

1星价 ¥66.6 (8.4折)
2星价¥66.6 定价¥79.0
  • ISBN:9787030589361
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:300
  • 出版时间:2018-09-01
  • 条形码:9787030589361 ; 978-7-03-058936-1


Thisbookisabilingualtextbookformechanicsofmaterials,writtenindependentlyinEnglishandChinese,respectively.Themaincontentsofthebookincludemechanicsofmaterialsfundamentals,axialtensionandcompression,torsion,bendinginternalforces,bendingstresses,bendingdeformation,stressanalysisandstrengththeories,combinedloadings,stabilityofcolumn,unsymmetricalbending,energymethods,impactloading,staticallyindeterminatestructures,etc.《BR》  本书是材料力学双语教材,分别由英文和中文独立编写。本书主要内容包括材料力学基础、轴向拉伸与压缩、扭转、弯曲内力、弯曲应力、弯曲变形、应力分析与强度理论、组合载荷、压杆稳定、非对称弯曲、能量方法、冲击载荷和静不定结构等。


This book is a bilingual textbook for mechanics of materials, written independently in English and Chinese, respectively. The main contents of the book include mechanics of materials fundamentals, axial tension and compression, torsion, bending internal forces, bending stresses, bending deformation, stress analysis and strength theories, combined loadings, stability of column, unsymmetrical bending, energy methods, impact loading, statically indeterminate structures, etc. 《Mechanics of Materials材料力学(双语版)》是材料力学双语教材,分别由英文和中文独立编写。《Mechanics of Materials材料力学(双语版)》主要内容包括材料力学基础、轴向拉伸与压缩、扭转、弯曲内力、弯曲应力、弯曲变形、应力分析与强度理论、组合载荷、压杆稳定、非对称弯曲、能量方法、冲击载荷和静不定结构等。


