
- ISBN:9787544766876
- 装帧:简裝本
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:32开
- 页数:403
- 出版时间:2018-10-01
- 条形码:9787544766876 ; 978-7-5447-6687-6
A Perfect Day for Bananafish
Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut
Just Before the War with the Eskimos
The Laughing Man
Down at the Dinghy
For Esmé—with Love and Squalor
Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes
De Daumier-Smith’s Blue Period
“女士?”年轻人伸手理了理稀疏的头发,抖落沙子,“这很难说,西比尔。有一千个地方是她可能去的。在理发店里,把她的头发染成深褐色;或者给穷人的孩子们做洋娃娃,在她自己房间里。”他趴着,两只手捏成拳头,一个叠在另一个上面, 下巴搁在拳头上。
A Perfect Day for Bananafish
“See more glass,” said Sybil Carpenter, who was staying at the hotel
with her mother. “Did you see more glass?”
“Pussycat, stop saying that. It’s driving Mommy absolutely crazy. Hold still, please.”
Mrs. Carpenter was putting sun-tan oil on Sybil’s shoulders, spreading it down over the delicate, winglike blades of her back. Sybil was sitting insecurely on a huge, inflated beach ball, facing the ocean. She was wearing a canary-yellow two-piece bathing suit, one piece of which she would not actually be needing for another nine or ten years.
“It was really just an ordinary silk handkerchief—you could see when you got up close,” said the woman in the beach chair beside Mrs. Carpenter’s. “I wish I knew how she tied it. It was really darling.”
“It sounds darling,” Mrs. Carpenter agreed. “Sybil, hold still, pussy.”
“Did you see more glass?” said Sybil.
Mrs. Carpenter sighed. “All right,” she said. She replaced the cap on the sun-tan oil bottle. “Now run and play, pussy. Mommy’s going up to the hotel and have a Martini with Mrs. Hubbel. I’ll bring you the olive.”
Set loose, Sybil immediately ran down to the flat part of the beach and began to walk in the direction of Fisherman’s Pavilion. Stopping only to sink a foot in a soggy, collapsed castle, she was soon out of the area reserved for guests of the hotel.
She walked for about a quarter of a mile and then suddenly broke into an oblique run up the soft part of the beach. She stopped short when she reached the place where a young man was lying on his back.
“Are you going in the water, see more glass?” she said.
The young man started, his right hand going to the lapels of his terry-cloth robe. He turned over on his stomach, letting a sausaged towel fall away from his eyes, and squinted up at Sybil.
“Hey. Hello, Sybil.”
“Are you going in the water?”
“I was waiting for you,” said the young man. “What’s new?”
“What?” said Sybil.
“What’s new? What’s on the program?”
“My daddy’s coming tomorrow on a nairiplane,” Sybil said, kicking sand.
“Not in my face, baby,” the young man said, putting his hand on Sybil’s ankle. “Well, it’s about time he got here, your daddy. I’ve been expecting him hourly. Hourly.”
“Where’s the lady?” Sybil said.
“The lady?” The young man brushed some sand out of his thin hair.
“That’s hard to say, Sybil. She may be in any one of a thousand places.
At the hairdresser’s. Having her hair dyed mink. Or making dolls for poor children, in her room.” Lying prone now, he made two fists, set one on top of the other, and rested his chin on the top one. “Ask me something else, Sybil,” he said. “That’s a fine bathing suit you have on. If there’s one thing I like, it’s a blue bathing suit.”
Sybil stared at him, then looked down at her protruding stomach.
“This is a yellow,” she said. “This is a yellow.”
“It is? Come a little closer.”
Sybil took a step forward.
“You’re absolutely right. What a fool I am.”
“Are you going in the water?” Sybil said.
“I’m seriously considering it. I’m giving it plenty of thought, Sybil, you’ll be glad to know.”
Sybil prodded the rubber float that the young man sometimes used as a head-rest. “It needs air,” she said.
“You’re right. It needs more air than I’m willing to admit.” He took away his fists and let his chin rest on the sand. “Sybil,” he said, “you’re looking fine. It’s good to see you. Tell me about yourself.” He reached in front of him and took both of Sybil’s ankles in his hands. “I’m Capricorn,” he said. “What are you?”
