A survivor of the Nanjing massacre Chang Zhiqiangs life

A survivor of the Nanjing massacre Chang Zhiqiangs life

1星价 ¥48.3 (7.0折)
2星价¥48.3 定价¥69.0
  • ISBN:9787119122892
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:23cm
  • 页数:168页
  • 出版时间:2020-07-01
  • 条形码:9787119122892 ; 978-7-119-12289-2


  This book records the historical facts of the Nanjing Massacre from the perspective of a survivor and is of high value among the literature on history. It tells a common but different life story of CHANG Zhiqiang who experienced the massacre and survived: how did a 9-year-old war orphan manage to survive with no relatives to rely on ? How did he start his career and get married ? Why does the aged CHANG find inner peace at the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders ? And what has he done to remind the world of the traumatic history ? This book provides a new perspective and a window for readers to learn about the Nanjing Massacre.


Author's Foreword
Chapter One My Father's Childhood
From a Favorite Child to an Orphan
A Teenager Supporting a Family
My Father's Sister Died of Typhus

Chapter Two My Young Father
Origin of the Name of CHANG Zhiqiang
Two Unfamiliar Words: Paternal Grandparents
Love Missed and Our Siblings' Regret
A Talented, Mild yet Stern Father

Chapter Three My Aged Father
My Father Broke His Silence
My Father Participates in Social Activities
Ms.Matsuoka Tamaki, a Japanese Friend that
My Father Respects
My Father and the Book Nanjing Never Cries by ZHENG Hong
Survivors, Their Descendants and People Who Care for the Survivors

Chapter Four My Father in Nineties
My Father Now
I Record My Father's Remaining Years with Meipian
Friendship between My Father and Professor ZHANG Yubiao
My Father's Influence on Japanese College Students
Mental Dialogue between My Father and a College Student



  常小梅(CHANG Xiaomei),born in 1960 in Nanjing, is the youngest daughter of CHANG Zhiqiang. She takes a keen interest in literature. As a daughter,she has accompanied her father to attend most of his testimony activities and thus understands his psychological status and feeling. In minute descriptions, the book touches the innermost being of CHANG Zhiqiang and reproduces his personal memory as a survivor of the Nanjing Massacre.

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