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  • ISBN:9787111606642
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:278
  • 出版时间:2017-02-01
  • 条形码:9787111606642 ; 978-7-111-60664-2


本书秉承新颖性、实务性、可操作性原则,主要依据URC522、UCP600 及URDG758等*新、目前正式使用的靠前结算规则为指南,以靠前结算工具、汇款、托收、信用证业务等常用靠前结算方式为主线,系统分析了靠前结算的基本原理及实务操作流程,同时增加了靠前结算单证制作及靠前结算风险管理的内容。本书还对银行保函、备用信用证及靠前保理等靠前结算方式进行了简要阐述。本书可供高等院校经管类专业教学使用,也可作为相关业务培训用书。


前 言
Chapter 1 Overview of International Settlement 1
Learning Objectives 1
1.1 Concept and Characteristics of International Settlement 1
1.2 The Evolution of International Settlement 4
1.3 Banks for the International Settlement 8
Questions 12
Chapter 2 Payment Instruments in International Settlement 13
Learning Objectives 13
2.1 Overview of Negotiable Instruments 13
2.2 Bill of Exchange 18
2.3 Promissory Note and Cheque 34
Questions 37
Chapter 3 Remittance 40
Learning Objectives 40
3.1 Definition and Parties Concerned 40
3.2 Categories 41
3.3 Reimbursement and Cancellation of Remittance 44
3.4 Application of Remittance in International Trade 46
Questions 48
Chapter 4 Collection 49
Learning Objectives 49
4.1 Definition of Collection and Parties Concerned 49
4.2 Characteristics of Collection and URC 522 54
4.3 Categories and Procedures 56
4.4 Payment Clause under Collection in the International Sales Contract 60
Questions 61
Chapter 5 Letter of Credit 65
Learning Objectives 65
5.1 Definition and Contents of L/ C 65
5.2 Parties Concerned and Their Rights and Obligations 67
5.3 Characteristics of L/ C 73
5.4 General Procedure 74
5.5 Categories of L/ C 84
5.6 Payment Clause by L/ C under Sales Contract 97
Questions 98
Chapter 6 Bank’s Letter of Guarantee 106
Learning Objectives 106
6.1 An Overview of Bank’s Letter of Guarantee 106
6.2 The Functions and Contents of Bank’s Letter of Guarantee 109
6.3 The Types of Bank’s Letter of Guarantee 112
Questions 119
Chapter 7 International Factoring 121
Learning Objectives 121
7.1 Concept and Characteristics of International Factoring 121
7.2 Types of International Factoring 123
7.3 Procedure of Factoring Business 127
Questions 128
Chapter 8 Standby Letter of Credit 131
Learning Objectives 131
8.1 The Connotation and Type of Standby Letter of Credit 131
8.2 Types of Standby Letters of Credit 135
8.3 The Operating Principle of Standby Letters of Credit 138
8.4 International Practice of Standby L/ C 139
Questions 140
Chapter 9 Documents for International Settlement 142
Learning Objectives 142
9.1 General Overview on Documents for International Settlement 142
9.2 Basic Requirements of Making Documents for International Settlement 144
9.3 Commercial Documents: the Making of Invoice 146
9.4 Business Documents: Transport Documents 149
9.5 Commercial Documents: Insurance Documents 158
9.6 Other Commercial Documents 163
9.7 Official Documents 168
Questions 173
Chapter 10 International Settlement Risks & Management 175
Learning Objectives 175
10.1 An Overview of International Settlement Risk 175
10.2 Bill Risks and Prevention 177
10.3 Collection’s Risk and Management 178
10.4 Risk Management Strategy under L/ C 183
Questions 190
第1 章 国际结算概述 194
1.1 国际结算的含义与特征 194
1.2 国际结算的演进 196
1.3 国际结算中的往来银行 198
第2 章 国际结算票据 201
2.1 票据概述 201
2.2 汇票 203
2.3 本票与支票 206
第3 章 汇款 208
3.1 汇款的含义与当事人 208
3.2 汇款类型 208
3.3 汇款的偿付与退汇 209
3.4 汇款的使用 210
第4 章 托收 211
4.1 托收的概念与托收指示 211
4.2 托收的当事人及其责任与义务 211
4.3 托收的种类与一般支付程序 213
4.4 托收支付条款 214
第5 章 信用证 216
5.1 信用证的定义与基本内容 216
5.2 信用证的当事人及其权利与责任 217
5.3 信用证的特点 218
5.4 信用证的业务流程 218
5.5 信用证的种类 219
5.6 信用证支付条款 222
第6 章 银行保函 224
6.1 银行保函概述 224
6.2 银行保函的作用与内容 225
6.3 银行保函的类型 227
6.4 银行保函的业务操作程序和业务处理 230
第7 章 国际保理 233
7.1 国际保理的概念与特点 233
7.2 国际保理的类型 233
7.3 保理业务的程序 235
第8 章 备用信用证 236
8.1 备用信用证的内涵与类型 236
8.2 备用信用证的类型 237
8.3 备用信用证的运作原理 238
8.4 备用信用证国际惯例 239
第9 章 国际结算单据 240
9.1 国际结算单据概述 240
9.2 国际贸易结算单据制作的基本要求 241
9.3 商业单据———发票 242
9.4 商业单据———运输单据 244
9.5 商业单据———保险单据 248
9.6 其他商业单据 250
9.7 官方单据 251
第10 章 国际结算中的风险与防范 254
10.1 国际结算风险概述 254
10.2 票据风险与防范 254
10.3 主要结算方式风险 255
附录 260
附录A Bill of Exchange (汇票) 260
附录B Remittance Application (汇款申请书) 261
附录C Documentary Collection Application (托收申请书) 263
附录D Letter of Credit (信用证) 264
附录E Application for the L/ C(开证申请书) 268
附录F Standby Letter of Credit(备用信用证) 270
附录G Invoice (发票) 273
附录H Bill of Lading (提单) 274
附录I Insurance Policy (保险单) 275
附录J Packing List (装箱单) 276
附录K Weight Memo (重量单) 277
附录L Certificate of Origin (一般原产地证书) 278
参考文献 279

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