

1星价 ¥38.2 (6.4折)
2星价¥38.2 定价¥60.0
  • ISBN:9787519268190
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:104页
  • 出版时间:2020-01-01
  • 条形码:9787519268190 ; 978-7-5192-6819-0


本书共16章, 分别就医学英语的构成, 人体各个部分的结构和功能, 尤其是生物力学的功能, 以及康复从业人员的分类, 病例的描写等方面, 以每篇500字左右的短文形式予以描述。每篇文章都有中文翻译, 里面的英语生词也提出来进行了解释。


1. Medical Terminology - How a Medical Word is Made Up (医学术语 - 医学词汇如何构成)

2. The Human Skeletal System (人体骨骼系统)

3. The Vertebral Column (脊柱)

4. Joints and Ligaments(关节和韧带)

5. Anatomical Position and Related Movement Terms(解剖位置和相关运动术语)

6. The Skeletal Muscle System(骨骼肌系统)

7. The Central Nervous System(中枢神经系统)

8. The Peripheral Nervous System(周围神经系统)

9. The Chest Cavity and Its Contents(胸腔及其内容)

10. The Abdominopelvic cavity(盆腹腔)

11. The Upper Extremity (上肢)

12. The Lower Extremity (下肢)

13. Basics and Application of Body Mechanics(身体力学的基础和运用)

14. Rehabilitation Professionals(康复专业人员)

15. Description of A Geriatric Case for Rehabilitation(老年人康复病例的描述)

16. Patient Initial Interview - Back Pain (患者初诊 - 背痛)



The bones of the upper extremityconnect with the trunk through the shoulder girdle which includes the scapula, sternum,clavicle, and proximal humerus. These 4 bones are linked through one non-synovial joint (the scapulothoracic), and three other synovial joints (the sternoclavicular joints,acromioclavicular joints, and glenohumeral joints). The glenohumeral joint articulates between the glenoid cavity of the scapula and the humeral head and is the main one of these four joints. When you raise your arm, the motion of the shoulder is the result of these four joints acting together. The distal humerus connects with the forearm through the elbow joint. The forearm includes two bones: the radius and the ulna, which further connects to the carpal bones through the wrist joint. In the hand, the metacarpal bones articulate with the carpal bones proximally and with the phalangeal bones distally. There are only two phalangeal bones for the thumb, while each of the other four f ingers have three phalangeal bones: the proximal, middle, and distal phalanxes.


Howe LIU(刘浩)教授,博士生导师,毕业于美国密西西比大学医学中心。现任美国北德克萨斯大学健康科学中心物理治疗系终身教授,美国北德克萨斯大学职业健康学院职称评定与晋升委员会主席,美国康复医学联合会(ACRM) 、美国理疗学会(APTA)、美国老年学会(GSA)会员, 担任十余份SCI杂志编委及审稿人,前ACRM老年康复分会program planning委员, APTA研究会科研奖项评审委员会主席, 2015年及2017年中国教育部"春晖计划"美籍康复专家中国行访问团负责人。目前为十余所国内院校康复治疗系客座教授.

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