and China-US Infrastructure Cooperation in Africa
The Call: Inclusiveness and Interconnectivity
A Community of Shared Future Gives Impetus to the BRI
The BRI Should Showcase Three Distinctive Chinese Elements
Bring the BRI to the World
Language Capacity and Closer People-to-People Ties
Addressing Geopolitical Challenges to the BRI
Practice has proven that as a complex systemic project, the BRI can not only offer concrete services in infrastructure facilities, financial integration and unimpeded trade, but also contribute to intangible areas such as concept and system. The BRI has turned from a vision into reality, from Eastern wisdom to a public product for the world. Fruitful Results Four years since its proposal, the BRI has achieved far more than expected. Practice has proven that the BRI is able to provide the world with material and conceptual public products that promote connectivity, common development and global governance. 1. Effective connectivity. Generally connectivity is mainly about infrastructure, personnel and systems and regulations, providing guidance over integration at deeper levels in BRI countries and regions. Infrastructure connectivity is an important component of the BRI, and after four years' time significant progress has been made in this regard, with a pan-Asian railway network taking shape, transnational railways running from Asia to Europe, and sea ports under construction. People-to-people ties are the social foundation of the BRI. To enhance such ties relevant policies have been introduced to make visa application easier between BRI countries. Connectivity in systems and regulations ensures the BRI proceeds smoothly. By connecting strategically and opening free trade zones, BRI countries should follow the principles of openness, inclusiveness, sharing of benefit, and balanced growth to build bilateral, multilateral, regional, and global free trade zones at different levels and in different types. 2. Innovation in new-type international financial institutions. The Silk Road Fund and the AIIB are both public financial products China provides to the international society, both concrete steps it takes for the BRI. Compared with other financial institutions, the AIIB and the Silk Road Fund are pragmatic with new governance rules and standards, diverting more attention to developing countries and their need for financing. It is through these two organizations that China takes part in global financial governance with action, reforming the international monetary system, and increasing public goods supply in the financial sector. These two institutions are also conducive to reforming and recreating trade and investment rules, improving financial and monetary mechanisms, and building a fairer and more rational framework of a new economic order. ……
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