“Sharon Lipschutz said you let her sit on the piano seat with you,” Sybil said.
“Sharon Lipschutz said that?”
Sybil nodded vigorously.
He let go of her ankles, drew in his hands, and laid the side of his face on his right forearm. “Well,” he said, “you know how those things happen, Sybil. I was sitting there, playing. And you were nowhere in sight. And Sharon Lipschutz came over and sat down next to me. I couldn’t push her off, could I?”
“Oh, no. No. I couldn’t do that,” said the young man. “I’ll tell you what I did do, though.”
“I pretended she was you.”
Sybil immediately stooped and began to dig in the sand. “Let’s go in the water,” she said.
“All right,” said the young man. “I think I can work it in.”
“Next time, push her off,” Sybil said.
“Push who off?”
“Sharon Lipschutz.”
“Ah, Sharon Lipschutz,” said the young man. “How that name comes up. Mixing memory and desire.” He suddenly got to his feet. He looked at the ocean. “Sybil,” he said, “I’ll tell you what we’ll do. We’ll see if we can catch a banana-fish.”
“A what?”
“A bananafish,” he said, and undid the belt of his robe. He took off the robe. His shoulders were white and narrow, and his trunks were royal blue. He folded the robe, first lengthwise, then in thirds. He unrolled the towel he had used over his eyes, spread it out on the sand, and then laid the folded robe on top of it. He bent over, picked up the float, and secured it under his right arm. Then, with his left hand, he took Sybil’s hand.
The two started to walk down to the ocean.
“I imagine you’ve seen quite a few bananafish in your day,” the young man said.
Sybil shook her head.
“You haven’t? Where do you live, anyway?”
“I don’t know,” said Sybil.
“Sure you know. You must know. Sharon Lipschutz knows where she lives and she’s only three and a half.”
Sybil stopped walking and yanked her hand away from him. She picked up an ordinary beach shell and looked at it with elaborate interest. She threw it down. “Whirly Wood, Connecticut,” she said, and resumed walking, stomach foremost.
“Whirly Wood, Connecticut,” said the young man. “Is that anywhere near Whirly Wood, Connecticut, by any chance?”
Sybil looked at him. “That’s where I live,” she said impatiently. “I live in Whirly Wood, Connecticut.” She ran a few steps ahead of him, caught up her left foot in her left hand, and hopped two or three times.
“You have no idea how clear that makes everything,” the young man said.
Sybil released her foot. “Did you read ‘Little Black Sambo’?” she said.
“It’s very funny you ask me that,” he said. “It so happens I just finished reading it last night.” He reached down and took back Sybil’s hand. “What did you think of it?” he asked her.
“Did the tigers run all around that tree?”
“I thought they’d never stop. I never saw so many tigers.”
“There were only six,” Sybil said.
“Only six!” said the young man. “Do you call that only?”
“Do you like wax?” Sybil asked.
“Do I like what?” asked the young man.
“Very much. Don’t you?”
Sybil nodded. “Do you like olives?” she asked.
“Olives—yes. Olives and wax. I never go anyplace without ’em.”
J.D.塞林格(1919—2010),出生于美国纽约一个犹太富商家庭,从小聪慧却对学习没有什么兴趣,中学辍学后被父母送往军事学院就读,后又有几次大学就读经历,都以退学告终。在哥伦比亚大学夜校部就读期间,其写作才华被良师发觉,发表了数篇短篇小说。第二次世界大战爆发后中断写作,应征入伍,参加过诺曼底登陆与犹他海滩战役,后又从事战时反间谍工作。 1948年,遭受多次退稿后,其备受好评的短篇《抓香蕉鱼*好的日子》在《纽约客》上发表,此后又在该刊上发表多篇作品。1951年,《麦田里的守望者》出版,大获成功,成为美国文学经典,后又陆续出版了短篇集《九故事》、中短篇故事集《弗兰妮与祖伊》,以及中篇集《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,却日益远离媒体,在乡间过着隐居的生活,也鲜有新作问世。2010年,塞林格在新罕布什尔的家中过世,享年91岁。
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