  • ISBN:9787301314401
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:148
  • 出版时间:2020-08-01
  • 条形码:9787301314401 ; 978-7-301-31440-1




教材为旅游英语视听说立体化教材,采用MES(Modules of Employable Skill,就业技能模块)模块式教学设计,适用于旅游英语、空乘英语、英语口语等课程的教学,也可用作企业员工英语口语、研学旅行培训。教材为老师制作了电子课件,需要电子课件的教师,请注明教学单位及姓名,致函索取。在此,谨向给予我们帮助的中外旅游行业专家和教育工作者表示衷心的感谢。


Unit One Air Tickets and Boarding机票与登机 Chapter 1 Reservation for Air Tickets机票预订 Part One: Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅游知识 Travel Agency 旅行社 Part Two: Attractive to Watch 观看学旅游 Video: How to Save Money When Booking Air Tickets? 如何省钱订机票? Part Three: Amusing to Listen 听说学旅游 Compound Dictation: E-Ticket 电子机票 Part Four: Interesting to Speak 交谈学旅游 Dialogue: Flight Reconfirmation 机票重新确认 Part Five: Useful to Expand—Consolidation 巩固练习 Reading: How to Make Airline Reservations? 如何预订机票? Story-retelling: I Know It's a Big Animal 我知道它是个大动物 Chapter 2 Airport Check-in机场登机 Part One: Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅游知识 ABC about Airport Check-in 机场登机常识 Part Two: Attractive to Watch 观看学旅游 Video: How to Get to the Airport on Time? 如何按时到达机场? Part Three: Amusing to Listen 听说学旅游 Compound Dictation: Online Check-in 网上办理登机手续 Part Four: Interesting to Speak 交谈学旅游 Dialogue: Inquiry About Weight Limit 行李重量咨询 Part Five: Useful to Expand—Consolidation 巩固练习 Reading: Expressions Related to Air Travel 航空旅游相关表述 Story-retelling: Kissing the Luggage Goodbye 与行李吻别 Unit Two On Route and Arrival 途中与抵达 Chapter 3 Amusement During the Flight飞行途中的乐趣 Part One: Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅游知识 In-flight Services 机上服务 Part Two: Attractive to Watch 观看学旅游 Video: How to Recover from Jet Lag? 怎样克服飞行时差综合征? Part Three: Amusing to Listen 听说学旅游 Compound Dictation: Useful Tips Onboard 机上有用小贴士 Part Four: Interesting to Speak 交谈学旅游 Dialogue: In-flight TV Programs and Channels 机上电视节目和频道 Part Five: Useful to Expand—Consolidation 巩固练习 Reading: Are Blind Pilots Flying? 盲人飞行员在飞吗? Story-retelling: The Plane Is Crashing into the Ocean 飞机要掉到海里啦 Chapter 4 Preparations Before Landing 飞抵前的准备 Part One: Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅游知识 Preparations Before the Plane Lands 飞机降落前的准备 Part Two: Attractive to Watch 观看学旅游 Video: United Airlines Touched Down at San Francisco 联合航空公司航班抵达旧金山 Part Three: Amusing to Listen 听说学旅游 Compound Dictation: Landing Announcement 飞机降落机场通知 Part Four: Interesting to Speak 交谈学旅游 Dialogue: Proper Way to Fill Out the Forms 正确的填表方法 Part Five: Useful to Expand—Consolidation 巩固练习 Reading: Instructions on the Declaration Form 报关表须知 Story-retelling: We're Still on the Ground 我们还在地上 Unit Three Hotel and Accommodation酒店与住宿 Chapter 5 Reservation and Check-in 预订与入住 Part One: Know-how for Tourism and Travel 旅游知识 Front Desk/Reception Desk 前台 Part Two: Attractive to Watch 观看学旅游 Video: Hotel Front Desk Clerk 酒店前台人员 Part Three: Amusing to Listen 听说学旅游 Compound Dictation: Tips for Hotel Reservation 酒店预订技巧 Part Four: Interesting to Speak 交谈学旅游 Dialogue: Changing Reservation 改订房间 Part Five: Useful to Expand—Consolidation 巩固练习 Reading: Documents for Hotel Check-in 入住酒店证件 Story-retelling: Don't Treat Us like We're a Couple of Fools 别把我们当成一对傻瓜 Chapter 6 Hotel Check-out 离店结账 Unit Four Transportation for Travel 旅游与交通 Chapter 7 Train and Taxi 火车与出租车 Chapter 8 Travel by Cruise 邮轮旅行 Unit Five Catering Service 餐饮与服务 Chapter 9 Taking Orders 点菜 Chapter 10 Paying the Bill 结账 Unit Six Sightseeing and Vacation 观光与度假 Chapter 11 Sightseeing 观光旅游 Chapter 12 Vacation 度假 Unit Seven Tourism and Shopping 旅游与购物 Chapter 13 Shopping for Souvenirs 购买纪念品 Chapter 14 Shopping for Clothes 购买衣物 Unit Eight Complaints and Emergencies 投诉与应急 Chapter 15 Complaints 投诉 Chapter 16 Emergencies 突发事件



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