艺术类大学英语综合教程1 (本科教材)

艺术类大学英语综合教程1 (本科教材)

1星价 ¥26.5 (4.9折)
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  • ISBN:9787302434788
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:239
  • 出版时间:2019-07-05
  • 条形码:9787302434788 ; 978-7-302-43478-8




Unit 1 Visual Arts
Section A Listening and Speaking
Task A Phonetics-Rhyming Words*
Task B Conversations
Task C Passage
Task D Spot Dictatio
Section B Reading
Passage A People Have Been Making Art for a Very Long Time
Passage B Self-Portraits by Vincent van Gogh: Take a Good Look at
Passage C Fast Reading Genius of European Art
Section C Grammar
Section D Sentence Writing
Arts and Crafts: Me-shirt

Unit 2 Music
Section A Listening and Speaking
Task A General Pronunciation Rules
Task B Conversations
Task C Passage
Task D Spot Dictation
Section B Reading
Passage A Development of jazz?
Passage B Celine Marie Claudette Dion
Passage C Fast Reading Satchmo-A Jazz Superstar
Section C Grammar
主语 (二) (Subject Ⅱ)
Section D Sentence Writing
Let's Design a Concert Poster!

Unit 3 Festivals
Section A Listening and Speaking
Task A General Pronunciation Rules
Task B Conversations
Task C Passage
Task D Spot Dictation
Section B Reading
Passage A A Thanksgiving Story
Passage B Valentine's Day
Passage C Fast Reading Halloween
Section C Grammar
主谓一致(一) ( Subject-Verb Concord Ⅰ)
Section D Sentence Writing
Celebrate Thanksgiving Day

Unit 4 Creative Advertisements
Section A Listening and Speaking
Task A General Pronunciation Rules
Task B Conversations
Task C Passage
Task D Spot Dictation
Section B Reading
Passage A Sweet and Bitter Advertisements
Passage B The Coca-Cola Hug Machine
Passage C Fast Reading David Ogilvy: the Man Who Invented
Modern Advertising
Section C Grammar
主谓一致(二) (Subject-Verb Concord Ⅱ)
Section D Sentence Writing
The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity

Unit 5 Sports
Section A Listening and Speaking
Task A General Pronunciation Rules
Task B Conversations
Task C Passage
Task D Spot Dictation
Unit 6 Achieving Dreams
Unit 7 Culture
Unit 8 Psychology
Unit 9 Life Beyond the Earth
Unit 10 Architecture

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