Contents Chapter 1 Mechanics of Materials Fundamentals 1 1.1 External Forces 1 1.2 Internal Forces 2 1.3 Stresses 3 1.4 Strains 7 1.5 Hooke's Law 9 1.6 Tensile Properties of Low-Carbon Steel 9 1.7 Stress-Strain Curve of Ductile Materials Without Distinct Yield Point 11 1.8 Ductile and Brittle Materials 12 1.9 Properties of Materials in Compression 12 Problems 13 Chapter 2 Axial Tension and Compression 15 2.1 Axial Force 15 2.2 Normal Stress on Cross Section 15 2.3 Normal and Shearing Stresses on Oblique Section 16 2.4 Normal Strain 18 2.5 Tensile and Compressive Deformation 19 2.6 Statically Indeterminate Bar in Tension and Compression 21 2.7 Design of Tensile and Compressive Bar 22 Problems 22 Chapter 3 Torsion 25 3.1 Torsional Moment 25 3.2 Hooke's Law in Shear 25 3.3 Shearing Stress on Cross Section 26 3.4 Normal and Shearing Stresses on Oblique Section 29 3.5 Angle of Twist 29 3.6 Statically Indeterminate Shaft 31 3.7 Design of Torsional Shaft 31 Problems 32 Chapter 4 Bending Internal Forces 35 4.1 Shearing-Force and Bending-Moment Diagrams 35 4.2 Relations Between Distributed Load, Shearing Force, and Bending Moment 38 4.3 Relations Between Concentrated Load, Shearing Force, and Bending Moment 40 Problems 42 Chapter 5 Bending Stresses 44 5.1 Normal Stresses on Cross Section in Pure Bending 44 5.2 Normal and Shearing Stresses on Cross Section in Transverse-Force Bending 48 5.3 Design of Bending Beam 52 Problems 53 Chapter 6 Bending Deformation 56 6.1 Method of Integration 57 6.2 Method of Superposition 58 6.3 Statically Indeterminate Beam 59 Problems 60 Chapter 7 Stress Analysis and Strength Theories 62 7.1 Stress Transformation 62 7.2 Principal Stresses 64 7.3 Maximum Shearing Stress 66 7.4 Pressure Vessels 67 7.5 Generalized Hooke's Law 69 7.6 Strength Theories 71 Problems 75 Chapter 8 Combined Loadings 77 8.1 Bar in Eccentric Tension or Compression 77 8.2 I-Beam in Transverse-Force Bending 79 8.3 Beam in Bending and Tension/Compression 82 8.4 Shaft in Torsion and Bending 83 Problems 86 Chapter 9 Stability of Column 88 9.1 Critical Load of Long Column with Pin Supports 88 9.2 Critical Load of Long Column with Other Supports 89 9.3 Critical Stress of Long Column 90 9.4 Critical Stress of Intermediate Column 91 9.5 Design of Column 92 Problems 94 Chapter 10 Unsymmetrical Bending 96 10.1 Unsymmetrical Pure Bending 96 10.2 Unsymmetrical Transverse-Force Bending 99 Problems 104 Chapter 11 Energy Methods 106 11.1 External Work 106 11.2 Stain-Energy Density 107 11.3 Strain Energy 108 11.4 Principle of Work and Energy 111 11.5 Reciprocal Theorem 112 11.6 Castigliano's Theorem 113 11.7 Principle of Virtual Work 116 11.8 Unit Load Method 118 11.9 Applications of Energy Methods 120 Problems 121 Chapter 12 Impact Loading 125 12.1 Vertical Impact 125 12.2 Horizontal Impact 127 Problems 129 Chapter 13 Statically Indeterminate Structures 131 13.1 Static Indeterminacy 131 13.2 Force Method for Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures 132 13.3 Force Method for Analysis of Symmetrical Statically-Indeterminate Structures 137 Problems 139 Appendix I Properties of Area 143 I.1 First Moment (Static Moment) 143 I.2 Moment of Inertia and Polar Moment of Inertia 144 I.3 Radius of Gyration and Polar Radius of Gyration 144 I.4 Product of Inertia 145 I.5 Parallel-Axis Theorem 145 I.6 Properties of Commonly-Used Areas 146 Appendix II Shape Steels 147 II.1 I-Steel 147 II.2 Channel Steel 148 II.3 Equal Angle Steel 149 II.4 Unequal Angle Steel 151 Appendix III Deflection Curves 154 References 155 目录 第1章 材料力学基础 156 1.1 外力 156 1.2 内力 157 1.3 应力 158 1.4 应变 160 1.5 胡克定律 162 1.6 低碳钢拉伸性能 162 1.7 无明显屈服点塑性材料的应力应变曲线 164 1.8 塑性材料和脆性材料 165 1.9 材料压缩性能 165 习题 165 第2章 轴向拉伸与压缩 167 2.1 轴力 167 2.2 横截面正应力 167 2.3 斜截面正应力和剪应力 168 2.4 线应变 170 2.5 拉压变形 171 2.6 静不定拉压杆 172 2.7 拉压杆设计 173 习题 173 第3章 扭转 176 3.1 扭矩 176 3.2 剪切胡克定律 176 3.3 横截面剪应力 177 3.4 斜截面正应力和剪应力 179 3.5 扭转角 180 3.6 静不定轴 180 3.7 扭转轴设计 181 习题 182 第4章 弯曲内力 184 4.1 剪力图和弯矩图 184 4.2 分布载荷、剪力和弯矩之间的关系 186 4.3 集中载荷、剪力和弯矩之间的关系 188 习题 189 第5章 弯曲应力 191 5.1 纯弯曲横截面正应力 191 5.2 横力弯曲横截面正应力和剪应力 194 5.3 弯曲梁设计 197 习题 198 第6章 弯曲变形 201 6.1 积分法 202 6.2 叠加法 203 6.3 静不定梁 203 习题 204 第7章 应力分析与强度理论 206 7.1 应力变换 206 7.2 主应力 208 7.3 *大剪应力 209 7.4 压力容器 211 7.5 广义胡克定律 212 7.6 强度理论 214 习题 217 第8章 组合载荷 218 8.1 偏心拉压杆 218 8.2 横力弯曲工字梁 219 8.3 拉压弯曲梁 221 8.4 弯曲扭转轴 223 习题 225 第9章 压杆稳定 227 9.1 两端铰支细长压杆临界载荷 227 9.2 其他支撑细长压杆临界载荷 228 9.3 细长压杆临界应力 228 9.4 中长压杆临界应力 229 9.5 压杆设计 230 习题 232 第10章 非对称弯曲 233 10.1 非对称纯弯曲 233 10.2 非

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