

1星价 ¥24.0 (6.3折)
2星价¥24.0 定价¥38.0
  • ISBN:9787567017979
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:109
  • 出版时间:2019-01-01
  • 条形码:9787567017979 ; 978-7-5670-1797-9




Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 L2 Reading and Research on L2 Reading
1.1.2 Subvocalization and the Implicit Prosody
1.1.3 Cross-linguistic Difference in Relative Clause Attachment
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Overview of Chapters

Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Models and Research on L2 Reading
2.1.1 Reading Models
2.1.2 L2 Reading: A Language Problem or a Reading Problem?
2.1.3 Research on the Factors Affecting L2 Reading
2.1.4 Summary
2.2 Models and Research on L2 Ambiguity Resolution
2.2.1 Models on Sentence Processing in L1 and L2
2.2.2 Research on L2 Sentence Processing
2.2.3 Summary
2.3 Spoken Prosody and Prosody Acquisition
2.3.1 Spoken Prosody and Language Processing
2.3.2 English Prosody vs Mandarin Prosody
2.3.3 Prosody Acquisition and Transfer
2.3.4 Summary
2.4 Research on the Implicit Prosody Hypothesis
2.4.1 Implicit Prosody Hypothesis
2.4.2 Research on the Implicit Prosody Hypothesis
2.4.3 Summary
2.5 Hypotheses of the Research

Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Design
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Materials
3.3.1 Materials Used in Experiment 1
3.3.2 Materials Used in Experiment 2
3.4 Procedures
3.5 Data Processing
3.5.1 Processing the Trajectories
3.5.2 Processing the Recordings

Chapter 4 Analysis of RC Attachment Preference
4.1 Experiment 1: RC Attachment Preference
4.1.1 RC Attachment in No-bias Sentences
4.1.2 RC Attachment in NP1/NP2-bias Sentences
4.1.3 Summary
4.2 Experiment 2: the Article System and Ambiguity Resolution
4.2.1 A Pilot Study
4.2.2 RC Attachment in Ambiguous Sentences
4.2.3 Summary

Chapter 5 Analysis of the Overt Prosody
5.1 Prosodic Phrasing
5.1.1 The Prosodic Phrasing in No-bias Sentences
5.1.2 The Prosodic Phrasing in NP1/NP2-bias Sentences
5.1.3 Summary
5.2 Accent Placement
5.2.1 Accent Placement in No-bias Sentences
5.2.2 Accent Placement in NP1/NP2-bias Sentences
5.2.3 Summary

Chapter 6 Discussions and Conclusion
6.1 Main Findings
6.1.1 RC Attachment Resolution by Chinese EFL Learners
6.1.2 The Overt Prosody and Its Correlation with Ambiguity Resolution
6.1.3 The Implicit Prosody in L2 Sentence Processing
6.2 Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research
6.3 Conclusion

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