  • ISBN:9787521102000
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:262
  • 出版时间:2019-11-01
  • 条形码:9787521102000 ; 978-7-5211-0200-0




Preface: Recording the New Era and Sharing Stories of
Modern-Day Tibet
——Written in Celebration of the 30a' Anniversary of file Publication of China's" Tibet
1 Khada: Indispensable for the Tibetan Race
Text by Kanboin
2 Wind-horse Flags: Communication between Man and All Things Under Ueaven
Text by Liu Zhiqun
3 The Holy Mani Stones
Text & Photo by Huang Lin
4 Burning Incense and Aromatic Plants for Auspicious Smoke in Lhasa
Text by Zhang Zongxian
5 Notes on Ritual Walk Around Holy Mountain Gang Rinpoche
Text by Cheng Weidong
6 Jin Zhiguo and His Tibetan Knives
Text by Chen Dan Photo by Geng Yi
7 Tibet Traditional Construction
——Benma Walls
Text by Cedog
8 Wooden Bowls In Tibetan Families
Text by Zhang Zongxian
9 Art on Seals in Ancient Tibet
Text by Zhou Xicheng
10 Butter Sculptures: Art to Melt the Heart
Text by Na Jianqing
11 The Religion Masks
——the Other Way of Expression of the Human, Ghost and Divinity
Text & Photo by Chen Dan
12 Cave Architecture in Tibet
Text by Tsetop
13 Tangka Painting Art of the Tibetan Race
Text & Photos by Xiaozhou
14 The World's Largest Bronze Buddha and Kasaya
Text by Wangdui
15 Worship Mountain God
Text by Huarui Dongzhi
16 Ancient Mosques in the Home of Tibetan Buddhism
Text by An Caidan
17 The Jokhang Temple: Holy Land in Lhasa
Text by Lama Wangzha
18 Ritual Implements and Sacrificial Objects
——Exhibits of Tibet Museum
Text by Cedain Geleg
19 Ascending Is a New Form of Worship
Text & Photo by Palden Nyima
20 Salt Lakes in Tibet
Text by Zheng Jinping & Qi Wen
21 Evolution of Lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Text by Li Bingyuan
22 A Land of Intoxicating Charms
Text by Purbo Dorje
23 Ngari
——Land of Flemal Atlracfiveness
Text by Yang Nianhua
24 A Probe Into the No.l Moanstery in Tibet
Text by Zhang Guoyun
25 Impressions: How Special is the Tibet's Changtang?
Text & Photo by Joel Berger
26 Circles and Cycles
Text & Photo by Matt Flynn (USA)
27 Tibet and Tibetan Culture in My Eyes
Text & Photo by Colin Mackerras (Australia)
28 "I Hope to Visit Tibet Again"
Text by Zhoima
29 The Tigers of Pemako
Text by George B. Schaller
30 A Lama's Life in the Monastery
Text by Liao Dongfan
31 A Tea Life in Lhasa
Text & Photo by Zhang Qi
32 Love Tokens of Tibetan Herdsmen
Text by Ye Yuling
33 Wine Songs And Culture
Text by Kangco

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